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Derushe woke up with a terrible headache. He was in an alley not far from the royal district where the party had been, he must have carried himself here last night and passed out... Picking himself up, he was glad to see at least he had all his possessions on him, albeit that wasn't much- just his clothes, an empty bag and a scrapbook. The odd thing though, was that he couldn't recall anything at all about last night. He remembered arriving at the party, then the Aons stopped working, and then someone burst into the ballroom. Was that typical for this worlds parties? Perhaps not, everyone seemed as surprised as he was, well- except two people...

There were two people who had burst through the doors somehow. An Imposing Gentleman, and- to what could be assumed, was his petite Daughter. However, they didn't appear to be very close. Derushe remembered scribbling notes very quickly, when the man spoke- and despite lacking the proper Aons, he could comprehend what he was saying!


"Listen up. You see that word on the wall? Wilson? It's the name of an actual immortal goddess. I'm a member of her church, I've seen her. She is awe inspiring. Join her, and you shall be rewarded as I have." A speck of light rose up from within his shirt. "This is Rules. She's my spren, given to me by my Bloodthirsty Goddess as a reward for services rendered. She lets me do this."

He created a coin out of the air with a slight pop. Was this the legendary Allomancy he had heard of earlier?


Amazed, Derushe scribbled notes even faster- when a couple who were talking amongst themselves came up to Strange Gentleman. The Man with peculiarly shaped shoulders and shaded face spoke first-

"I also serve the Bloodthirsty Goddess. She granted me Edgedancing and I have absolutely no idea what she granted Kae, but apparently my ally also serves him."
Then, the lady- Kae, spoke in a language Derushe could understand too.
"Yeah, the Bloodthirsty Goddess led us to each other. Does anyone want to convert to the Immortal, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Bloodthirsty Goddess Wilson. Also, biannual WilsonCon's coming up. See us for details."   
Did these three posses the same sigils that he had invented? Impossible, clearly none of them had been targeted by the Shaod. They must have some other mean of translating... Was that power unique to this planet, or were they like him? Other Explorers of the place beyond the Sky? And the thing they were talking about... An actual Alien Goddess! Amazing! Derushe simply had to to talk with them...
And that is where his memory stopped, he couldn't recall what had happened after that. How frustrating, was it something he had drunk at the party- perhaps? That would make sense, his Body was entirely susceptible to things Local inhabitants would be immune to. Noting this down, he glanced back at the last few pages in his journal. Apparently, he had written something in his Journal before he had lost his memory- although, the handwriting was different. He regarded the first line-
"To fix your Aons, draw them without the 17th Symbol Aon- she was shattered, which is why none of your Sigils which rely on all the shards work. Draw them again without her Aon and you will be able to use them again".
Derushe tested this, and after establishing that was really the solution, set about correcting all the Aons in his book and all his Aon Tattoos- He simply had to explore this planet a little more, it was too intriguing to abandon now.
What planet was Satrams on? Perhaps Odium/ his champion are on the same planet? :V
(Not very conclusive, I know- but it might be worth knowing for later to use as evidence against anyone we want incriminate...)
Other than that, I don't really see anyone being suspicious at the moment, so I'll hold my vote for now... :B
Edited by Unodus
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Are you sure that's now the witness works, Meta?  The Expanded Rules doc says:



That makes it sound to me like if the Witness chooses to activate their power and there's a kill that night, they will learn the identity of one of the killers at random. If there's only 1 kill, the witness finds out who the killer is. If there's 2+ kills, you get one of the killer's names at random. And if there's no kills, you find out nothing. Is that how it works, Joe? And if there are multiple kills, does the witness find out who the killer killed, or just the killer's name?


In the case of there being multiple kills, the Witness will find the identity of one killer. He won't know which killer that was.

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Well, I'll vote for Meta.
Meta would be a dangerous foe as an eliminator, since he's had experience running the game. He probably knows very well now how eliminators stay out of suspicion. Even if he's innocent, I feel that Meta still has a lot of influence and that could end up being extremely bad if Meta trusted the wrong person. I wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last game, where the extremely influential Wilson fully trusted an eliminator.

And for what it's worth, I trust Aonar.

