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We must hurry with this trifling war so Big Al and Voidgaze can have their date!


  • Big Al / Voidgaze
  • Nathan / Funtimes
  • Autumn / Shiny Sparkle
  • Revolution / Forrest
  • Purple Phoenix / Saccharine
  • Mobius / Zombie!Koschei
  • Flashpoint / Edgerunner
  • Backtrack / MV Sunglasses

We've got a lot to do before Valentines.  :ph34r:

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  • Big Al / Voidgaze
  • Nathan / Funtimes
  • Autumn / Shiny Sparkle
  • Revolution / Forrest
  • Purple Phoenix / Saccharine
  • Mobius / Zombie!Koschei
  • Flashpoint / Edgerunner
  • Backtrack / MV Sunglasses

We've got a lot to do before Valentines.  :ph34r:


You forgot the most anticipated of all Nighthound/Death :P

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Who has Nighthound? I'm trying to find his bio, and also trying to understand why everyone hates him so much.

Partly because the phrase 'and then Nighthound died' has reached meme status, mostly though it's just because he's a massive Slontze.

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I was thinking just teleporting him into space. But you wouldn't need to enclose him completely like that, even if he can use his powers, 1km thick stone wouldn't break. If he could move that kind of material he'd be able to break through the crust into the earths core, which just seems a bit improbable for the Reckonerverse

MVs power would just keep her net momentum at 0 so no velocity would be imparted to any part of her body and no damage would be done, the force wouldn't be cancelled it would still push on her it would just be unable to accelerate her at all.

Not sure what you mean by the objects would keep energy in them?

Blocking all of her air would be pretty difficult without advanced planning, it's possible I suppose, just unlikely. And she can do her matrix thing, if she gets shot with multiple projectiles she can just freeze the air in front of her so it blocks projectiles instead of blocking each one as they come. Plus she'd be reflecting all that momentum back at him so he'd be a bit disoriented at being battered around like that I'd imagine.

In space he could push himself back to earth. In case of a 1km stone wall, that´s why he´s so op (kidding) what he could do is crack open the available surface and dig himself to freedom from there, which depending on the details could admittedly take quite a while.

I mean that even if she won´t move herself, she won´t be able to move what he´s pushing at her physically either, so he would need only a couple of let´s say coins to immobilized her and then wrap something suitable around her head.

The matrix trick has the disadvantage that he would be back to attacking her lungs, unless she´s feeling like immobilizing the air in the them as well and in turn suffocate herself.

Tossing himself around like that is pretty much his prefered method of movement, so no it wouldn´t face him at all.


I wasn't sure if I'd post about this, but since the conversation seems to be falling dead again...


Last night I dreamed that all the members of the 17th Shard were posting pictures of themselves. Chaos was a scimitar-wielding David Bowie, Edgedancer was ludicrously buff, and TwiLyght was the spitting image of Karen Gillan.


It was... strange. :mellow:

I´m not exactly out off shape but ludicrously buff is not how I would describe myself either. I´m taking the compliment though. B) (Unless you just called me a Boeing B-52)


Obviously it's Joe's character but I think I can answer that:

No she can't animate dead bodies.

Very little/ No free will, however they are capable of relatively complex tasks.

It´s also worth noting that her toys can´t have powers on their own, so a Superman action figure wouldn´t be any stronger than a soldier figure.


She may be able to sense that he was going to act, but she has no idea what that entails. And he made sure to stand far enough away that he'd have time to react if Nighthound attacked. Fade is a skilled marksman, so hitting a target from 20ft wouldn't be difficult for him.


Regarding the Consequences, Fade wouldn't be worried. Wary certainly, but not afraid. Sandman can instantly teleport away from harm, and he can Fade instantaneously. They'd just have to maintain a low profile, which they're good at. 


It's important to note however that Fade is not acting completely rationally. Nighthound reminds him of someone.

I think I just figured out what keept bothering me about the scene. Fade intercepted Nighthound just after he entered the museum, so turning around to leave would not only not make sense in character, it would also be completely nonsensical because there is nothing in that direction that could possibly interest Nighthound.

It would probably make more sense to have Fade shoot Nighthound up front while he´s distracted pulling up Ray or something like that and drop the whole "Sorry to have bothered you"-act.


Just realized something, we have a little over a week to get through all the action sequences so that VG and Big Al can have an adorawesome date for Valentines day.

