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Which power would you choose?

Straff Venture


505 members have voted

  1. 1. What power do you wish you had the most?

    • Allomancy
    • Feruchemy
    • Hemalurgy
    • AonDor
    • Chayshan
    • Dakhor Monk
    • Awakening
    • Returned
    • Soulcasting
    • Surgebinding
    • Shardplate
    • Twinborn

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Scholar extraordinaire! Still able to read excellently and maintain a great memory well past most others :P


What an awesome way describe it! I feel like such a badass geek now even if it's just pretend. :D

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I think I'm better off as a tin Allomancy, copper Feruchemy Twinborn. It solves two of my worst real-life traits (forgetfulness and poor eyesight) and probably won't attract too many enemies. I'm not really the adventurous type, you see?  -_-


Oh, but what am I saying. I'm just a skaa, after all. :P


I was thinking of that for an epic scholar also... you see, in the MAG ("Oh shut up already Kadrok, you're always harping on about the MAG!") there's a Stunt you can get for Tin which lets you form perfect sense memories for a particular sense. So you could in theory form a perfect memory for each page of a book, storing them one by one in the coppermind without corruption... it makes being an Archivist way easier... and you'd be a living library!

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I was thinking of that for an epic scholar also... you see, in the MAG ("Oh shut up already Kadrok, you're always harping on about the MAG!") there's a Stunt you can get for Tin which lets you form perfect sense memories for a particular sense. So you could in theory form a perfect memory for each page of a book, storing them one by one in the coppermind without corruption... it makes being an Archivist way easier... and you'd be a living library!


Awesome! I hope Brandon has a "Scholar" Twinborn in mind for the next trilogy. (Or maybe even in Shadows of Self!)

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I was thinking of that for an epic scholar also... you see, in the MAG ("Oh shut up already Kadrok, you're always harping on about the MAG!") there's a Stunt you can get for Tin which lets you form perfect sense memories for a particular sense. So you could in theory form a perfect memory for each page of a book, storing them one by one in the coppermind without corruption... it makes being an Archivist way easier... and you'd be a living library!

Of course, there are already people with near-perfect memories who don't even use copper (Kwaan) so it isn't like it's really an allomantic power per se.

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Of course, there are already people with near-perfect memories who don't even use copper (Kwaan) so it isn't like it's really an allomantic power per se.


Granted, but it brings hope to those of us with rubbish working memories :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I found feruchemical luck to be incredibly overpowered until I realized all feruchemy is internal. You won't be able to drop anvils form nowhere on people or magically find that your backyard has Lerasium in it. Yes, you might accidentally find some Lerasium that was already there, but all Luck can do is help you do the right thing, it can't mess with others. So yes, it's more of a combat ability than anything.


Though it's marvelous on tests too.


Lets say you want to get your potions professor to tell you what he told a student about some dark magic back in the day. He already got mad at you for asking, what do you do?

You compound some luck and go for a walk. You find your friend who's pet died and invite the potions professor to come with you, get some ingrediants, and all get drunk and your professor gives you the info you want. 


That's the type of thing I think would happen with Feruchemical luck, possibly better with compounding it.

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Yeah, I thought so about Spinners too. Then the MAG came out and, unless it's just incredibly contrived for no reason, the universe actually does help you out if you're lucky enough.

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Not in the Cosmere thread, no.


I don't know about the other one, but Rithmatics even though it is not part of the cosmere is a magic system that could fit in the cosmere, so I feel like it should be able to fit in this thread, since it is just about the magic systems and not really the universe.

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I don't know about the other one, but Rithmatics even though it is not part of the cosmere is a magic system that could fit in the cosmere, so I feel like it should be able to fit in this thread, since it is just about the magic systems and not really the universe.

This thread is in the Cosmere Theories forum though. So it really doesn't belong in this thread. That said I'd love to be an Allomancer. Never have to use public transportation again except for an airplane ride.

Edited by Windborne Sword
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This thread is in the Cosmere Theories forum though. So it really doesn't belong in this thread. That said I'd love to be an Allomancer. Never have to use public transportation again except for an airplane ride.

yeah, I'm just saying, the magic system was originally made for the cosmere before he decided a form of earth would be what he wanted to do for it.

So while the book is not cosmere, the magic system fits cosmere theories.


You are completely right though, being that it isn't part of the cosmere, it really doesn't belong here. Even if it did, I doubt I would pick that over most of the other stuff. haha.


But back on topic, I'd probably go with Feruchemy. I really only know of the Mistborn magic systems in the cosmere (didn't learn about what you could really do with the magic system with Elantris where I am in the book), and with Mistborn magic I'd pick Feruchemy.  Really, I'd love to be a full Feruchemist and Mistborn though. haha.


Even assuming you don't know about compounding it would be fun to have both. Then if you know, it's just total OP like LR.

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yeah, I'm just saying, the magic system was originally made for the cosmere before he decided a form of earth would be what he wanted to do for it.

So while the book is not cosmere, the magic system fits cosmere theories.


Interesting. Where'd you hear that?

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Interesting. Where'd you hear that?

The most recent I've heard it was at CTcon when I was in the audience, people who had more cosmere knowlege than I do asked about it. I'm sure they asked about it because it was said somewhere else first though.


I didn't do much looking at realmic theory stuff b/c of spoils so all I really know is that if Rithmatics wasn't on earth it could fit realmic theory magic.

But it's on earth, so it doesnt.

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Would you care to share whatever else you heard at Connecticon (on a new thread in the News and Events section)? We have  dearth of information from there, and this is certainly news to me.

