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If people repent and acknowledge his awesomeness they regain their sight :P

(In the event he becomes an actual character in the RP somewhere I'd set the blindness at lasting around an hour)

Does it work by blocking light from entering their eyes or can defensive powers protect them?


I assume his Repel PI is absolute?

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Does it work by blocking light from entering their eyes or can defensive powers protect them?


I assume his Repel PI is absolute?

Damage to the eye directly, so certain PIs should block it. Yup, protects against all forms of attack. (I'm thinking there's a certain requirement for the intent to hurt him to be behind it for it to get reflected though, so I suppose it's not perfect in that he could be accidentally harmed)

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Here's a totally unrelated question I have. Should Ozymandias be able to take down a forcefield with Decay? It seems like it would work, to me.

Well, he increases entropy and not create it, so given that most forcefields don´t tend to run out on their own I would say no.

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Guys, we are being watched by an evil ostrich. Be nice and say hello.

Hello, Ostrichofevil :D .

I used to hate it when people did that. I would be lurking on a thread, and someone would post something like, "hey guys, there's an anonymous user watching us!" And I would think, "No! I'm lurking! LURKING!!! What do you not get about that?!"
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Here's a totally unrelated question I have. Should Ozymandias be able to take down a forcefield with Decay? It seems like it would work, to me.

There's the question of speed of decay to consider, particularly since it's being constantly held up by an Epic. My gut reaction would probably be that no he couldn't.

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According to some quick reading I did, everything has entropy.

Voidus, also good point. However, if it was just a static force field, I think he could. (Not being actively held up by an Epic)

Everything that obeys the law of physics, which Epic powers don´t necessarily do.

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According to some quick reading I did, everything has entropy.

Voidus, also good point. However, if it was just a static force field, I think he could. (Not being actively held up by an Epic)

That's true, it's the second law of Thermodynamics.

Static fields seems reasonable enough to me.

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Awesome. I also can't wait to make some Pandas bald.

Might I again bring up that your assuming physics to apply to a form of magic comming from a scource know for it´s capability to compltely ignore scientific reasoning?

It could work on some forecfields but I would hold it on a case by case basis rather than a general assumption.

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Might I again bring up that your assuming physics to apply to a form of magic comming from a scource know for it´s capability to compltely ignore scientific reasoning?

It could work on some forecfields but I would hold it on a case by case basis rather than a general assumption.

That's true but in this case not obeying entropy raises it's own whole mess of problems. Having no entropy I believe means the force fields would have to be eternal and completely indestructible, so while it is possible for an Epic to be able to create that kind of a force field it would mean once he placed it, that force field was incapable of being removed.

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Ravioli? Like... the pasta? *confused face*

Yes. Like the pasta. I got a *confused face* myself when I thought of it.

But again, my real question is whether or not I can use Calamity to turn a vanilla into an Epic.

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Okay, I'm writing a post for Lightsworn soon and I wanted to know if I'm allowed to turn one if my vanillas into a minor Epic who will have something to do with ravioli manipulation.

There´s no problem with having minor Epic power and our statistic of having new Epics already is abnormal (and inaccurate), so sure, go ahead. (Unless ravioli manipulation means turning everything into ravioli and being able to eat Steelheart. :P)


That's true but in this case not obeying entropy raises it's own whole mess of problems. Having no entropy I believe means the force fields would have to be eternal and completely indestructible, so while it is possible for an Epic to be able to create that kind of a force field it would mean once he placed it, that force field was incapable of being removed.

That again implies an adherance to (speculative) physics. Just because it doesn´t obey the law of entropy doesn´t mean it can´t obey some other random limitations. Ignoring science doesn´t mean powers have to act in a specific way, it means they can essentially do whatever their powers happen to do.

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We do have an Epic who can pull a Sausage McMuffin out of his pocket….even when he doesn't have a pocket. 

And someone whose only power is growing mistletoe, someone whose power is just sparkliness and someone whose power is skull manipulation.

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 (Unless ravioli manipulation means turning everything into ravioli and being able to eat Steelheart. :P)


Raise your hand if you'd read that. 


*raises hand* 


And yes, we do have an abnormally high rate of new Epics. I choose to see it as Calamity wanting Oregon destroyed, and so gracing a whole bunch of random people with random powers, then sitting back and watching the fun. :P

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Raise your hand if you'd read that. 


*raises hand* 


And yes, we do have an abnormally high rate of new Epics. I choose to see it as Calamity wanting Oregon destroyed, and so gracing a whole bunch of random people with random powers, then sitting back and watching the fun. :P

What no one knows is that Calamity could create more Epics but needed to save up all his power for keeping up with all of Voidus´ random Epics. :P

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