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That fight would be... argh, what's a synonym for epic? It's hard expressing how awesome a fight between Epics would be without resorting to puns. :P


If the Unicyclist, Revolution, AND Remington all became Epics, we'd be forced to assume that Funtimes is a second Calamity who turns every vanilla she speaks to into an Epic. And we'd then have to separate her from the rest of Vanilla Sabotage, lest Oregon suffer the scourges of Darkrose and Berry Sperry. :P


Just embrace the puns. There's no other way. :P 


Berry Sperry. I'm….picturing him having some sort of poison berry control, and that his MO consists almost entirely of killing people who make fun of his name. Which is to say….everyone. 


I've also decided that Cheddar Chancellor goes around dressed as Chancellor Palpatine, hence why I gave him lightning powers :P



That would be greatly amusing :D

If only there were a couple who specialized in Epic technology and could upgrade his weapons in some way  :ph34r:


Now he needs a passive tertiary that causes the "Imperial March" to play every time he walks into a room. :P 

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Now he needs a passive tertiary that causes the "Imperial March" to play every time he walks into a room. :P

I knew there was a reason I've been keeping Synesthesia alive. She may need to find her way to Tillamook in the near future. :D

Also just because his profile would not be complete without it:


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I knew there was a reason I've been keeping Synesthesia alive. She may need to find her way to Tillamook in the near future. :D

Also just because his profile would not be complete without it:



"You are very frightened, young padawan. Fear leads to anxiety. Anxiety leads to hunger. Hunger leads to delicious dairy products. Delicious dairy products lead only to the Dark Side."

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"You are very frightened, young padawan. Fear leads to anxiety. Anxiety leads to hunger. Hunger leads to delicious dairy products. Delicious dairy products lead only to the Dark Side."


"So you're saying every single Jedi is lactose intolerant?" 


"So….you're trying to stamp out the Sith, who are the ultimate cheese manufacturers in the galaxy, so they won't be able to tempt you anymore?" 


"Wow. I never knew the Jedi had such poor impulse control." 

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"So you're saying every single Jedi is lactose intolerant?" 


"So….you're trying to stamp out the Sith, who are the ultimate cheese manufacturers in the galaxy, so they won't be able to tempt you anymore?" 


"Wow. I never knew the Jedi had such poor impulse control." 


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Angel's post is popular :D woohoo third popular post in the RP! 


Congrats! Would it be out of place for me to embark on a goal of helping each player in this game get at least one popular post? 


Didn't Scorch's death post get popular?


I thought it did for a second…but it only has five. Lightsong's monkey strikes again. 

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So far we have….


Portland (probably most populated, attracting people who thought it safer to stay where they always were or who hoped the large population would lend them anonymity and thus safety where Epics were concerned) 

The Dalles (probably now within the top ten, attracting people who like the human-run government and can abide by Vondra's strict rules) 

Astoria (also top ten, because I can't imagine Lucentia allowing anyone to leave) 

Salem (undeveloped within the RP, but also most likely in the top ten) 

Cottage Grove (a small town before Calamity; still standing in the RP but also little more than a tiny hamlet) 


This also leaves room for some cities to have been partially or totally destroyed before the RP's beginning. Any other cities that we should fit into this chart? 

Given that you with the Financier you essentially supplied Astoria with limitless resources the city ought to hav grown quite a bit. Concerning not allowing eople to leave, well I came to the same conclusion, then i remembered that some people put their characters having been in Astoria. I could find a canon explanation for that but it would involve turning Revolution into what´s essentially a bomb that Lucentia is one phone call away from triggering.


About the Dalles, I don´t think they would have grown much, as I said before should the city actually be well known I´m pretty sure Epics would destroy it just out of principle.

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Congrats! Would it be out of place for me to embark on a goal of helping each player in this game get at least one popular post? 

I don't think it would be, and I'd be glad to help you in that endeavor. 

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Congrats! Would it be out of place for me to embark on a goal of helping each player in this game get at least one popular post? 



I thought it did for a second…but it only has five. Lightsong's monkey strikes again. 

Yeah I just checked it too, that monkey sure does work in mysterious ways.

