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Like Winter said, Funtimes has no PI, both her teleportation and her matter manipulation are active abilities (i.e., she has to engage them consciously; bullets don't automatically turn to jelly beans when they near her) and her range is rather limited (she couldn't suddenly decide a building across town needed to become a giant Jello mold and have it become a giant Jello mold without going to the building and changing it). And, like I told Kobold, I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking of ways to make her less powerful. I knew she was powerful at the outset, but the last thing I want to do is make her game-breakingly powerful. (Over the course of the RP, many of her fights have ended in truces or stalemates; her fight with Fortuity ended the way it did (I recently learned) because his weakness was in effect.) 


She also read these quotes right here. 


I'm sure the Doctor would make an excellent soup though...

On the other hand, it would be hard to get the glitter out of that soup...




I hope you're pleased with yourself.

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*intentional double post*

This thought just struck me. When Funtimes turns completely evil, she should reenact that one Joker scene from The Dark Knight.

Funtimes: Hey kid, I'm gonna show you a magic trick. I'm gonna make this pencil...disappear.

Excited kid: Cool! *walks over as Funtimes stabs pencil into table* What are you going to turn it into, Funtimes?!

Funtimes: *slams kid down on pencil* Hey look. It...disappeared.

Edit: I just realized that I should probably be added to Kurkistan's list for that post...that was really dark.

Edited by inexorablePanda
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*intentional double post*

This thought just struck me. When Funtimes turns completely evil, she should reenact that one Joker scene from The Dark Knight.

Funtimes: Hey kid, I'm gonna show you a magic trick. I'm gonna make this pencil...disappear.

Excited kid: Cool! *walks over as Funtimes stabs pencil into table* What are you going to turn it into, Funtimes?!

Funtimes: *slams kid down on pencil* Hey look. It...disappeared.

Edit: I just realized that I should probably be added to Kurkistan's list for that post...that was really dark.


Well, if that adds you to his list, most of us should be on there. :P You haven't read Portland yet, but Nighthound is awful and recently, Quota, Timeport, and Electro are making it up the list too. Electro actually had a Joker-esque scene. Similar to the Ferry scene, only slightly different. 


There's also a scene from Max that was made to emulate one from the Avengers. (The old man in Germany.)

Like Winter said, Funtimes has no PI, both her teleportation and her matter manipulation are active abilities (i.e., she has to engage them consciously; bullets don't automatically turn to jelly beans when they near her) and her range is rather limited (she couldn't suddenly decide a building across town needed to become a giant Jello mold and have it become a giant Jello mold without going to the building and changing it). And, like I told Kobold, I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking of ways to make her less powerful. I knew she was powerful at the outset, but the last thing I want to do is make her game-breakingly powerful. (Over the course of the RP, many of her fights have ended in truces or stalemates; her fight with Fortuity ended the way it did (I recently learned) because his weakness was in effect.) 


She also read these quotes right here. 





I hope you're pleased with yourself.

Nothing's wrong with Funtimes making good soup. I'd eat any soup she made. :P

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Oh, I thought she meant Twilyght would taste good if she was a pizza.

She? First my youth is being questioned and now my gender, oh woe is me. :P


The dream rejuvenated The Panda. Zealous faith is powering him on right now.


Well, I guess The Panda isn't going to win this one (By the way, ear protection muffles, but it doesn't block out. So loud sounds like gunshots will be made into low "thud" sounds, but high pitched sounds could potentially break through.)


Alright: Take 2.


The Panda can heal very quickly from wounds. faster than even the Wolverine. While the helicopter is retreating, The Panda retreats towards the ground to a nearby group of captured humans. In full sight of Vondra, he transforms them into pandas, possibly antagonizing Vondra to come down and attack him. Meanwhile, his Epics and some of his pandas converge to areas close to him (but unseen by the Guards and Epics) and prepare for a possible ambush.


Screeching would force Siren to cover his ears in agony, breaking him off from his song.



See above.

I guess, given that no one else replied yet I will.