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I'm going to go back through the first cycle later tonight to see if I can't pick up any clues, but for now, I remember being suspicious of Gamma, more so after we only had the one kill. We know Rayse was active enough to invest in one of their Champs, but they didn't kill last night. As such, there's a good chance that they're not as active and that they missed their chance to put in the order. The Witness doesn't have a very good shot at actually targeting the person making the kill (about a 2/29 chance), so having Ati hold off very well could have been to protect Rayse from getting shot. Besides, lets say the Witness does find Ati instead of Rayse or a Champ. That's not necessarily a bad thing. We'd have confirmation of Ati and that the Witness is telling the truth and could likely be trusted. 

With what somebody else already brought up, I think the Witness role works as in they just have to activate their power, and they automatically find one of the killers. And I was surprised that the Witness held off last night, honestly, if the power works like that. But they could just be inactive or waiting until they can build up a circle of trust/protection.

Also, I kind of figured there was only the one kill last night because the OCs are trying to find the Witness, and won't risk having Odium exposed until they find a way to take the Witness out. Again, this is assuming we have the right understanding of this role. O.o

Because how I've been reading Investiture is that they had to have been active to Invest in an OC to make a kill, so that could possibly mean somebody who was inactive during the night cycle.

I'm still not exactly who to vote for myself, yet, but I do agree that we will need to start using our lynch eventually, and the longer we delay, the less information we will gain. (Even if I did read your vote as being a little over aggressive there) ;-)

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Well, while I myself don't think lynching Meta is the best option at this point with the info we know, Sarc does bring up a good point of what happened with Clancy and Wilson last game. Winter, I think that was a rather quick vote, especially since Sarc did explain herself in her post. As far as what Sarc said about last game, the person doing all of the planning, Wilson, was clean. If we assume something similar this game, then most likely Aonar and Meta are clean, although different eliminators have different strategies. You probably aren't going to get any more answers than that, so the only reason for you to respond in that way that I can see is if you want Sarc to remove her vote and/or are worried about Meta being lynched. You have been climbing up a bit on my suspicions list.


Anywho, I tried to post earlier today in response to what Snoopy said; Peng is of interest since he has been acted on by 3 people with roles, one of which may or may not be an OC.


As for my vote, one person in particular, Joe, has been offering a lot of info without really giving much in the way of suggestions.


I don't really have much better to say, but I think Winter is the most suspicious person that I have seen. And I like what Meta said about poke votes; that feels like a better way to use voting, so I am going to keep my vote on someone this cycle, so if Winter wants me to move off of her I need to hear a good reason to vote for someone else or somebody else just needs to do something really suspicious.

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Arnardar looked at all the people around him He couldn't believe that any of them were truly Evil, but then who? Somebody else must be Pulling the Strings. And then It hit him. "Guys! I know who it is! It's Joe! We need to lynch Joe! If we kill him there won't be any Odium!" 


Silence fell across the room, as everyone stared in horror at him. The ones closet to him took several steps away. Arnardar's Smile slowly fell away at their Reactions. "What?"


There was a Rumbling in the Distance, and Red Clouds began to fill the Sky. The ground shook, and then a Voice boomed out of the Heavens. 




The Clouds above Arnardar sparked, and A Wall of Red Lighting Flew downward, Incinerating him instantly.


Arnardar was an Insolent Slontze! (No, he's not really dead.)

Edited by The Only Joe
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In the case of there being multiple kills, the Witness will find the identity of one killer. He won't know which killer that was.


In light of this, I'll remove my vote from Gamma for now. That seems incredibly powerful, as it's guaranteed to find either Rayse or a Champion then. That's better than having an actual Scanner, especially since they can do it multiple times as long as we protect them! If team Rayse has one, then they basically will learn who Ati is at the cost of one of their own. Still incredibly powerful. 


Sarc, that is horrible reasoning. "Let's kill off our better players because they might be evil!" And, with no insult to Wilson, I'm not her. We both have very different play styles and I keep my suspicions very fluid. 

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I for one would like to hear more from Snoopy. I don't want you to tell everyone who Cultivation is (if you really know) but i would like something to ease my suspicions. 


EDIT removed vote

Edited by Clanky
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What do you want me to say? Are you trying to manipulate me for some reason?

Edit: Okay, now I'm less angry. I don't think there's a thing that I could say that would disprove your suspicions. I can't even fathom what I said that would imply that I'm an OC or Odium. I see your suspicions as rather groundless in the first place.

