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What no one knows is that Calamity could create more Epics but needed to save up all his power for keeping up with all of Voidus´ random Epics. :P

Yeah that's why I do it, just trying to save the world. I definitely don't have a problem...

Oooh! I just saw a word that was capitalized! New Epic time!

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What no one knows is that Calamity could create more Epics but needed to save up all his power for keeping up with all of Voidus´ random Epics. :P




I think you just explained Newcago's low rate for new Epics. 


Yeah that's why I do it, just trying to save the world. I definitely don't have a problem...

Oooh! I just saw a word that was capitalized! New Epic time!


Thank you, Voidus. You've saved us again. :P 

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And then when anyone talked about the crimes against humanity he comitted everyone would get offended. "You just slaughtered a whole block!" "Take that back, I swear by You I did not." "Why are you swearing at me?" "You is not here! Stop talking about You!" "I am not going to stop talking about Me!" "Don't You dare talk about You's rival!" "I don't even have a rival!" 

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So no, Refill will not be redeemed.

Is there anything else that needs to happen at the meeting?


No, I've begun a post to finish up the Thoughttown side of it. I'll finish it today.

According to some quick reading I did, everything has entropy.

Voidus, also good point. However, if it was just a static force field, I think he could. (Not being actively held up by an Epic)

I agree with the static force field

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So back in the Game clinic. Twi do you already have an idea what you want Autumns/Shiny Sparkle to do after dropping off backtrack?


And because I like explosions, here´s one of the Hellfire Missiles I mentioned earlier hitting a tank.

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So back in the Game clinic. Twi do you already have an idea what you want Autumns/Shiny Sparkle to do after dropping off backtrack?


And because I like explosions, here´s one of the Hellfire Missiles I mentioned earlier hitting a tank.


Probably try not to freak out too much before directing Shiny Sparkle back onto the streets in hopes of bringing down more pigs. 

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So back in the Game clinic. Twi do you already have an idea what you want Autumns/Shiny Sparkle to do after dropping off backtrack?


And because I like explosions, here´s one of the Hellfire Missiles I mentioned earlier hitting a tank.



Wow. I didn't realize I was straying into such overkill territory. :mellow: Should I edit the post so that the copter just spews bullets into him, or shall we allow Panda to limp away from a bombardment of Hellfire Missiles?



Probably try not to freak out too much before directing Shiny Sparkle back onto the streets in hopes of bringing down more pigs. 


Autumn Glass tries not to freak out.


Backtrack freaks out.


Shiny Sparkle freaks other people out.


They make quite the trio. :P

Edited by Kobold King
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Wow. I didn't realize I was straying into such overkill territory. :mellow: Should I edit the post show that the copter just spews bullets into him, or shall we allow Panda to limp away from a bombardment of Hellfire Missiles?




Autumn Glass tries not to freak out.


Backtrack freaks out.


Shiny Sparkle freaks other people out.


They make quite the trio. :P


There's no kill like overkill! :P In all seriousness, though, it would make sense for Vondra to break out the big guns right away, having lived through Koschei's reign of terror. Of course, if you need a reason for him not to use the missiles, you could always say he's saving them, or that the helicopters equipped with missiles are a few minutes behind, or something like that. (I was going to say he could be refraining from wasting them, but then I remembered Arsenal.) 



I'm picturing the three of them all standing in a circle screaming at each other. :P

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There's no kill like overkill! :P In all seriousness, though, it would make sense for Vondra to break out the big guns right away, having lived through Koschei's reign of terror. Of course, if you need a reason for him not to use the missiles, you could always say he's saving them, or that the helicopters equipped with missiles are a few minutes behind, or something like that. (I was going to say he could be refraining from wasting them, but then I remembered Arsenal.) 


That's my motto. For some reason nobody likes playing board games with me. :P


Panda's displayed enough control over his own body that it's my opinion that he could survive, if only barely. He'd probably lose a substantial amount of body mass from the ordeal, but I believe that if he made retreat his priority, he could definitely live.


Backtrack: "Please don't kill me, please don't kill me! AH! Can I hug my mommy?"


I believe we need to introduce Backtrack to Mommy pronto. Somebody needs a hug. :P

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So back in the Game clinic. Twi do you already have an idea what you want Autumns/Shiny Sparkle to do after dropping off backtrack?


And because I like explosions, here´s one of the Hellfire Missiles I mentioned earlier hitting a tank.

That was awesome. Needs more slow-mo though. Explosions are always better in slow-mo.

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That's my motto. For some reason nobody likes playing board games with me. :P


Panda's displayed enough control over his own body that it's my opinion that he could survive, if only barely. He'd probably lose a substantial amount of body mass from the ordeal, but I believe that if he made retreat his priority, he could definitely live.



I believe we need to introduce Backtrack to Mommy pronto. Somebody needs a hug. :P


Or me. Except Apples to Apples. The stranger the players, the more fun the game. (If you can get a bunch of quirky people together for a few rounds, that's when "Adolf Hitler" and "Jack the Ripper" become trump cards. :P


….unless Mommy found him unforgivably pathetic. :unsure::P 


That was awesome. Needs more slow-mo though. Explosions are always better in slow-mo.


Oh! Maybe that's one of the Epic with the fabulous outfit's powers! 

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