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Hello. I am new. Don't eat me

Cheese United

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Yeaaaaa, I'm pretty cool like that. Bow down to your zucchini overlord peons! I mean, ummmmmmmmmmm, have a nice day. Yeah

( Thanks for all the help guys. )


Cheese United. The only man to have lost a hundred rep in a day--on purpose--and to have progressed forty points from the abyss in that same day.


We inhabit very opposite sides of the reputation scale, your zucchininess, but I tip my crown to you nonetheless.

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Cheese United. The only man to have lost a hundred rep in a day--on purpose--and to have progressed forty points from the abyss in that same day.


We inhabit very opposite sides of the reputation scale, your zucchininess, but I tip my crown to you nonetheless.

And the funny thing is, he's probably going to get about a thousand rep per day now.

I do wonder if there's anything below Zucchini, though...

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If I were a human, I would be angry at kobold and twilight. However Iamjust lifeless so I feel nothing. Also how many does it take to become zucchini?


If you are accepting downvotes to become a zucchini, then I shall help you in this noble goal. 


Edit: I see this has already been achieved. Take some upvotes, my friend. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Oh nooo. Yesterday I gave you my entire downvote quota, but I didn't even get to see you as the Zucchini. :( Yesterday you were Lamespren, and today you're back to Lifeless. What a shame I couldn't see that. Oh, well. That was still fun, so have some upvotes. :D

Edited by Pestis the Spider
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Just curious, Cheese: How exactly did you become so familiar with details of the forum mechanics and culture before even joining? The Rank Zucchini, Spiked Cookies, signatures, Member Titles... You figured all of that out in the first day or so.  


I see to possibilities. Either you've been an extremely active Lurker, or you're actually a clone of a preexisting member. 

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Just curious, Cheese: How exactly did you become so familiar with details of the forum mechanics and culture before even joining? The Rank Zucchini, Spiked Cookies, signatures, Member Titles... You figured all of that out in the first day or so.  


I see to possibilities. Either you've been an extremely active Lurker, or you're actually a clone of a preexisting member.

It was all me, really.
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Just curious, Cheese: How exactly did you become so familiar with details of the forum mechanics and culture before even joining? The Rank Zucchini, Spiked Cookies, signatures, Member Titles... You figured all of that out in the first day or so.  


I see to possibilities. Either you've been an extremely active Lurker, or you're actually a clone of a preexisting member. 


Multiple accounts go against the rules, so I doubt that is the case. If it is, I'm sure the mods will figure it out.


That being said, it is super easy to lurk 17th Shard. I did for about a month before joining, and others have lurked for years, if I am not mistaken.

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Cheese United, I am sorry for missing your accomplishment yesterday! Congrats on being a Zucchini-born! I didn't even know it was possible. Welcome to the 17th Shard, and what you've accomplished on your first day, as Kobold mentioned, is phenomenal. Well done, sir. Well done. 

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