I´m sure Altermind wouldn´t mind them having their date while the attack is still going on, just think about the morals. :P


I'm game if you are. :D

Thanks to Panacea she´s always Game. :ph34r:


Partly because the phrase 'and then Nighthound died' has reached meme status, mostly though it's just because he's a massive Slontze.

I´m not sure if Timeport and co going for runner up in the "and then X died" list makes me feel better or worse about the whole deal. :unsure:

Edited by Edgedancer
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I´m not exactly out off shape but ludicrously buff is not how I would describe myself either. I´m taking the compliment though. B) (Unless you just called me a Boeing B-52)

I´m sure Altermind wouldn´t mind them having their date while the attack is still going on, just think about the morals. :P

Thanks to Panacea she´s always Game. :ph34r:

I´m not sure if Timeport and co going for runner up in the "and then X died" list makes me feel better or worse about the whole deal. :unsure:

Edgedancer is secretly a sentient airplane? O.o EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW

Morals like "If a couple is adorbs enough, they can totally have a picnic as bombs fall from the heavens?" I see nothing wrong with this. ;)


It just makes us love Voidgaze even more.

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In space he could push himself back to earth. In case of a 1km stone wall, that´s why he´s so op (kidding) what he could do is crack open the available surface and dig himself to freedom from there, which depending on the details could admittedly take quite a while.

I mean that even if she won´t move herself, she won´t be able to move what he´s pushing at her physically either, so he would need only a couple of let´s say coins to immobilized her and then wrap something suitable around her head.

The matrix trick has the disadvantage that he would be back to attacking her lungs, unless she´s feeling like immobilizing the air in the them as well and in turn suffocate herself.

Tossing himself around like that is pretty much his prefered method of movement, so no it wouldn´t face him at all.

Space doesn't have any air for him to create pressure from though? In addition to the whole suffocation and navigation problems.
Same problem with the stone, the little air inside even if pressurized immensely couldn't penetrate through that much stone, plus again suffocation problems.
How would a couple of coins immobilize her? Even if they did she's not likely to just let him walk up and suffocate her.
She'd use it on her lungs (Well her whole body, but that includes her lungs) not the air inside them, he could suffocate her by removing all the air from her lungs though if he knew enough about her abilities I suppose.
I doubt that simply being used to it allows perfect concentration for elaborate plans of attack while being flung around at several hundred miles per hour, plus given his range it's likely he'd get thrown out of it pretty quickly.

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Edgedancer is secretly a sentient airplane? O.o EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW

Morals like "If a couple is adorbs enough, they can totally have a picnic as bombs fall from the heavens?" I see nothing wrong with this. ;)


It just makes us love Voidgaze even more.


What's changed? Are you implying you would treat Edgedancer differently if he were a sentient airplane? Have a little tolerance, TwiLyght. :P


Sadly that's the only date possible in the midst of a state's destruction. Fortunately, Al and Voidgaze are cute enough to pull it off. :D



Did you decide to do a Protector Pug post now? Will she enter the Sadry residence, or will she run into Sam and the gang outside on the street?

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What's changed? Are you implying you would treat Edgedancer differently if he were a sentient airplane? Have a little tolerance, TwiLyght. :P


Sadly that's the only date possible in the midst of a state's destruction. Fortunately, Al and Voidgaze are cute enough to pull it off. :D



Did you decide to do a Protector Pug post now? Will she enter the Sadry residence, or will she run into Sam and the gang outside on the street?


Hey, some of my best friends are sentient airplanes. :P 


They're cute enough to pull off almost any date. :D 


I'll post it here in a few minutes; I just needed to fix my hair and whatnot. (When it comes to writing in the morning, I don't work well in pajamas. Don't know why.) She'll approach Sam when they're outside on the street as Funtimes installs a remote-control device on the Sadrys' now-floating house, so I'll add a quick scene at the beginning taking them all out onto the street. 

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Hey, some of my best friends are sentient airplanes. :P


They're cute enough to pull off almost any date. :D


I'll post it here in a few minutes; I just needed to fix my hair and whatnot. (When it comes to writing in the morning, I don't work well in pajamas. Don't know why.) She'll approach Sam when they're outside on the street as Funtimes installs a remote-control device on the Sadrys' now-floating house, so I'll add a quick scene at the beginning taking them all out onto the street. 


