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I'd take my boring life any day.

Good. Well, not "good," of course, but better than the alternative.

I mean... I don't like being a stick in the mud, but I don't think I'd be comfortable if the Trifecta took this any farther in "that" direction. :wacko: Even the stripping's a lot further than I'd have gone, personally.

Not that I'm bashing or criticizing anyone, of course. I'm just saying that I'd personally be most comfortable if these kind of scenes... didn't come to dominate the RP, you know?

If I'm just being a squeamish prude, feel free to disregard everything in this box. Just my personal perspective on this.

It's a bit much for me too, honestly, but it definitely won't be taken any further and I don't plan on writing any more scenes like this. Ever, hopefully. Electro doesn't get to have everything he wants, because I said so. Take that, Electro. :P

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Glad it's not just me, then.

I mean... can you imagine if instead of nameless NPCs, those girls were Sam and Revolution, or maybe Autumn? One of those girls is Sam's exact age, for Calamity's sake. :wacko:

These are, in my opinion, the darkest posts in the RP yet. And being a cheery little ray of sunshine that photosynthesizes cute stories from the Internet, I hope they will REMAIN the darkest posts in the RP.

That's all. They're very well-written posts though, so don't think for an instant I'm criticizing or complaining.

Kobold King, signing off for the night.

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Glad it's not just me, then.

I mean... can you imagine if instead of nameless NPCs, those girls were Sam and Revolution, or maybe Autumn? One of those girls is Sam's exact age, for Calamity's sake. :wacko:

These are, in my opinion, the darkest posts in the RP yet. And being a cheery little ray of sunshine that photosynthesizes cute stories from the Internet, I hope they will REMAIN the darkest posts in the RP.

That's all. They're very well-written posts though, so don't think for an instant I'm criticizing or complaining.

Kobold King, signing off for the night.

Yeah. We, I mostly, might've fine a bit too far with that. I just happened to get right in the writing zone when I started that, so it went further then I'd planned.

I agree with this very much. We're planning on turning down the creepiness for the rest of this collabo now.

At least Protector Pug was also posted today.

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Yeah. We, I mostly, might've fine a bit too far with that. I just happened to get right in the writing zone when I started that, so it went further then I'd planned.

I agree with this very much. We're planning on turning down the creepiness for the rest of this collabo now.

At least Protector Pug was also posted today.

Like I said, I'm absolutely not blaming or accusing anybody. :) Dark isn't bad, and in fact I'm liking the posts enough to upvote each one as it comes. They're awesome posts, and you, mail-mi, and Twi ought to be proud of yourselves for having the skill to write them.

(Though just to let you guys know, if Timeport and Electro did capture Revolution, I'd scrap all my current plans and activate instant Sunburst mode. I'd be worth it all just for a description of Electro's final pre-vaporization face. :P)

Now, moving on to the important questions: how heavy is Protector Pug? I need to know all the details, so I can produce a proper pug-hugging scene with maximum realism. :P:D

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Like I said, I'm absolutely not blaming or accusing anybody. :) Dark isn't bad, and in fact I'm liking the posts enough to upvote each one as it comes. They're awesome posts, and you, mail-mi, and Twi ought to be proud of yourselves for having the skill to write them.

(Though just to let you guys know, if Timeport and Electro did capture Revolution, I'd scrap all my current plans and activate instant Sunburst mode. I'd be worth it all just for a description of Electro's final pre-vaporization face. :P)

Now, moving on to the important questions: how heavy is Protector Pug? I need to know all the details, so I can produce a proper pug-hugging scene with maximum realism. :P:D

And Timeport's "Why has Calamity betrayed me? I thought we were frieeeeennnnnnds! :(" monologue! :P

She's about six months old, so she's pretty small. She probably weighs about 8 to 10 pounds, so she won't be heavy at all.

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And Timeport's "Why has Calamity betrayed me? I thought we were frieeeeennnnnnds! :(" monologue! :P

She's about six months old, so she's pretty small. She probably weighs about 8 to 10 pounds, so she won't be heavy at all.


"Take off your skirt."


"Hmm... I'd rather not."


"Did you not hear me, babe? Didn't you see what happened to that other gal that said no to me?"


"Oh, I heard. It's just that I would really rather keep my clothes.... oh. Hey, this is new."


"Umm... why are you glowing?"


"No idea. This has never happened before. I feel kind of tingly inside."




"Not in that way, you pervert. Less 'Stockholm Syndrome' and more 'I'm gonna murder everyone on this street with awesome death rays.'"


"You're.... this is just a trick. You're bluffing."


