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Hello. I am new. Don't eat me

Cheese United

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You guys can feel free to upvote me now, for whatever reasons. I am very proud of what we have done.

I am now a full Zucchini born cheese slice.

Thank you all! Upvotes for people who helped me! Yay!

now how was that for an introduction?

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Upload the image to a weblink.

In the Sig, write "whatever web link[/img*]" and it should put the pic in. Don't actually write the hashtag; I just put that there to keep the BB Code from closing. Do put the slash. For more info, Wiki "BB Codes."

Edit: Actually, I just realized that I have no clue. I suggest PMing Moogle, Voidus, or Kobold King.

Edit 2: upvoting you now.

Edited by inexorablePanda
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