Sentient airplanes are people too. Kind of. In a sense. :P


Awesome. Can't wait for it. :)


Would it surprise you to know that I've written almost every RP post ever in my pajamas? :mellow: I never leave my house, so as long as there's not hard farm labor on a given day there's not much incentive to change out of my comfier clothes. :P

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Sentient airplanes are people too. Kind of. In a sense. :P


Awesome. Can't wait for it. :)


Would it surprise you to know that I've written almost every RP post ever in my pajamas? :mellow: I never leave my house, so as long as there's not hard farm labor on a given day there's not much incentive to change out of my comfier clothes. :P

I'm also usually in pajamas, mostly because it's usually around midnight-4am when I'm on :P

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I think I just figured out what keept bothering me about the scene. Fade intercepted Nighthound just after he entered the museum, so turning around to leave would not only not make sense in character, it would also be completely nonsensical because there is nothing in that direction that could possibly interest Nighthound.

It would probably make more sense to have Fade shoot Nighthound up front while he´s distracted pulling up Ray or something like that and drop the whole "Sorry to have bothered you"-act.


Oh, I see what you mean. That would be strange. I was writing with the assumption that Nighthound was turning to go down a hallway or something, not out of the Museum. I'm cool with making some changes. Quick question first: if Nighthound took a bullet through the knee, would his leg give out, or would he remain standing on one foot?


You'd make a fantastic editor, Edge.



You forgot the most anticipated of all Nighthound/Death :P

 Workin' on it. It's not easy, Edge has created a pretty unkillable character here.

However, his bio gives me hope:


Passive Power: Regeneration/healing factor: Pretty self explanitory. His healing is strong enough to heal wounds that should be leathal but only to a certain extend: Being set aflame, shot multiple times or have only some of the less vital parts of the brain damaged? A-OK. Having his entire head smashed or being impaled in a way so he can´t heal? Sound the funeral trumpets.

Another detail not common to regenerations is that, when actively healing him it generates black mist around the area it is healing, similar to the mist around his hounds.

Edited by Fatebreaker
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….And there is Protector Pug. :D


 Workin' on it. It's not easy, Edge has created a pretty unkillable character here, 

Well Healing's a perfect PI, though not as perfect as perhaps resurrection is since you can still be trapped forever.

I am curious as to how you plan on working on it though without any way to discover his weakness.

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….And there is Protector Pug. :D


...And the "Oregon's Best Pet" pageant is awarded to Protector Pug, within half an hour of his introductory post. :D :D


(Sorry, Wes. If you spent a little less time thinking about eating people you could have made it.)

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...And the "Oregon's Best Pet" pageant is awarded to Protector Pug, within half an hour of his introductory post. :D :D


(Sorry, Wes. If you spent a little less time thinking about eating people you could have made it.)

Also if his ears were fluffy :P

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...And the "Oregon's Best Pet" pageant is awarded to Protector Pug, within half an hour of his introductory post. :D :D


(Sorry, Wes. If you spent a little less time thinking about eating people you could have made it.)


To which she says: "*long snort*" Loosely translated, it means, "I shall accept this honor and bear it to the best of my ability. Also, is the trophy filled with ham? I hope it's filled with ham." 


He trounced the other competitors in the Coolness category, but actually received negative points in the Kindness, Caring, and Safety categories. 

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To which she says: "*long snort*" Loosely translated, it means, "I shall accept this honor and bear it to the best of my ability. Also, is the trophy filled with ham? I hope it's filled with ham." 


He trounced the other competitors in the Coolness category, but actually received negative points in the Kindness, Caring, and Safety categories. 


Usually trophies aren't filled with ham, but for you, Protector Pug, the judges will make an exception. :D


I'm still considering writing a Wes flashback post at some point. If only so I can claim the honor of "Most Distant Flashback," and so I can start a post with "One Hundred and Thirty-Seven Million Years Before Calamity." :P

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Space doesn't have any air for him to create pressure from though? In addition to the whole suffocation and navigation problems.

Same problem with the stone, the little air inside even if pressurized immensely couldn't penetrate through that much stone, plus again suffocation problems.

How would a couple of coins immobilize her? Even if they did she's not likely to just let him walk up and suffocate her.

She'd use it on her lungs (Well her whole body, but that includes her lungs) not the air inside them, he could suffocate her by removing all the air from her lungs though if he knew enough about her abilities I suppose.

I doubt that simply being used to it allows perfect concentration for elaborate plans of attack while being flung around at several hundred miles per hour, plus given his range it's likely he'd get thrown out of it pretty quickly.