I can see him having recovered from what he did the day ago but you´re not using insanity as a means to ignore the limits you´ve set for him. The most important one of those is the brain damage. From your description he´ll need both concentration and time to heal that, a long rest if you feel like using old school RPG terms. Until he gets that his mental capacities are going to be crippled, which in turn also means he can´t use his powers to their full effect. He shouldn´t be able to pull any impressive physical stunts nor work fast or precise, double so from a distance. Really, by the time he approached soldiers they can shoot of his legs and retreat.


Who's up next in Baxter Game's office? I forget.

Well, both Baxter and Shiny Sparkle directed at Autumn, so Twi I guess.



Hey, just so everyone knows, effective tomorrow, I will be changing my name to "Snoopy"

I will keep my title and pic the same for a while, but the name will be changing.

...who are you? :ph34r::P


As promised some days ago, here is my sister's second drawing, this one of Nightweilder. 




She's also experimenting with the manga style in hopes of learning to draw faces, so we might get that drawing of Conflux after all. :D

Nightwielder is a ninja now, deal with it.

Edited by Edgedancer
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She? First my youth is being questioned and now my gender, oh woe is me. :P

sorry. I just pegged the pony profile pic as a girl, without even looking at the stated gender.


...who are you? :ph34r::P


inexorablePanda was always a placeholder....I've just posted so much in the last three weeks that people are used to me.
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I guess, given that no one else replied yet I will.

I can see him having recovered from what he did the day ago but you´re not using insanity as a means to ignore the limits you´ve set for him. The most important one of those is the brain damage. He´ll need both concentration and time to heal that, a long rest if you feel like using old school RPG terms. Until he gets that his mental capacities are going to be crippled, which in turn also means he can´t use his powers to their full effect. He shouldn´t be able to pull any impressive physical stunts nor work fast or precise, double so from a distance. Really, by the time he approached soldiers they can shoot of his legs and retreat.



From Kobold's RP, I interpreted that none of the bullets hit Panda's head. Also, like I said, he retreats towards a safe area on the ground. The Panda has his body programmed to rejuvenate to a certain state (he has some starfish capabilities, too), so brain damage through bullets isn't that particularly dangerous to him. What I meant by brain death I meant having his brain completely blown away with something like a fireball. Also, the Panda has an unnaturally thick skull (ha ha). Yes, they're firing high-caliber rounds, but that doesn't mean it can't be stopped. At least the damage is lessened. 

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From Kobold's RP, I interpreted that none of the bullets hit Panda's head. Also, like I said, he retreats towards a safe area on the ground. The Panda has his body programmed to rejuvenate to a certain state (he has some starfish capabilities, too), so brain damage through bullets isn't that particularly dangerous to him. What I meant by brain death I meant having his brain completely blown away with something like a fireball. Also, the Panda has an unnaturally thick skull (ha ha). Yes, they're firing high-caliber rounds, but that doesn't mean it can't be stopped. At least the damage is lessened. 


Missles! Also falling! It doesnt matter if his skull is indestructable, once he hits the ground the sudden deceleration will squish his brain against his own skull. Most if not all of his body should be ripped away, blown apart, burned to ashes and smashed from the landing. He´s essentially going to need a new body, whatever he did to his old body did just get destroyed and if he takes time in the war zone itself theres nothing stopping Vondra´s forces to just rush him, because if he needs to hide it´s only natural to assume that he´s in danger and that they can kill him.

Sure, it may be a potentially dangerous mad rush, but risking some casualties and winning is better than letting him escape and return at full power.

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Missles! Also falling! It doesnt matter if his skull is indestructable, once he hits the ground the sudden deceleration will squish his brain against his own skull. Most if not all of his body should be ripped away, blown apart, burned to ashes and smashed from the landing. He´s essentially going to need a new body, whatever he did to his old body did just get destroyed and if he takes time in the war zone itself theres nothing stopping Vondra´s forces to just rush him, because if he needs to hide it´s only natural to assume that he´s in danger and that they can kill him.

Sure, it may be a potentially dangerous mad rush, but risking some casualties and winning is better than letting him escape and return at full power.