Perhaps you could answer a question for me: What motivates you to be suspicious of me?

Edited by Snoopy
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What do you want me to say? Are you trying to manipulate me for some reason?


He just wants you not to reveal the identity of a Shard, as that is some very delicate information. We don't really want to lose our PM Power just yet. Also, manipulation tends to be... different from that. Manipulation only occurs if there's a valid point behind it.


I for one would like to hear more from Snoopy. I don't want you to tell everyone who Cultivation is (if you really know) but i would like something to ease my suspicions. 


If you wanted Snoopy to not reveal Cultivation's identity you could have just told him so. To go as far as trying to lynch him puts you in my Suspicious Book, Clanky.


Edit: Bit that got cut out for some reason.


Snoopy, stop hinting your knowledge. Doing that normally ends with a knife in your back or a noose around your neck.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Why does that mean I'm suspect? If I do have information like you suggest, that would seem to imply that I am not Evil-Team. You are not being logical. I thought I should vote for Sarcomere, but now I'm not sure.

Also, you can probably contribute some of that to a noob being a showoff.

Edit: ninja'd

Edited by Snoopy
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Why does that mean I'm suspect? If I do have information like you suggest, that would seem to imply that I am not Evil-Team. You are not being logical. I thought I should vote for Sarcomere, but now I'm not sure.

Also, you can probably contribute some of that to a noob being a showoff.

Edit: ninja'd


Or it could mean that you're lying and you're on Team Evil.

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It could always mean that. However, looking back at the stuff I said, it really doesn't seem logical to connect me with Evil. If Clanky would explain his logic connecting me with Evil, I would love to hear it.

Edit for blue.

And Lightsworn, thanks for the advice. I realized that too late, apparently.

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It could always mean that. However, looking back at the stuff I said, it really doesn't seem logical to connect me with Evil. If Clanky would explain his logic connecting me with Evil, I would love to hear it.

Edit for blue.


There generally isn't enough information at this point of the game to connect someone with Team Evil. However, remember that in Sanderson Elimination, it's always good to stay suspicious of everyone.

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My main point is that it is suspicious, to me at least, that you have been talking about how Aonar needs to protected and you know when Cultivation is online. I would just like some proof as to what you're saying.  Maybe you could get Cultivation to put us in a PM.


I'm not convinced you're evil, but as of now you seem to be the best way to gather more information.

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Vineyerian was exhausted.  He had helped stand watch over the Roshar travel por... uh, "shardpool," for much of the night while Clink and the other Rosharian worldhoppers had told educated him about the basics of the situation and about the war that was just beginning for the very essence of the Cosmere.  Finally, someone relieved him so he could get some rest, but he couldn't even begin to fall asleep. His mind was racing.  


I have no idea what I'm doing.  How did I ever get involved in all of this?  I randomly stumbled into a hole in the Purelake one day, and the next I'm a pawn in some interplanetary war.  These "shard" things are so powerful... and this monstrous Odium with his champions.  I was trained as a huntsman, but how do you hunt someone you can't see or track, and who makes it their business not to stand out in any way?  I should have stayed at home with my old huntmaster and his cantankerous axehound. 


Still, Vineyerian knew he now had no choice.  He was involved in the war, and he had to find a way to help... and to survive.  But how?  He only had his hunting knife and trapping tools.  That didn't seem to be likely to be of much use here.


Hey, maybe I'll talk to that Frank fellow.  He seemed eager to sell some weapons...


I've been following this discussion, but I'm not sure who I want to vote for yet. I see reasons to suspect several people, but the person I probably would have voted for initially, Peng, is immune. So I'm going to hold my vote for now. 

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Can somebody that was keeping track put up a vote count? Like maybe our wise and benevolent GM, Joe, the only of his name?


EDIT: Guess who took some initiative?


Cognition (2) - twelth, Sarc
Gamma (0)
Sarc (2) - Winter, Meta
Winter (1) - Araris
Snoopy (1) - Clanky,
Clanky (1) - Panda
Maw (1) - AntMax

Edited by Lord Pifferdoo
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Memory. Memories always remained. Static, unchanging, they haunted me. Past failures, future concerns. Death, destruction, mayhem, a hundred thousand lifetimes worth, all contained within my mind. It wasn’t long before I realized that it was driving me insane.


