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Uses for Pulsers


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People can leave time-bubbles, we see Wax falling through the bottom of a Bendalloy bubble without apparent harm.

Yes yes, they can be left, but we know that the "Bubbler" has to remain inside the bubble or it goes away. So a Pulser can't just throw up a bubble and then run for the hills: he/she has to stay inside of it for the bubble to stay in existence.

EDIT: Oops, didn't see that your post was in response to Lyrebon's. Quotes are good, people!

Edited by Kurkistan
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Ah, but you can do that with a slider much more efficiently anyways.

No, no you can't. . .

*gets haunted look in eye*

If the bubbles are anchored on the ship, then the ship will actually be traveling at the same speed that it was before, since all sped-up movement is relative to the anchor point of the bubble, which will be the ship and which will be traveling at 0 m/s as far as the bubble is concerned.

If the bubble is not anchored at the ship, then any ship traveling at any even mildly significant speed will be in and out of the bubble in the twinkle of an eye, hardly worth the effort. Give me a 100 Km bubble anchored to a point traveling significantly more slowly than the ship and I will give you miracles, but until then you're out of luck.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Brandon needs Bendalloy. WE need Cadium.

I just had an image of what's essentially a post-apocalypse where everyone but Brandon is inside their own Cadmium bubble. He wakes up one morning, walks out his door, and sees the entire world frozen in place. Kind of a horror-scape, actually, especially if he wasn't free to enter and leave other peoples' bubbles.

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If a Pulser was a martial artist, they use allomancy to demonstrate a move in slow motion.

This could also help conserve the budget for movie special effects. You only need some metal to achieve slow-mo! (Allomancers will make big bucks in the film industry.)

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If a Pulser was a martial artist, they use allomancy to demonstrate a move in slow motion.

This could also help conserve the budget for movie special effects. You only need some metal to achieve slow-mo! (Allomancers will make big bucks in the film industry.)

I thought of saying about the slow-mo cgi earlier, but I don't think you'd actually need special effects for that, you'd just change the speed of the tape or disc at that point. The first point is a good one though, as I'm sure many people can say how hard it is to learn a motion at full speed.

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With cadmium you can also protect other people from explosions, if with dire risks for yourself: when wax was in the exploding room, if marasi had been in a position to throw up a bubble encompassing the explosion, the explosion would have slowed down enough for wax and wayne to leave the room safely.

too bad for marasi, who would not have stood a chance.

That makes me think, if some terrorist put a bomb with a timer somewhere, and you need to evacuate people in little time, put apulser near the bomb and you have all the time you need.

Also, the chance to just lose time is more useful than it appears at first glance. I could use it when traveling by plane (the thight seats are a pain) or if I'm waiting in the line out of the bathroom. In this time of chrisys, a poor family without income could buy some cadmium, fit into a bubble and lose a few weeks or months, hoping to come out in better times with some more job opportunities. i figure it would be cheaper than needing to eat the whole time.

Also, since cadmium slows down time, you can live longer if you burn it often (you still experience the same amount of time). I think doc brown (from Back to the future) would have used it to see the future world... you know, if he hadn't invented a time machine before.

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With cadmium you can also protect other people from explosions, if with dire risks for yourself: when wax was in the exploding room, if marasi had been in a position to throw up a bubble encompassing the explosion, the explosion would have slowed down enough for wax and wayne to leave the room safely.

too bad for marasi, who would not have stood a chance.

That makes me think, if some terrorist put a bomb with a timer somewhere, and you need to evacuate people in little time, put apulser near the bomb and you have all the time you need.

Also, the chance to just lose time is more useful than it appears at first glance. I could use it when traveling by plane (the thight seats are a pain) or if I'm waiting in the line out of the bathroom. In this time of chrisys, a poor family without income could buy some cadmium, fit into a bubble and lose a few weeks or months, hoping to come out in better times with some more job opportunities. i figure it would be cheaper than needing to eat the whole time.

Also, since cadmium slows down time, you can live longer if you burn it often (you still experience the same amount of time). I think doc brown (from Back to the future) would have used it to see the future world... you know, if he hadn't invented a time machine before.

On the explosion thing. From the perspective of a few physics/engineering major friends of mine time bubbles do odd things to explosions due to the shift in momentum involved. Bendalloy Bubbles should disperse explosive energies(because they kill the pressure buildup involved by shoving sections of the explosion out in little pulses faster than the next bit can enter the bubble, but Cadmium Bubbles act as a lense, focusing the explosion.All of the explosions energies should deflect towards the exact center of the bubble given the curve of the bubble. In theory this a. Turns Cadmium bubbles into focuses for directing explosive energies and b means there are safe spots from much of the explosions force.

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I'm wondering is my explosions through cadmium visualization isn't tied to FTL.

The thought goes as follows.

A: Objects entering or leaving time bubbles deflect due to the bubbles curvature. Thus the bubble acts like a lens, focusing any particles that come into the bubble at the center point of the bubble.

B: The time slowing affects of a bendalloy bubble will disperse explosive energies as the particles entering the bubble speed away from the pressure of the explosion. Cadmium Bubbles will cause a pressure buildup as more and more of the explosive energies get crammed in behind the now slow moving particles. In theory by focusing the energy and funneling it all into a distinct point some kind of engine could be created, one that builds up exponentially the more energy shoved into it.

I think.

I don't know if Brandon thinks along these lines as Wax and Wayne were still plenty scared of that explosion, but that could have been ignorance or lack of a desire to test the theory.

In addition Cadmium bubbles should-if I'm right- create really odd wind tunnel effects that they haven't been shown to do yet.

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He did say he broke some of the laws of physics...

Well, I know for a fact that the laws of light propagation are some of the ones he broke. There is no red/blueshift with relationship to the time bubbles, largely because these effects would be completely unmanageable in the real world. We had a thread discussing it on this very forum, and we convinced him that a realistic representation would rather destroy the magic system, so he dropped the idea of doing it realistically, which I think was the right choice.

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He did say he broke some of the laws of physics...

Not just that, but this is some escoteric side affects to the escoteric side affects he's already created. I mean really, did you ever think, Man that Cadmium bubble should totally be creating a wind tunnel? Me neither... Not until i really thought about it. And Brandon doesn't speculate as much about his books as I do because he can just hand-wavium his interpretation in.

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About the speed of light: the problem with reaching it is that, by the laws of relativity, the mass of an item increases as its speed approaches the speed of light, eventually coming to infinite. so it don't matter how much energy you store in there. when you are at the brink of light speed, it will not accelerate the object, but merely make it heavier. The conservation of momentum is respected, since increasing the mass causes the item to increase its momentum. That is the reason light speed cannot be achieved in our universe, no matter how much energy you use to accelerate.

Of course brandon is free to use different physical laws for the cosmere.

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