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No, that was just me.

I can , however provide a Star Wars reference.

"Hate...of the dark side, it is."

Yoda said that, so you know it's true.

Edit: and I've got to go eat dinner...have fun peeps...

Edited by inexorablePanda
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I once wrote an entire essay on why I believe that in-universe, the Star Wars movies are a series of propaganda films produced to promote the charismatic dictatorship of Luke Skywalker, and that the Sith are actually an oppressed religious minority analogous to the Jews of Nazi Germany.


My mother/teacher said that she'd never look at those movies the same way again. I've also been told that I should be writing fanfiction. :P

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I'm under sixteen as well and younger than Ashiok. Not gonna post my actual age but I'm pretty sure I'm the youngest. Surprise!

I also wouldn't have thought you were that young. Wow. I'm impressed.


Kobold, that sounds interesting, I'd read it.


This weekend, I should have more time to catch up in both docs for Connell and the Triumvirate as well as do Altermind's post. Hopefully. :P Maybe I'll finally finish my profile for Padiá too. 

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I'd have to do a bit of digging to find it, but if there's interest I might pretty it up a bit and post it. :P

There is interest. Of course, I might have to get all axe murderer angry with you if you destroy Star Wars for me, but hey, it sounds fascinating.

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