I think my first popular post was just a random Mistborn joke, got over 20 upvotes I think.
</shameless bragging>

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Congrats! Would it be out of place for me to embark on a goal of helping each player in this game get at least one popular post?


I don't think it would be out of place (but then again, I haven't gotten a popular post yet...not even with the whack-a-mole meme :( )


I'm still trying to come up with a new Team Paladin post. If I don't hurry, there won't be any pandas left for them...

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About the Dalles, I don´t think they would have grown much, as I said before should the city actually be well known I´m pretty sure Epics would destroy it just out of principle.

Well Koschei's reputation might have put a few off, and against the whole city anyone without a PI wouldn't stand much of a chance and anyone with a PI would need to kill a significant portion of the population to conquer the city. As was mentioned in Steelheart Epics need people to be alive, they want to rule people, not slaughter them. (With a few exceptions who will not be named... *mumbledcough*Obliteration)

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Given that you with the Financier you essentially supplied Astoria with limitless resources the city ought to hav grown quite a bit. Concerning not allowing eople to leave, well I came to the same conclusion, then i remembered that some people put their characters having been in Astoria. I could find a canon explanation for that but it would involve turning Revolution into what´s essentially a bomb that Lucentia is one phone call away from triggering.


About the Dalles, I don´t think they would have grown much, as I said before should the city actually be well known I´m pretty sure Epics would destroy it just out of principle.


True, all of that. Limitless resources would definitely be an attraction; I'd actually forgotten about that. 


With The Dalles, maybe Vondra's leadership is less well-known outside of town? There are enough Epics in town, and the more powerful ones are given enough leeway, that a casual observer could simply think it was ruled by Epics who gave Vondra an unusual amount of say in governance? 




Yeah I just checked it too, that monkey sure does work in mysterious ways.

I think my first popular post was just a random Mistborn joke, got over 20 upvotes I think.

</shameless bragging>



Doesn't it, though? 


I don't remember how many upvotes it had, but my first popular post was a pun on "high Epics in their glory." 

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Well Koschei's reputation might have put a few off, and against the whole city anyone without a PI wouldn't stand much of a chance and anyone with a PI would need to kill a significant portion of the population to conquer the city. As was mentioned in Steelheart Epics need people to be alive, they want to rule people, not slaughter them. (With a few exceptions who will not be named... *mumbledcough*Obliteration)

As far as High Epic power levels go Koschei was actually kind of pathetic. The only think he could do was holding hostages, which would be rather ineffective against Epics. It´s not like I meant killing every single person, just go in there and collapse their government, which more or less boils down to killing Vondra and there are enough High Epics that could do that.


Mine was a post praising the Lopens greatness.

Warning WoR spoilers.

Sadly, The Lopen does not have a Spren so I doubt he is more than a squire, however now that The Lopen can glow and is the one and only two armed one armed Herdazian he is worthy of picking up every women he wants and allowed to stick anyone on the wall as he pleases.


Pay The Lopen the respect he deserves, for he is both awesome and hilarious, or his second hand will make a rude gesture to you in your face.

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Given that you with the Financier you essentially supplied Astoria with limitless resources the city ought to hav grown quite a bit. Concerning not allowing eople to leave, well I came to the same conclusion, then i remembered that some people put their characters having been in Astoria. I could find a canon explanation for that but it would involve turning Revolution into what´s essentially a bomb that Lucentia is one phone call away from triggering.


About the Dalles, I don´t think they would have grown much, as I said before should the city actually be well known I´m pretty sure Epics would destroy it just out of principle.


Just so you know, any bomb built using Sunburst's DNA must be called the Vive la Revolution. :P


I think The Dalles would have assimilated the very small towns around it like Dufur, but would have kept a very low profile across the rest of the state. That means no exporting or importing, and if rumors began to spread regardless, Vondra might even require anyone leaving the city to receive a permit, lest immigrating citizens bring undue attention upon them.


Doesn't it, though? 


I don't remember how many upvotes it had, but my first popular post was a pun on "high Epics in their glory." 


I remember that. I want to upvote it all over again. :lol:

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