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Thanks. :)

I'd totally agree with an early death for him if it came like that.:P

Why does that not have more upvotes than the Trifecta's posts???

I think Lightsong would look at the upvotes on this site and conclude they are administered by the same entity choosing names and titles of the Returned. :P

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So when exactly will a nuke be hitting the garden and exploding the trifecta to death?

It has already been launched. It's a very unique kind of nuke. Folks call it the Karma 3000. It divides into three forms, each form taking the shape of a human best suited to deliver a personalized sort of payback. It's rumored that this one will be taking the shape of a matter manipulator, a teenaged angel, and a thief who lost the love of his life.

By the way, would there be any minor Epics, affiliated or not with the MEE, that would be out and about near CorpseMaker's territory?

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Passive: Whenever he steps into a shadow he dissipates throughout it, can use this for transportation (By instantly appearing at the other end of any shadow) or reconnaissance as he's aware of all that occurs around the shadow, however as he can't take physical form inside a shadow as this ability is passive he has limited combat abilities.
I'd prefer if he lived though, I was looking forward to writting a few scenes for him.

Nocturne Vigil:
Primary: Shapeshifter, can take the form of a variety of birds, primarily uses the form of a barn owl.
I don't mind what happens to him.

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Let me Alan you the details, then...

Edit: I meant PM, but I'm going to start Alaning people from now on. :P


I Alan. You Alan. He, she, or it Alans. :P


"Let me send you an Alan."


"Voidus Alans."


"I need to catch up on my Alans."



We really need an official 17th Shard dictionary. :P

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Also, here's a cannon fodder Epic I'm going to RP until he gets killed. 

Name: Chess

Primary Ability: The ability to transform himself into a giant chess piece. Made out of flesh. 

Secondary Ability: When he's in Chess Form, his only form of movement is limited teleportation. For him, every 5foot by 5foot square is where he can move. If he's in the form of a Knight he can only teleport in an L on these Squares. 

Looks: He wears a black and white quilted shirt and pants. He wears glasses, which kind of spoils the effect.

Past: Been living under the radar for a few years in Portland and is sick of having to bow to higher powered Epics like Corpsemaker. His confidence is at an all time high and really believed he could take on a High Epic. 

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For the information of all: Because of the recent increase in Timeport's atrocities, preemptive steps have been taken to stop them once and for all:

I've started Angel's intro post :D

Since I'm on my phone and can't post videos, go to YouTube and watch a video of the "Fluttershy yay" to accurately determine my feelings about this. :D

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