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Also, when a shard is shattered (unless by Odium), the investiture ability survives, since it's given to the last person in whom he invested.

I think it actually goes to Endowment, correct? 

So if we lynch Odium or get Ruin to kill him, his investiture ability... 1 kill a night... would still survive.

Actually, according to my reading of the rules, Odium (the entire Shard) would go to the last Investee. So it would be equivalent to losing one OC.  

And even if we did manage to kill both Odium and his investee in the same night, that's still only 2 of Team Odium.  We don't insta-win in that case.  We'd still have to find and kill the rest of the OC's (I guess that would be 3 others, if Winter is right and there are 5), which wouldn't be easy.  With no kill power, it would be far easier for them to blend in with the rest of the crowd.[/color]

I was just about to make this point. Wholeheartedly agreed. Plus, if Devotion thought the lynches were wrong, she could just stop them.

Sorry, I was under the impression that there was only one OC for some reason x.x

If Odium did invest in one of his own, though- why was their only one kill last night..? Surely Odium and the OC he invested in would have made their Order...

Maybe he didn't want the Witness to pick him out.
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Not according to the rules document, Snoopy.  Odium's shard is the only one that doesn't go to Endowment.  His power goes to/stays with his last investee.  You're right, though, it does say "his shard" and not "his investiture power," so that does make it sound like the entire shard goes to his last investee.  Maybe Joe could clarify that for us.


EDIT: blue

Edited by vineyarddawg
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Not according to the rules document, Snoopy.  Odium's shard is the only one that doesn't go to Endowment.  His power goes to/stays with his last investee.  You're right, though, it does say "his shard" and not "his investiture power," so that does make it sound like the entire shard goes to his last investee.  Maybe Joe could clarify that for us.


EDIT: blue

Hmmmm. Are you sure? Until Joe clarifies, your explanation just doesn't seem right to me. I could be wrong, though.
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Hmmmm. Are you sure? Until Joe clarifies, your explanation just doesn't seem right to me. I could be wrong, though.


I'm just reading from the Expanded rules document (the link I posted).  This is the Odium section (relevant section bolded by me):


ODIUM: Shardic: Once per night, Odium can target a player for death. If that player is a Shard, they die, and their power is shattered. This removes the shard from the game, not allowing Endowment to give it to someone. Odium can NOT shatter Endowment.

Investiture: During the Day, Odium can invest in a worldhopper. That player can kill a non shardic player during the night phase of the same cycle. IF they target a Shard, the Shard Miraculously survives.

NOTE: If Odium dies, his shard is given to the player last invested in rather than to Endowment.

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Just to clarify, are we talking about Odium or another Shard dying?


Odium.  Unodus was talking about us killing Odium, so that's what I was addressing.  I see now in your quote that I accidentally wrote a confusing sentence there.  What I meant is that, in general, a shard's investiture survives unless that shard is killed by Odium. I assume Odium wouldn't shatter himself, so Odium's investiture ability will survive after Odium is shattered, and it would be given to the last person in whom Odium invested.  Sorry for the confusing wording earlier.

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I agree with the idea of anyone who gets invested by odium to come forward. anyone who is an oc probably wouldn't, because it would draw attention to themselves, which is what they DON'T want.

As repeated by the other players, Odium would probably never invest in an OC. There's no point. Even if someone did claim to be Invested in, the OC's would probably just jump on the poor chap and lynch them, under the excuse that the player could possibly be an OC.

Unodus, a Shard or Hoid could simply reveal their roles before we sccidentally lynch them. It's been done before.

I can't properly emphasize how important the lynches are. It's one of the few places where the Eliminators can slip up in. Without it, the Eliminators could just play passive and kill us off slowly.

Yes, I know I should be blue_texting, but I'm on a phone right now.

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As repeated by the other players, Odium would probably never invest in an OC. There's no point. Even if someone did claim to be Invested in, the OC's would probably just jump on the poor chap and lynch them, under the excuse that the player could possibly be an OC.



Do you mean that Odium would probably never Invest in a non-OC? Wouldn't Investing in a Champion maximize the Eliminator's killings?

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Day 3: Sic Semper Tyrannis


“It doesn’t matter that Clink was an Innocent. You didn’t have all the information, and acted on what you did have.” Mlys was still trying to console him about Clink’s death the day before, but Mek wouldn’t hear any of it.