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I've always wanted Feruchemy, but mostly for therapeutic reasons. I'd love the feel of being weightless more than the feel of launching myself through the air with coins. I'd love to go as fast as I want, or be as slow as I want, and think as fast as I want, and be as strong as I want. I could eat as much as I want and whenever I want. It would be relaxing and liberating, not to mention flawless memory during exams.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My powergaming instincts say Twinborn. Zinc Misting/Zinc Ferring. You'd be unstoppable with Compounded mental speed (intelligence is the most dangerous power there is), and being able to influence people's emotions isn't too shabby. You could become the greatest scientist ever, and all the tech you make could replicate other powers. You'd be near unstoppable in a fight, being able to reason perfectly about what the other person was going to do. It's basically a better atium, but zinc is way cheaper.


I might be in the dark about how much your intelligence is increased, though. The Lord Ruler never Compounded zinc as far as I know, which means it might be limited.


Of course, there's nothing quite like being a Coinshot and flying. What Wax has going on is pretty awesome. But you could get that with Surgebinding (specifically, Windrunners), plus some other fun stuff, though Surgebinding has that nasty requirement of changing your personality (or requiring a certain personality, whatever).

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My powergaming instincts say Twinborn. Zinc Misting/Zinc Ferring. You'd be unstoppable with Compounded mental speed (intelligence is the most dangerous power there is), and being able to influence people's emotions isn't too shabby. You could become the greatest scientist ever, and all the tech you make could replicate other powers. You'd be near unstoppable in a fight, being able to reason perfectly about what the other person was going to do. It's basically a better atium, but zinc is way cheaper.


I might be in the dark about how much your intelligence is increased, though. The Lord Ruler never Compounded zinc as far as I know, which means it might be limited.


Of course, there's nothing quite like being a Coinshot and flying. What Wax has going on is pretty awesome. But you could get that with Surgebinding (specifically, Windrunners), plus some other fun stuff, though Surgebinding has that nasty requirement of changing your personality (or requiring a certain personality, whatever).


Fun ideas.  I think the only time we've ever seen Zinc Feruchemy used was in WoA, and we didn't see it very good that time, but I've always pictured it more along the lines of bullet time.  Your mind is racing so fast that it's like everything around you is going slow.  You can't move your body any faster (unless you can also do Steel Feruchemy), but you've got lots of time to think about what to do.  Zinc Compounding would be pretty powerful.  If I could do it I think I'd try to keep the Feruchemy secret.  The Allomancy is harder to hide, but you could be awesome by Compounding the Feruchemy without anyone knowing why.

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With Awakening the world just seems so... beautiful. I love many of the other magic systems but Warbreaker had the first magic system that stunned me in its potential for beauty. Or, to re-use the pun on the cover, it took my breath away.

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Obviously, Mistborn+Feruchemy would be awesome, I if I had to choose one ... It would depend on the world. 

If the magic systems were  known to exist (and somewhat common) I'd probably choose Mistborn. No need to be discreet then. You could do some of the cooler things, like jump around with Steel and Iron. 


If I'd get the power in our world today, definitely Feruchemy. It has so many more uses that you could actually benefit from in real life. Wakefullness, warmth, mental speed, luck, calories/fluids, connection ... and none of the would be apparent for an observer as something supernatural. 

Another benefit would be that it would be cheaper. As an Allomancer you'd have to continually buy new metals, and if Allomancy was not widely known, it would be pretty tricky, and probably expensive, to get Allomancy grade metals. Not to mention that you wouldn't be able to do anything if somehow you suddenly couldn't get the metals. Whereas with Feruchemy, you'd only have to get a decent amount of each metal, and you could reuse it forever. In the event of some sort of apocalyptic scenario, Feruchemy would be easier to use and offer up a lot of more possibilities. 


Being a Mistborn would feel more flashy - being a Feruchemist would be more useful in most situations. 

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I actually use Feruchamy all the time. Used Gold, Zinc, Brass and Tin today. All storing. So, yeah, while being a keeper would be EPIC (my favourite powerset), I have tasted this forbidden fruit.


I am now aspiring to be Twinborn. Double Copper, Double Zinc, Double Tin is epic, Allomantic brass and FDuraluminium, Double Lerasium. Or some others, as well, but still, those are awesome.

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  • 1 month later...

Forgery would be my first choice if it was available. But since it isn't I'd got with double Atium provided I could have a constant supply of the elusive god metal. But if not I'll take full Feruchemy.


Forgery by far fits my own mindset. The power of creation and alteration of anything? There are so may ways to exploit it.

Edited by Darkarma
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1. Forgery should totally be on the poll.


2. Soulcasting. I really can't believe no one has put this yet. Caveat: Some sort of access to Stormlight, obviously. Otherwise it's not a power so much as a delusion. Say, I've got a box, and once a week I can leave gems in it and they'll get infused? Does that sound reasonable?


Combat effective: Check. Able to make me rich? Check. I'd just have to find some way to have the FBI not ask me where I keep getting these rock-shaped nuggets of gold to sell. And as we all know, money is the best superpower. It's slightly less subtle than other powers, but still useful.


Also, in case I do have to exhibit some trait in order to qualify for the power, well, my personality is already a lot like Jasnah as it is. Loner, rude, arrogant, superior, reasonably intelligent.

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I actually think it would be cool to be an Elantrian, assuming I could get the power to work here on Earth. Immortal, incredible variety of power and very abusable. Sure, we don't know about all the modifiers and such, but we know enough as a starting point to learn. But for power with the smallest learning curve, Feruchemy might be the way to go. Never fail a test again!

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