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Oh, sorry. I've been working on some other projects. I'll do the next post.

Eh, don´t worry. If anything it gave me time to concentrate on the Refill scenes, so I´m not complaining. ;)


Just to warn everyone in a random discussion with our GM I made another Epic and have been told that he has to look like this:


So he will be appearing somewhere at some point.

Our GM is still as magnificent as always I see.


Is he Abdul Alhazred?



Agreed. Excellently written scene there.



As GM, it is my job to assess the needs of this game. And it needs an Epic who dresses like that. It needs one badly. :P

So what were people expecting?

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Agreed. Excellently written scene there.



As GM, it is my job to assess the needs of this game. And it needs an Epic who dresses like that. It needs one badly. :P

He needs an appropriately awesome powerset but I'm still working on them.

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Call him Mimic. He repeats everything anyone says back to them, only in a high-pitched whiny voice. He also cannot be killed.

I think that fits really well with his appearance.

Edited by Snoopy
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Eh, don´t worry. If anything it gave me time to concentrate on the Refill scenes, so I´m not complaining. ;)


Our GM is still as magnificent as always I see.


Is he Abdul Alhazred?

So what were people expecting?


:D *blushes* Aw, thanks. 


No, he's actually a random photograph from a series taken during a survey of pre-revolution Russia between 1909 and 1912. Thanks to taking three black-and-white photos with a succession of red, green, and blue filters, then combining them during development (somehow…I'm not a photographer so the exact process escapes me) but they're the closest to true color turn-of-the-last-century photographs have ever come, which I find almost as impressive as his outfit. 


Not sure, but it definitely wasn't Big Al killing Refill.


He needs an appropriately awesome powerset but I'm still working on them.


Making people forget anything but his amazing outfit? 

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Currently I'm thinking-
Primary power: Attract- Can cause himself to become to focus of all attention, people are compelled to look at him, anyone who looks away will be struck blind.
Secondary power: Repel- Can deflect all forms of attack.

MO: Basically just sits in crowded places being admired all day and infuriating Epics who keep trying to kill him.

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Currently I'm thinking-

Primary power: Attract- Can cause himself to become to focus of all attention, people are compelled to look at him, anyone who looks away will be struck blind.

Secondary power: Repel- Can deflect all forms of attack.

MO: Basically just sits in crowded places being admired all day and infuriating Epics who keep trying to kill him.


I can roll with this. :D

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And obviously you need to add the mimic power in.

Imagine a High Epic just yelling/growling, "Why! Won't! You! Die!"

And then he says the same thing back in a sarcastic Teletubbies voice...

That's less a superpower than just an irritating character quirk :P

Plus I mean just look at him! TheAwesome! (Name pending) Is far too dignified to resort to simple mockery.

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Currently I'm thinking-

Primary power: Attract- Can cause himself to become to focus of all attention, people are compelled to look at him, anyone who looks away will be struck blind.

Secondary power: Repel- Can deflect all forms of attack.

MO: Basically just sits in crowded places being admired all day and infuriating Epics who keep trying to kill him.


Lightwards, Lucentia, and Blackwave all become so infuriated that they destroy the whole of Oregon just to get rid of him. :P


(That's such an awesome picture I can't upvote it enough. :D)

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*rereads what she wrote* 

Pfft. Sorry. Didn't happen. Stupid menthol cough drops.

Puh, for a moment I though I was so incapable that the scene didn´t get conveyed properly. -_-

Oh my, now that I don´t need to worry about that let me marvel at Voidus´ new Epic that totally isn´t the mad Arab. ;)

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Remember kids: if you do drugs, you might misread an Internet roleplay post. I can think of no better reason to Just Say No.  :P

You may have heard about things like jail time, impaired cognitive function, severe medical problems and the possibility of death but the really terrible thing about drugs is that they can make you misread posts on the internet.

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You may have heard about things like jail time, impaired cognitive function, severe medical problems and the possibility of death but the really terrible thing about drugs is that they can make you misread posts on the internet.



Of all the things that could happen, that is….


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You may have heard about things like jail time, impaired cognitive function, severe medical problems and the possibility of death but the really terrible thing about drugs is that they can make you misread posts on the internet.


Don´t forget the internet is live. Missreading internet posts will turn you miserable. Just think about it, your witty comment might make no sense at all and not garner you any upvotes. :wacko:


On the Mad Arab, can he turn people permanently blind?

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Don´t forget the internet is live. Missreading internet posts will turn you miserable. Just think about it, your witty comment might make no sense at all and not garner you any upvotes. :wacko:


On the Mad Arab, can he turn people permanently blind?





And Quota will cackle.


Guys, we are being watched by an evil ostrich. Be nice and say hello.

Hello, Ostrichofevil :D .


Heh. I read that without looking at the bottom of the screen, so I thought you were talking about the McCaulay Culkin picture Kobold posted.  :lol:


Hi, Ostrichofevil! 

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Don´t forget the internet is live. Missreading internet posts will turn you miserable. Just think about it, your witty comment might make no sense at all and not garner you any upvotes. :wacko:


On the Mad Arab, can he turn people permanently blind?

If people repent and acknowledge his awesomeness they regain their sight :P

(In the event he becomes an actual character in the RP somewhere I'd set the blindness at lasting around an hour)

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