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Well Koschei's reputation might have put a few off, and against the whole city anyone without a PI wouldn't stand much of a chance and anyone with a PI would need to kill a significant portion of the population to conquer the city. As was mentioned in Steelheart Epics need people to be alive, they want to rule people, not slaughter them. (With a few exceptions who will not be named... *mumbledcough*Obliteration)

As far as High Epic power levels go Koschei was actually kind of pathetic. The only think he could do was holding hostages, which would be rather ineffective against Epics. It´s not like I meant killing every single person, just go in there and collapse their government, which more or less boils down to killing Vondra and there are enough High Epics that could do that.


Mine was a post praising the Lopens greatness.

Warning WoR spoilers.

Sadly, The Lopen does not have a Spren so I doubt he is more than a squire, however now that The Lopen can glow and is the one and only two armed one armed Herdazian he is worthy of picking up every women he wants and allowed to stick anyone on the wall as he pleases.


Pay The Lopen the respect he deserves, for he is both awesome and hilarious, or his second hand will make a rude gesture to you in your face.

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Given that you with the Financier you essentially supplied Astoria with limitless resources the city ought to hav grown quite a bit. Concerning not allowing eople to leave, well I came to the same conclusion, then i remembered that some people put their characters having been in Astoria. I could find a canon explanation for that but it would involve turning Revolution into what´s essentially a bomb that Lucentia is one phone call away from triggering.


About the Dalles, I don´t think they would have grown much, as I said before should the city actually be well known I´m pretty sure Epics would destroy it just out of principle.


Just so you know, any bomb built using Sunburst's DNA must be called the Vive la Revolution. :P


I think The Dalles would have assimilated the very small towns around it like Dufur, but would have kept a very low profile across the rest of the state. That means no exporting or importing, and if rumors began to spread regardless, Vondra might even require anyone leaving the city to receive a permit, lest immigrating citizens bring undue attention upon them.


Doesn't it, though? 


I don't remember how many upvotes it had, but my first popular post was a pun on "high Epics in their glory." 


I remember that. I want to upvote it all over again. :lol:

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Ok well my first popular wasn't what I thought it was, I think I actually got another post popular first time wise, but this is my earliest post which later became popular.


Steelpush the switch for the kettle.
Ironpull the lock to let people in.
Put Brandon in a Bendalloy bubble so SA2 gets finished quicker (Not useless but it needs to be said as often as possible tongue.gif)
Soulcast flies instead of using a flyswatter.
At easter just soulcast real eggs into chocolate instead of buying from the shops.
Awaken a pen to 'do paperwork'
Soulcast your name onto someone else's homework.
Use Aon Tia to get things from the fridge.
Soulcast something into fire instead of using a heater.
Soulcast your shoes into ice, and perform a quarter-lashing on yourself, then skate wherever you need to go. (Actually that one sounds fun)

When I read this one I just imagined a fledgling Allomancer accidentally pulling too hard and flinging a Labrador into some kids. tongue.gif

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Just so you know, any bomb built using Sunburst's DNA must be called the Vive la Revolution. :P


I think The Dalles would have assimilated the very small towns around it like Dufur, but would have kept a very low profile across the rest of the state. That means no exporting or importing, and if rumors began to spread regardless, Vondra might even require anyone leaving the city to receive a permit, lest immigrating citizens bring undue attention upon them.



I remember that. I want to upvote it all over again. :lol:

Well it wouldn´t be an actual bomb but her blood being infected by Bloody Marry, which would we go with it could easily spread to anyone Revolution touches, or the ones they touch after that. Let´s just say it would end badly.


Low profile sounds reasonable.

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Well it wouldn´t be an actual bomb but her blood being infected by Bloody Marry, which would we go with it could easily spread to anyone Revolution touches, or the ones they touch after that. Let´s just say it would end badly.


Low profile sounds reasonable.


So how did you come up with Bloody Mary, exactly? My theory involves distilling the nightmares of children, blending it with the screams of innocents, and mixing well with one of Nighthound's creeper grins. 

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I'm just not sure how well an entire city can keep a low profile, something like Koschei's getting killed by a Vanilla would have spread pretty quickly I imagine, look at what happened in Newcago after Steelheart died. Which come to think of it is kind of a good example of what the Dalles might have been able to expect, Epics invading every now and then but more bent on finding the person who killed Koschei than taking over the city.

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Let's take a look at precisely what he wants in a lover...



By my calculations, Möbius and Sunburst would just as easily fit his criteria. So Flashpoint may need to be a little more precise unless he wants a series of very terrifying dates. :P


They have flying powers? I can't think of anything off the top of my head that would let either of them keep up with him while flying.

He can be, I thought I'd leave it up to you.


Well, he's dead now, so it doesn't matter much, but why not? ;)


Sorry for the double post, edit button's not working for some reason. Because my laptop hates me I guess.


To make up for it.

Hey Mailliw, I was thinking maybe Edgerunner and Scribbler could spot MV and Elsa and investigate it if you still want something for them to do.

Sounds good to me. Do you want to go first or have me do it?

Wow. You guys are popular. :P the only post of mine reaching popular status that I remember was in the Anniversary Elimination Game, I explained the messages I left each night and that gathered me 11 rep. I'm pretty sure that's the most I've ever gotten. :P

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  They have flying powers? I can't think of anything off the top of my head that would let either of them keep up with him while flying.


