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what would davids power be

High prince of geeks

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I think it'd be interesting if David could create Epics. They'd still go through all of the corruption stuff, so his power would basically be deciding whether or not to gamble with people's souls. But I don't think Calamity would risk that. Can't say I know his motives though...

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The power to actualize his bad similes? For instance, when he compares using the tensors to "an off-kilter washing machine filled with a hundred epileptic chimpanzees," an off-kilter washing machine filled with a hundred epileptic chimpanzees would appear beside him. Similarly, if he said something would be "more useless than a bagful of snakes at a dance competition," the nearest dance competition would be visited by a bagful of snakes. 


I'm….not sure how useful this power would be, honestly. 

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The power to actualize his bad similes? For instance, when he compares using the tensors to "an off-kilter washing machine filled with a hundred epileptic chimpanzees," an off-kilter washing machine filled with a hundred epileptic chimpanzees would appear beside him. Similarly, if he said something would be "more useless than a bagful of snakes at a dance competition," the nearest dance competition would be visited by a bagful of snakes.

I'm….not sure how useful this power would be, honestly.

More useful than asking a T-Rex to help zip up your dress.

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More useful than asking a T-Rex to help zip up your dress.


This would have made his and Megan's reunion scene a bit more surreal, as when he said "You're like a potato!" a potato would have appeared in his hand for comparison purposes. Of course, things wouldn't get really interesting until he brought up the minefield….

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This would have made his and Megan's reunion scene a bit more surreal, as when he said "You're like a potato!" a potato would have appeared in his hand for comparison purposes. Of course, things wouldn't get really interesting until he brought up the minefield….

At that point, Megan would have to use her powers to turn all the mines into potatoes, and that would just ruin the metaphor (one of the few times it WAS a metaphor.)

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Joking aside, my brother has a theory that I'm officially adopting. 


David would have received Steelheart's powers. 


Throughout the book, his nickname is "Steelslayer." Regalia mentioned that David's powers would be "thematically appropriate," and what better theme to go along with than by making Steelslayer the new Steelheart? When Calamity tells David to "take it," David notices the steel bridge beneath the water. It was subtle, but I think that was a hint. 


Furthermore, the powers David would receive practically came with a guarantee of a Rending. Brandon has confirmed that more powerful Epics are more likely to go through awful Rendings, and someone with Steelheart's powers could plausibly slaughter everyone in Babilar. 

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I thought that when he noticed the bridge he was going to get Magneto like metal manipulation, although i'm not sure why. Maybe something about his power being ironic and steelslayer?

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Joking aside, my brother has a theory that I'm officially adopting. 


David would have received Steelheart's powers. 


Throughout the book, his nickname is "Steelslayer." Regalia mentioned that David's powers would be "thematically appropriate," and what better theme to go along with than by making Steelslayer the new Steelheart? When Calamity tells David to "take it," David notices the steel bridge beneath the water. It was subtle, but I think that was a hint. 


Furthermore, the powers David would receive practically came with a guarantee of a Rending. Brandon has confirmed that more powerful Epics are more likely to go through awful Rendings, and someone with Steelheart's powers could plausibly slaughter everyone in Babilar. 

I noticed the same thing but wondered instead if he intended to give David something similar to the Tensor power, which is "thematically appropriate" in two ways.

1)The Tensors can destroy steel, making them perfect for someone named Steelslayer.

2)It fits with his whole relationship with Prof and already having used the power.

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Considering what forum we're on, I'd like to see an Epic that can take a stick and make it become fire.

If we're going by Steelslayer though, the power would definitely be of the destruction variety that can top Steelheart and Prof.

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I'm still catching up on the other threads, but on one of them somebody was talking about David stealing powers from other Epics. I buy into this idea of David "collecting" powers from them, perhaps through touch. It would be thematically appropriate as he's collected information about their powers for years, and I read through a few key parts at the end of Firefight that might tie in with this. Oblivion touches David's shoulder before he teleports away, and then later when David seems to teleport away from the collapsing force field Prof creates around him, this is before Megan is fully reborn. As for Prof, he does gift David powers, but again he touches him and it might seem like Prof is gifting them, but David's actually also absorbing them, which might explain why he took so much healing power.

That is, of course, if David is actually an Epic!

Sorry if somebody has already made all these points, I'm new and haven't had a chance to read everything yet.

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I'm still catching up on the other threads, but on one of them somebody was talking about David stealing powers from other Epics. I buy into this idea of David "collecting" powers from them, perhaps through touch. It would be thematically appropriate as he's collected information about their powers for years, and I read through a few key parts at the end of Firefight that might tie in with this. Oblivion touches David's shoulder before he teleports away, and then later when David seems to teleport away from the collapsing force field Prof creates around him, this is before Megan is fully reborn. As for Prof, he does gift David powers, but again he touches him and it might seem like Prof is gifting them, but David's actually also absorbing them, which might explain why he took so much healing power.

That is, of course, if David is actually an Epic!

Sorry if somebody has already made all these points, I'm new and haven't had a chance to read everything yet.

I´m fairly sceptical one the David can copy power theory. For one, David doesn´t mention the sensation he feelt with Prof after touching Obliteration. Second, Prof or his forcefield also got teleported, which is not something Obliteration can do. Third, from the comments on the Spyril and Tensor messing with each other and the fact you can´t gift to Epics makes it a reasonable guess an Epic can´t steal powers as well as Epic powers always seem to mess with each other.

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