I was not aware you neccesarrily needed air as an medium to apply pressure to something. (There´s stuff like water preasure after all.) As I had his powers mapped out he´s applying the force directly on the objects surface or a part of the surface without any kind of medium. Letting it function as a kind of magical super chisel, if he wants to. So when I said "without leaving any space for air" I did not mean "a space filled with air" but a space that air would fit into, once the space is there it could be a vacuum just as well. It´s really just about the surface area.

It could be that I got the specific scientific term of pressure wrong, maybe?

Suffucation wouldn´t be a problem because he doesn´t need to breathe.

The coins would effectively be immovable object for her, so place on on her stomach, her back and one on each side (kind of like a pincer) and she couldn´t really move, just wiggle a bit  anymore, same for limbs ect. Should she use her power then to stop an object from moving towards her the objects on her skin would could pierce her body.

It wouldn´t be as simple as letting the air in her lungs move, she also would need an air chute to bring in fresh oxygen. From there he could pile up rubble (for example from the walls of nearby houses) on the edges of her no movement zone to find and block said air chute.

He could for three reasons. First, his invicibility would keep the momentum from really harming or bothering him, using his power gives him much better oriantation than normal and third he can always just push on himself hard enough to cancel the momentum MV transfers on him.


Oh, I see what you mean. That would be strange. I was writing with the assumption that Nighthound was turning to go down a hallway or something, not out of the Museum. I'm cool with making some changes. Quick question first: if Nighthound took a bullet through the knee, would his leg give out, or would he remain standing on one foot?


You'd make a fantastic editor, Edge.



 Workin' on it. It's not easy, Edge has created a pretty unkillable character here.

However, his bio gives me hope:

It´s not like there are many hallways left to walk through, most if not all has been replaced by just jungle. A single bullet through the knee wouldn´t have do any noticable effect on Nighthound, appart from the smoke rising from the hole, unless it happens to be a very large caliber.


A pretty annoying one as well I would guess. :P


And with Nighthound I actually had been holding back. I´m kinda bad at making weak character. :ph34r:


Now excuse me while I go to meet the pug.

Edited by Edgedancer
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I was not aware you neccesarrily needed air as an medium to apply pressure to something. (There´s stuff like water preasure after all.) As I had his powers mapped out he´s applying the force directly on the objects surface or a part of the surface without any kind of medium. Letting it function as a kind of magical super chisel, if he wants to. So when I said "without leaving any space for air" I did not mean "a space filled with air" but a space that air would fit into, once the space is there it could be a vacuum just as well. It´s really just about the surface area.

It could be that I got the specific scientific term of pressure wrong, maybe?

Suffucation wouldn´t be a problem because he doesn´t need to breathe.

The coins would effectively be immovable object for her, so place on on her stomach, her back and one on each side (kind of like a pincer) and she couldn´t really move, just wiggle a bit  anymore, same for limbs ect. Should she use her power then to stop an object from moving towards her the objects on her skin would could pierce her body.

It wouldn´t be as simple as letting the air in her lungs move, she also would need an air chute to bring in fresh oxygen. From there he could pile up rubble (for example from the walls of nearby houses) on the edges of her no movement zone to find and block said air chute.

He could for three reasons. First, his invicibility would keep the momentum from really harming or bothering him, using his power gives him much better oriantation than normal and third he can always just push on himself hard enough to cancel the momentum MV transfers on him.

Ah, ok I just assumed it was atmospheric pressure. You're right pressure exists in any medium, you can't really have pressure in a true vacuum since you need some kind of particles though.

Just so you know he wouldn't need to have an air pocket to escape then, he could apply pressure to the material directly even without a surface, all you need is the presence of atoms for pressure to exist. Which also largely removes the time constraint of blasting out of a 1km thick material.

It's been a while since I did the research for her but if she erected a dome of immovable air around herself she'd still be able to survive for several hours without needing an air hole, during which the fight would probably be decided one way or another.

I wasn't suggesting it could do any serious damage, although technically she actually might be able to, she can just stop people's hearts from beating or brains from working, it'd be insanely difficult because of how her powers work but it's technically possible, but then he has similar abilities so if he realized quickly enough he might be able to restart them anyway.

I meant more the problems with orientation, sure you could adapt but there are limits, particularly with the interplay of their powers since as you mentioned he'd probably just instinctively oppose the motion. So it's likely go: Shoot 500m left, stop self, momentum is shifted to something else, own power shoots 500m right, remove power, leftwards momentum is applied again.

No matter how practiced at it you are that's going to be disorienting without adding in an additional passive of enhanced spatial awareness or something like that.

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