“He was on my side, he was trying to bring down Odium! Doesn’t killing someone who is loyal to your goals count as a crime?” In retrospect, it seemed so stupid to have killed Clink. They should have waited, and gathered more information. “You know Mlys, from now on, I’m going to go slower, consider-”


The ring of a sword being Drawn. Mek whirled, drawing Mlys into his sword form while trying to summon his armor. He blocked the first blow, barely, and instinctively swept his shardblade into the blade of the sword to sever it. His assailant blocked, and the sword remained uncut.


“You think I would go up against a Shardbearer without an uncuttable sword?” The figure, clothed in black and dripping red smoke, laughed at him. “Fool. You should have learned from Jost’s death. We know how to kill Radiants.” The Champion stabbed forward with the sword, but Mek blocked again, jumping back to bring his full reach into play.


“Why would you join Odium?” He swung again, mid sentence, trying to distract the figure. “He wants to destroy everything!” Another swing. Another block.


The figure tensed. “Why? Because I hate you. I hate all of you, with your shards and power, lording over the rest of us! Using your Power to become Tyrants! The Dread Lord may be another Shard, but he gives us Power, Power to Destroy!” The figures swings were getting wilder now. Mek blocked with more ease.


But then, something, a stick or a branch, cracked behind him, and Mek turned again to block the strike he knew was coming, but no one was there, unless they were hiding still.


The sword cut deep into his shoulder. Mek screamed in agony, and sucked up as much stormlight as he could, dropping his blade from a lifeless hand. He tried to jump away as he resummoned Mlys, but the figure’s blade cut through his neck next. The figure crouched down over the corpse, and whispered, “The Broken One will reign again.”



“Welcome to Scadrial! Yes welcome all!” Gerald Hobbes greeted people as they entered his keep. shaking his hand and talking of a wide variety of subjects. One of them he knew was certainly Odium, but most of the others were probably on his side, so he could be friendly.


Another figure entered, smiling warmly at him. Hobbes couldn’t quite place them, or even tell anything about them, other than He should trust them. “Welcome, m’lady? May i Ask of your name?”


The figure laughed once, and grasped his outstretched hand. “I can’t stay long, I’m just here to deliver a gift.” The figure glowed, as light poured from (Him? Her?) into Gerald. “I trust you. Don’t let me down.” Hobbes stumbled back, the feeling the Investiture gave him was wonderful.


“Thank you, Devotion.”


Mek was killed. He was a Normal Worldhopper.


Snoopy is immune to lynches today!


Day 3 will end at 10pm PST on Tuesday the 10th.


Updated Player List:

  1. Maw (Mailliw73)

  2. Second of Sky (Alvron)

  3. Aonar Izenry (Aonar Faileas)

  4. Gramps (GammaFiend)

  5. Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

  6. Bortin (Bort)

  7. Cleo and Kae(Winter Cloud)

  8. Lady Otrisce Maleris Tekil (ostrichofevil)

  9. Aranad Longbeard (Araris Valerian)

  10. Gerald Hobbes (Snoopy)

  11. Frank (Feligon)

  12. Derushe Tuskuntore (Unodus)

  13. Captain Qayshar Junglewood (swalji09)

  14. Martin (Antillar Maximus)

  15. Leif Erikson (Leiftinspace)

  16. Animus (Tulir)

  17. Peng (JasonPenguin))

  18. KaanDra (Ashiok)

  19. VineyerianDagar (Vineyarddawg)

  20. Eolkin(Eolhondras)

  21. Raiki Morin (Twelthrootoftwo)

  22. dorin (Dowanx)

  23. Scree (Sarcomere)

  24. Cognition (Metacognition)

  25. Baron Von Piff (Pifferdoo)

  26. Lu (Luckat


  1. Satrams - A Normal Worldhopper mistaken for Hoid

  2. Clink - A Village Poisoner whose wares were too costly.

3. Mek - A Normal Worldhopper who lost a swordfight.

Edited by The Only Joe
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So, this is why I was so interested in the witness role last cycle.  I'm a witness.  And I saw Antillar Maximus.


I'm sure he'll claim the reverse, so if he does, just kill us both to be sure.  I don't mind dying to take out an OC or Odium.