"Oh, is it?"


* searing fingers press to Electro's throat *


"Electro? How about we play a game?"


Awesome. Anything that improves the chances of abundant pughugs is awesome. :D


General question: would a pug eat a sheet of paper? It'd be woefully ironic if the infamous "dog ate my homework" excuse were invoked if Protector Pug consumed the paper with Altermind's weakness on it. :P

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"Take off your skirt."

"Hmm... I'd rather not."

"Did you not hear me, babe? Didn't you see what happened to that other gal that said no to me?"

"Oh, I heard. It's just that I would really rather keep my clothes.... oh. Hey, this is new."

"Umm... why are you glowing?"

"No idea. This has never happened before. I feel kind of tingly inside."


"Not in that way, you pervert. Less 'Stockholm Syndrome' and more 'I'm gonna murder everyone on this street with awesome death rays.'"

"You're.... this is just a trick. You're bluffing."

"Oh, is it?"

* searing fingers press to Electro's throat *

"Electro? How about we play a game?"

Awesome. Anything that improves the chances of abundant pughugs is awesome. :D

General question: would a pug eat a sheet of paper? It'd be woefully ironic if the infamous "dog ate my homework" excuse were invoked if Protector Pug consumed the paper with Altermind's weakness on it. :P

She might play with it, if she saw it fluttering to the floor, or if she batted it with her paw and it rustled. Then again, a regular piece of paper might be too stiff; Mollie tends to ignore notebooks but loves to shred napkins. So long as Sam keeps the paper out of her reach, it should be fine.

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I think I have the most on the list  :wacko:

Depends, can must I count my Astoria Epics already?


We do know how to keep things interesting, don't we? Especially when you consider that in one day, there has been….


  • A declaration of war
  • The forging of a fragile alliance 
  • Lots of murder 
  • Sadistic games 
  • Threats 
  • Plenty of creepiness 
  • More murder 
  • More creepiness 
  • Fights 
  • Pugs 


By contrast, my day usually looks like this: 



On the up side there´s also been some romance and...yeah the day pretty much sucks for Portland overall.


Glad it's not just me, then.

I mean... can you imagine if instead of nameless NPCs, those girls were Sam and Revolution, or maybe Autumn? One of those girls is Sam's exact age, for Calamity's sake. :wacko:

These are, in my opinion, the darkest posts in the RP yet. And being a cheery little ray of sunshine that photosynthesizes cute stories from the Internet, I hope they will REMAIN the darkest posts in the RP.

That's all. They're very well-written posts though, so don't think for an instant I'm criticizing or complaining.

Kobold King, signing off for the night.

I know what you mean. It´s the reason I don´t plan on having a detail "Nighthound´s day off" segment.

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Dear Timeport,

I don't know what seminary you attended, but your theology is WHACK.

Also, you've made a character who hasn't even been introduced yet my new favorite.

Die soon,



There is a planet in my original setting where blazing hot UV rays constantly irradiate the surface and the dominant species is a predator that launches itself like an arrow and burrows into it's prey's torso, eating it from the inside out.


I propose we maroon the Trifecta on this planet.

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The more I see of Timeport (and what he was like as Seth) the less I can believe that he ever got into the Reckoners in to first place. :unsure:


Could someone confitm for me that in Steelheart David said that the Reckoners always targeted High Epics with a PI (whatever that means at this point <_< ).


There is a planet in my original setting where blazing hot UV rays constantly irradiate the surface and the dominant species is a predator that launches itself like an arrow and burrows into it's prey's torso, eating it from the inside out.


I propose we maroon the Trifecta on this planet.

You got my support. Best thing is that Timeport would just die over and over again. :ph34r:

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The more I see of Timeport (and what he was like as Seth) the less I can believe that he ever got into the Reckoners in to first place. :unsure:


Could someone confitm for me that in Steelheart David said that the Reckoners always targeted High Epics with a PI (whatever that means at this point <_< ).


I don't know; he's highly driven, goal-oriented, and a bit of a perfectionist. The Reckoners may have seen these as positive qualities. And there's also the matter of them not expecting him to gain powers in the first place. 


He did. It's in the chapter shortly after they take him underground, where they ask how he knew they were going to hit Fortuity. 


There is a planet in my original setting where blazing hot UV rays constantly irradiate the surface and the dominant species is a predator that launches itself like an arrow and burrows into it's prey's torso, eating it from the inside out.


I propose we maroon the Trifecta on this planet.


I like this plan. I like this plan a lot. :ph34r:

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I vote wYes with the authority of the Universe. However, that planet severely protests, along with that solar system.