Copper became my panacea. I filled the metal with the stories of my life, locking them away, and hiding from the pain.


This cube was different. The copper was etched with multiple words, scratched out and redone, as if the author hadn’t been quite sure what to say. The clearest inscription read: The Beginning of the End


Aonar threw the newest letter into the fire. They’d become increasingly urgent, but Aonar couldn’t help, not yet. He knew what would happen if he did, and he still had things to do yet.


And first on the list was to call in a favour…




It had taken a long time for Aonar to track him down. It had been almost six years since they’d last met, and he was unfortunately good at hiding. Aonar watched the man step into a narrow alley on the other side of the street. Too easy.


He quickened his step and followed.


“Hello, TrelVin.” As the kandra started at being recognized so easily, Aonar tapped zinc, pewter and steel, and forced the creature up against the wall of the alley. TrelVin struggled, but his Blessing was no match for Feruchemical pewter.


The kandra sighed in resignation. “Would you be willing to let me go?”


“You’re not going to run?” Aonar asked, raising his eyebrows.


TrelVin thought for a moment. “Touché. What do you want, Aonar?” 


“You still owe me a favour, I believe.”


“A favour? I don’t think so. Pretty sure I’d remember that.”


“You and your buddies crushed my skull because you didn’t want me interfering in your work. I could have come back, revealed you to the Set. I didn’t. You owe me.”


The kandra looked nervous. “That? That was years ago. I’m surprised you still remember. Best not to bring it up again. Water under the bridge, and all.”


Aonar pulled back his sleeve and waved one of his copper bracers in front of the kandra’s face. “I remember everything, TrelVin. Now, you’re going to deliver something for me.” He pulled a notebook from his bag. “This needs to go to my son, when he’s ready for it.”


He stepped back from the kandra, and started to walk away.


“Hey! One problem, Aonar. Last I checked, you didn’t have a son.”


Aonar turned back and grinned at the kandra’s confusion. “Time traveler, remember?”




Alright, people. Not much has happened so far, and the days half over. I know lots of people are working behind-the-scenes, trying to catch Eliminators, (I've gotten far too caught up in this already) but nothing really substitutes honest discussion in the Thread. My usual analysis has suffered this game, (I've got a heavier course-load in school than I was expecting) but let's see what we can do.


What do we know?


Sart (a smart guy) was pretty quiet in thread.


-- Death does not tell us a ton, but dose remove an active player.


Disliked the plan proposed on D1.


-- Only way this could play in is if they wished to cast suspicion on me, or others who agreed with the plan. (Or if they wished to discredit the plan.) While this seems logical, it tells us unfortunately little.


Part of Yolen PM.


-- I myself can't inference much from this. Was there anything said in the Yolen PM that could have made Sart appear an attractive target? Hmm... Swalji, you haven't said anything for a bit, if I remember correctly, and you were a part of the Yolen PM. Any opinions?



Sorry, but that's all from me for now, folks. It's way to late here for me to be constructively analyzing things. :P

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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My main point is that it is suspicious, to me at least, that you have been talking about how Aonar needs to protected and you know when Cultivation is online. I would just like some proof as to what you're saying.  Maybe you could get Cultivation to put us in a PM.


I'm not convinced you're evil, but as of now you seem to be the best way to gather more information.

Well, unfortunately, I can't do that. You seem awfully suspicious at this point, although, so does Mailliw73.

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After reading back through these posts and previous cycle's posts, I have to agree with Winter (and Meta).  Sarcomere's behavior is questionable. And as Winter said, you haven't really given what I think is a solid rationale for your suspicion.  


Sarc, it looks to me like you said you were voting for Meta because, basically, he knows what he's doing, and that could get us killed if he's wrong.  While technically that's correct, I don't see why that's a reason to lynch him. I'd rather be able to hear the advice of an experienced player and decide for myself whether it's the best action to take... at least, at this early point in the game.  Voting to take out an experienced player very early (and after someone else had already voted for them, so you're not the first)? That looks a little too much like OC behavior to me.


(I'm still open to hearing your arguments, though, and I'm open to removing my vote if you can explain your suspicions a little more clearly.)

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