EDIT: This is also why I was asking in the Roshar PM group if anybody knew or had access to Cultivation. I wouldn't have spoken up so easily if I had had someone to PM about it. :(

Edited by vineyarddawg
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So, this is why I was so interested in the witness role last cycle.  I'm a witness.  And I saw Antillar Maximus.


I'm sure he'll claim the reverse, so if he does, just kill us both to be sure.  I don't mind dying to take out an OC or Odium.


EDIT: This is also why I was asking in the Roshar PM group if anybody knew or had access to Cultivation. I wouldn't have spoken up so easily if I had had someone to PM about it. :(

Vineyard, with things like this, it's much better to wait until midway through the cycle or so to reveal this so that we can see how the OC has been acting today before we caught them. I'm not certain that you are the Witness, but I'm also not certain of the reverse. Currently, I'd say that Antillar is more suspicious, but I'll wait to see his response.

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Vineyard, with things like this, it's much better to wait until midway through the cycle or so to reveal this so that we can see how the OC has been acting today before we caught them. I'm not certain that you are the Witness, but I'm also not certain of the reverse. Currently, I'd say that Antillar is more suspicious, but I'll wait to see his response.


Yeesh.  Sorry. If I'd known, I could have held off. I've literally had no one to collaborate with about it, so I just went by what I thought I should do.  (Even in the Roshar PM group, there's only one experienced player, and I wasn't about to reveal my role in the open world PM, anyway.)

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So, this is why I was so interested in the witness role last cycle.  I'm a witness.  And I saw Antillar Maximus.


I'm sure he'll claim the reverse, so if he does, just kill us both to be sure.  I don't mind dying to take out an OC or Odium.


EDIT: This is also why I was asking in the Roshar PM group if anybody knew or had access to Cultivation. I wouldn't have spoken up so easily if I had had someone to PM about it. :(


Welp. Not sure what to think about that. I expect a heated debate between you and Antillar soon.


My vote is for Winter. I think they have been acting a bit suspiciously over the last cycle.


They? Are you aware of group plotting, Bort?



Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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Well, I hope this Devotion knows what they're doing. :P But Snoopy would have just been a distraction from the real lynch now, as we have the exact scenario that was being discussed last turn! O.o

So I want to wait and hear from Antillar first before I cast my vote, because I am kind of wary of an OC fakeclaim happening. Joe, does the Witness get explicitly mentioned in the write-up (was it when Mek looked behind him and thought he heard somebody?? Or would it be more direct than that?)
Does the Witness get publicly revealed, or revealed to just the killer? If we can get a ruling on that, that would be helpful to figure out the likelihood of the fakeclaim being successful and worth the risk for them.

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Antillar Maximus. I don’t doubt you Big Dawg. I might be swayed by an incredible response, but I doubt it. As you said, you have been trying to get information about how a witness would act, and the only real reason raised for a fake claim would be to threat kill and experienced player. If you had implicated Meta/Gamma/Mailli/Aonar/Jain I might be a bit more suspicious, but for now I have faith.


The names that I wanted to bring up this day turn were Bort and Peng. Peng for obvious reasons. The village has honour, so it would make sense to balance that with lifeless operators for the eliminators. Not only that, but he has had nothing to say against those who would have seen him dead, despite being online to post things like “Thanks Devotion J”. Distinctly unhelpful. I’d like to hear something from you mate. Doesn’t even have to be an essay, but at least tell all these nasty people that want your head to storm off, and mind their own storming business.


Bort on the other hand has seen none of the spotlight so far. His first action was to put a poke vote on me, supposedly to complete a circle, but I have a feeling there were more sinister thoughts at play. As a first time player, first time eliminator, being called out on the first day must have been an alarming experience so what else could he do but lash out viciously in self-defence! Suspicious. Very suspicious. In addition, after putting his support behind a plan that has been acknowledged as risky, literally an hour later, that support is withdrawn. But why you ask? So do I… Bort?


Edit: You/Your/You're

Edited by Eolhondras
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@Lightsworn Panda...


They, as in the Royal Plural. Mostly because I don't know if Winter is male or female, so I use they instead of he or she.




The reason I've not seen any of the spotlight is because I've barely been active. The first few days I was, and I'm back today, but I've not been on much over the weekend apart from to send a PM or two.


As for the risky plan, I could probably still support it, but we would need more info before going ahead with it, as it relies heavily on other people, noticeably, the Shards.

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