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Theory: Kaladin's Rock


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Sadeas is a lighteyes so one of his ancestors has held a shardblade. If shardblades make all your descendant's in perpetuity have lighteyes, I don't see why it can't also subject your descendants to a a shard-linked Thrill. I lean towards the Thrill being more than just normal battlelust and adrenaline, and being something specific to the magic system on Roshar simply because Brandon has chosen to capitalize it and discuss it so much.

I'm not sure the Thrill is shard-linked. I think it might be just something all Rosharians are in danger of falling prey to on a world where a Shard named Odium is/was present. The KR in the visions told Dalinar that killing, even killing Voidbringers and their minions, does something to a man and the KR could teach him how to protect himself from those ill effects. I think the Thrill might be maginified by using a Shardblade, but the Thrill itself is probably native to Rosharians based on the presence of Odium, just my opinion.

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  • 11 months later...

Also, if the rocks do indeed have Spren, Tien finding them can't be a coincidence. He might have some special power which lets him detect Spren, or he might have a connection to the Radiants.

The next thing to consider is Syl's hatred of Shardblades. She

has no known problem with Fabrials, which contain Spren

, so the Spren inside Shardblades must set her off. The only other thing known to set Syl off is the name "Odium". Make of this what you will.

Do we know that Shardblades have spren in them? I wasn't aware of this, that's why I'm asking. Maybe Syl dislikes Shardblades because they don't contain spren.

I guess we would need to know what spren are first. Are they connected to one - or several - of the Shards? Probably. Honor or Cultivation in particular. Maybe. If they're connected to Honor, it kinda reminds me of Mistborn 


how the mists are Preservation's body.



But anyway, maybe Syl dislikes Shardblades because they don't contain spren, which might mean that they're connected to Odium somehow.


Of course, if there is definite proof that Shardblades contain spren, that whole rabble goes down the drain :P

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 Welcome and let me give your first upvote, friend psyren fan ;)

Hey, thanks!! (so glad there's someone else out there who's actually read Psyren :D) Let me return the favor (not that you need it :P)


No problem.  Everybody has to start and learn sometime.  Cool avatar, by the way.

Thanks, it's concept art from Blade&Soul: http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-16/bs-character-art2.html



I made this board go way off topic, sorry :P

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