Never in the RP did it say the missiles hit. Also, The Panda should have rejuvenated enough of his wings to slow the descent to non-lethal levels.

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Never in the RP did it say the missiles hit. Also, The Panda should have rejuvenated enough of his wings to slow the descent to non-lethal levels.


From every angle the Panda was met with flying projectiles, most striking its body directly. Lines of high caliber bullets struck its flesh, and two waves of air-to-air missiles flew towards it.

Nothing the size of the Panda can have enough mobility mid-air to dodge everything here. Also you once gave this limit.


Growing a new arm would take about a minute.

Given that the Panda doesn´t tecnically have a healing factor but can use his power, which drains his stamina, to immitate one and he´ll also have to regrow his torso ect. after it being exploded, he doesn´t exactly have the time before he hits the ground to do much, so the impact will be devasting. Survivable for the Panda, sure. But he´s gonna be screwed if anyone manages to pursue him.


By the way Elsa. No need for the quote in your post.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Never in the RP did it say the missiles hit. Also, The Panda should have rejuvenated enough of his wings to slow the descent to non-lethal levels.


I was purposefully vague on which projectiles hit in order to facilitate discussion. However, I think it's probable that at least one missile would have gained a direct hit, and at least two or three anti-aircraft rounds would have went through his skull.


I may be far off base with that assumption, but I simply find that to be the most likely outcome. I think the Panda would need at least a post to get out of the helicopter's range and begin recovering. I do not believe attack should be the Panda's top priority in this situation.



In other news--Awesome Thoughttown scene! Honestly, I wasn't expecting


Refill to get killed. Kudos for a great scene! :D

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In other news--Awesome Thoughttown scene! Honestly, I wasn't expecting


Refill to get killed. Kudos for a great scene! :D

Agreed, well written Edge!

There's still a few named Epics and a handful of unnamed canon fodder in Thought Town if anyone feels like an Epic fight.

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I was purposefully vague on which projectiles hit in order to facilitate discussion. However, I think it's probable that at least one missile would have gained a direct hit, and at least two or three anti-aircraft rounds would have went through his skull.


I may be far off base with that assumption, but I simply find that to be the most likely outcome. I think the Panda would need at least a post to get out of the helicopter's range and begin recovering. I do not believe attack should be the Panda's top priority in this situation.



In other news--Awesome Thoughttown scene! Honestly, I wasn't expecting


Refill to get killed. Kudos for a great scene! :D

So I did some research on attack helicopters. Taking an Apache, and really given that the weapon trade seems to still be booming in the fractured states Vondra´s helicopter is probably even better, two waves would mean up to 38 air to air rockets and the turret would hold high explosive rounds. (And that´s ignoring the up to 16 Hellfire Missiles, which while intended for armored ground targets, could completely obliberate anything made out of organic matter and are essentially guided airplanes, so no dodging either.) Honestly Kobold, I think you went complete overkill, without even realizing it. Granted, most of that is a result of the Panda presenting himself in the open but suddenly even letting him survive seems generous.


Thank you.

Honestly, I don´t think I´m any good at conveying the terror of being choked but the death of Refill came rather naturally.

On a sadder note, I think I´ll wait a bit until the next Voidgaze/Big Al scene to let the other Thoughttown people catch up.


Agreed, well written Edge!

There's still a few named Epics and a handful of unnamed canon fodder in Thought Town if anyone feels like an Epic fight.

*Bows head* Thanks for giving me free range here by the way.


On the topic of catching up, Winter Cloud or Fatebreaker, does one of you feel like going next in the museum?

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In other news--Awesome Thoughttown scene! Honestly, I wasn't expecting


Refill to get killed. Kudos for a great scene! :D




Agreed. Excellently written scene there.


Just to warn everyone in a random discussion with our GM I made another Epic and have been told that he has to look like this:


So he will be appearing somewhere at some point.


As GM, it is my job to assess the needs of this game. And it needs an Epic who dresses like that. It needs one badly. :P

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