I'm sure the arrow-predators wouldn't mind. Electro isn't quick enough to fend them off, Timeport can't evade them quickly enough, and they don't possess the intelligence to develop human-like emotions that Quota could affect. We see the Trifecta as a terror, but I think they'd see it as a buffet. :ph34r:

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I don't know; he's highly driven, goal-oriented, and a bit of a perfectionist. The Reckoners may have seen these as positive qualities. And there's also the matter of them not expecting him to gain powers in the first place. 


He did. It's in the chapter shortly after they take him underground, where they ask how he knew they were going to hit Fortuity. 

Not really, Prof mentions that until David he especially recruited people that are more controled than he is, not only does this imply that he hand picks every member and he´s very cautious concerning the Reckoners, so I don´t hink he would a person of questionable morals join ever. (Which really makes me wonder how Megan not only managed to join them but even get into Prof´s trusted cell.)


<_< Great, then I noticed another Frefight inconsistency. 

David and Val talk about the hit on Puño de Fuego and that while he did have damage resistance did not qualify as a High Epic.

Edited by Edgedancer
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The more I see of Timeport (and what he was like as Seth) the less I can believe that he ever got into the Reckoners in to first place. :unsure:

Could someone confitm for me that in Steelheart David said that the Reckoners always targeted High Epics with a PI (whatever that means at this point <_< ).

You got my support. Best thing is that Timeport would just die over and over again. :ph34r:

Timeport was already a budding sociopath before becoming an Epic, so he was very good at deceiving people. Also, what Twi said.

Firefight spoilers

Let's just say that, even should Timeport face his weakness and get redeemed, he would still be a horrible person

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I'm sure the arrow-predators wouldn't mind. Electro isn't quick enough to fend them off, Timeport can't evade them quickly enough, and they don't possess the intelligence to develop human-like emotions that Quota could affect. We see the Trifecta as a terror, but I think they'd see it as a buffet. :ph34r:

A never-ending buffet, thanks to Timeport's resurrection. :ph34r:

Maybe the inconsistency was due to David's imperfect knowledge of their methods?

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Timeport was already a budding sociopath before becoming an Epic, so he was very good at deceiving people. Also, what Twi said.

Firefight spoilers

Let's just say that, even should Timeport face his weakness and get redeemed, he would still be a horrible person

Hiding the fact that you´re a sociopath is one thing but doing so when people are hiring you to kill stuff but have "don´t be eager about it" on their checklist is quite another.


Maybe the inconsistency was due to David's imperfect knowledge of their methods?

David´s analysis does make them worry about becoming predictable though.

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Hiding the fact that you´re a sociopath is one thing but doing so when people are hiring you to kill stuff but have "don´t be eager about it" on their checklist is quite another.

David´s analysis does make them worry about becoming predictable though.

Timeport was the only Mid-range weapons guy so he was usually alone. When he was with others, he could hide it well enough.

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Like I said, I'm absolutely not blaming or accusing anybody. :) Dark isn't bad, and in fact I'm liking the posts enough to upvote each one as it comes. They're awesome posts, and you, mail-mi, and Twi ought to be proud of yourselves for having the skill to write them.

(Though just to let you guys know, if Timeport and Electro did capture Revolution, I'd scrap all my current plans and activate instant Sunburst mode. I'd be worth it all just for a description of Electro's final pre-vaporization face. :P)

Now, moving on to the important questions: how heavy is Protector Pug? I need to know all the details, so I can produce a proper pug-hugging scene with maximum realism. :P:D


Thanks. :)

I'd totally agree with an early death for him if it came like that.:P  

"Take off your skirt."


"Hmm... I'd rather not."


"Did you not hear me, babe? Didn't you see what happened to that other gal that said no to me?"


"Oh, I heard. It's just that I would really rather keep my clothes.... oh. Hey, this is new."


"Umm... why are you glowing?"


"No idea. This has never happened before. I feel kind of tingly inside."




"Not in that way, you pervert. Less 'Stockholm Syndrome' and more 'I'm gonna murder everyone on this street with awesome death rays.'"


"You're.... this is just a trick. You're bluffing."


"Oh, is it?"


* searing fingers press to Electro's throat *


"Electro? How about we play a game?"


Awesome. Anything that improves the chances of abundant pughugs is awesome. :D


General question: would a pug eat a sheet of paper? It'd be woefully ironic if the infamous "dog ate my homework" excuse were invoked if Protector Pug consumed the paper with Altermind's weakness on it. :P

Why does that not have more upvotes than the Trifecta's posts???

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