Mobius can manipulate gravity, so she could fly using the method as the Windrunners if she wanted to. (She'd much rather teleport, though.)


As for Sunburst... well, fire Epics and intangibility Epics can fly, so it wouldn't surprise me if an Epic who could convert herself into pure energy could do the same.



My most popular post was the "Where's WalDo" thread. 33 upvotes, last time I checked. (And I check more often than is healthy. :P)

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I'm just not sure how well an entire city can keep a low profile, something like Koschei's getting killed by a Vanilla would have spread pretty quickly I imagine, look at what happened in Newcago after Steelheart died. Which come to think of it is kind of a good example of what the Dalles might have been able to expect, Epics invading every now and then but more bent on finding the person who killed Koschei than taking over the city.


I don't know; The Dalles wasn't a major hub the way Newcago was. Koschei mainly chose it for its proximity to where he started from; he had hoped to spread his empire outward from The Dalles across the rest of Oregon. Even before Koschei, it wasn't a very important city, struggling along like much of Oregon, and Koschei only managed to rule there for a very short time. Though it does make sense that most Epics on their way to The Dalles would do so with the intention of finding and killing whoever killed Koschei, which would explain the strict security The Dalles operates under. 


Maybe Vondra keeps the Epics in his employ from mutiny by playing up Reader's involvement in Koschei's death whenever he deems it necessary? A schoolboy killing perhaps the most powerful Epic in the Fractured States is pretty hard for the average Epic to swallow; a hunter, aided by a mid-range Epic, killing an Epic whose primary power was not being killed would be much easier for them to accept. 

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So how did you come up with Bloody Mary, exactly? My theory involves distilling the nightmares of children, blending it with the screams of innocents, and mixing well with one of Nighthound's creeper grins. 

Well, suprisingly enough it all started with the camp fest that is Jojo's. (although looking at the pillar men in part two it isn´t even that suprising) To be excatct the second opening of it's anime adaptation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnHyj7G1kjI&feature=player_detailpage


I just had to honor its lineage of naming Stands and/or characters after music, so I turned Bloody Stream into a powerset, tweaked it a bit achieve High Epic levels, then I mixed it with one of Nighthound's creeper grins and the disturbance of the torture scene in the end of Tokyo Gouhl's first anime season. (The second season is rather disapointing at the moment but maybe that´s just because I´m comparing it to the manga.)


Honestly, I´m pretty sure that in many ways she´s even worse than Nighthound.


I'm just not sure how well an entire city can keep a low profile, something like Koschei's getting killed by a Vanilla would have spread pretty quickly I imagine, look at what happened in Newcago after Steelheart died. Which come to think of it is kind of a good example of what the Dalles might have been able to expect, Epics invading every now and then but more bent on finding the person who killed Koschei than taking over the city.

Given that he died rather quickly and as I said before wasn´t not really that powerful I don´t think they would have cared much even if they knew. What´s more dangerous is the knowledge of an Vanilla ruling over Epics.

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They have flying powers? I can't think of anything off the top of my head that would let either of them keep up with him while flying.


Well, he's dead now, so it doesn't matter much, but why not? ;)


Sounds good to me. Do you want to go first or have me do it?

Wow. You guys are popular. :P the only post of mine reaching popular status that I remember was in the Anniversary Elimination Game, I explained the messages I left each night and that gathered me 11 rep. I'm pretty sure that's the most I've ever gotten. :P

You go first, it's 6:30 AM here and I haven't slept since yesterday morning/night (I have a weird sleep schedule) so my writing would probably consist of:

'The people went to the place, then a thing happened.'


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You go first, it's 6:30 AM here and I haven't slept since yesterday morning/night (I have a weird sleep schedule) so my writing would probably consist of:

'The people went to the place, then a thing happened.'



The people went to the place, and the thing happened. The people reacted to the thing, causing another thing to happen. Once the thing had happened, the people left to find another, better thing they had left elsewhere. :P

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The people went to the place, and the thing happened. The people reacted to the thing, causing another thing to happen. Once the thing had happened, the people left to find another, better thing they had left elsewhere. :P

And then Nighthound died. Because of a thing.

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Nighthound's death was promptly voted the Best Thing Ever. This win was listed in the prestigious series The History of Things. Just behind Nighthound's death was this video of pug puppies falling asleep. 

Nawww, one of them was in a cup.

>Squees with undignified delight

This needs all of the upvotes.

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Nighthound's death was promptly voted the Best Thing Ever. This win was listed in the prestigious series The History of Things. Just behind Nighthound's death was this video of pug puppies falling asleep. 

Some things just need more things that are exactly like the first thing. One thing I would like to add to that list is Brandon's books.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Nice. You just utterly destroyed the Ozymandias post I was writing, but oh well...

I just kicked you up to 1000, or in other words, Nightblood.

Happy 1000th!

Edited by Snoopy
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Nice. You just utterly destroyed the Ozymandias post I was writing, but oh well...

I just kicked you up to 1000, or in other words, Nightblood.

Happy 1000th!


Oh! I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do to fix it? 


Reader must know this to be a lie. :mellow:


He does. But Frostfire doesn't  :mellow:

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