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AMoL Prologue


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Edit. It can be bought already, release date has been set to today.

A man who loves the hunt begins a new pursuit, red veils appear, and one of the Forsaken stands newly revealed. The forces of the Shadow swell in triumph as the world unravels. By grace and banners fallen, the Last Battle has come.

a man who loves the hunt. Slayer?

red veils, ok already seen them, nevertheless it makes me absolutely want to read it

one of the Forsaken stand newly revealed. The only one who is not yet "revealed" would be Demandred. Yet, I hope Demis identity won't be revealed in the Prologue already. Of course there could be another one of the Forsaken that has got a new body. Afaik the ones who could (meaning those who've not been balefired) are Asmodean and Sammael and also Oran'gar (Aginor).

Balthamel/Aran'gar has been balefired

Be'lal has been balefired

Mesaana is still alive, yet braindead

Rhavin and Semi, balefired.

the other five are alive (Ishi, Demandred, Lanfear/Cyndane, Moghedien and Graendal)

Edited by Telcontar
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Asmodean isn't coming back, because the Dark One would not waste the power to revive a traitor.

From what I recall, Jordan had said that Sammeal is completely dead. Apparently, dying by Mashadar has a similar effect to dying by balefire.

I think it's going to be Demandred. His armies are apparently ready, and he's been quietly building power, out of sight, since he escaped the Bore. For him to go this long without us or anyone else knowing where he is or what he's been doing, I think revealing him in the prologue would be just fine, as I suspect a good chunk of the book might be dealing with him.

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You're probably right of course, it's more that it appears to me that the revelation in the Prologue would be misplaced. But anyway, BS has probably done it at the exact right place, considering that AMoL originally would have included TGS and ToM. And considering that it's at least LoC that we're looking for Demi.

Yes, but wait. Revealing Demandred in an excerpt two months before the whole book comes out? I'll just read it anyway.

From what I recall, Robert Jordan only pointed out that Sammael is dead because we never actually saw him die. If there is mention somewhere about Mashadar having a similar effect as being balefired, that has escaped my attention so far.

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It's was in an interview: (http://www.theoryland.com/wheel-of-time-interview-search.php)

Dec 12th, 2000

CNN Chat (Verbatim)


It has been reported that you have confirmed that Sammael died at the end of A Crown of Swords. Could you confirm that you have said this and elaborate on whether Rand was correct?

Robert Jordan

Mashadar killed Sammael. Sammael is toast!

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From what I recall, Robert Jordan only pointed out that Sammael is dead because we never actually saw him die. If there is mention somewhere about Mashadar having a similar effect as being balefired, that has escaped my attention so far.

I think it's that Mashadar kills by eating the mind and soul, so there's nothing to transmigrate.

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ok, I can accept that explanation. :)

What about Oran'gar? he was only destroyed with Callandor-enhanced fire, not balefire. Of course it seems weird to bring him back for one book.

I get the impression that the Dark One isn't that into third chances. Second chances seem exceptionally rare. I could well be wrong, but my money's on Balthamel/Aran'gar staying dead this time as punishment for sheer incompetence.

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I could have sworn someone posted a quote several months ago that had Sanderson saying just because you were balefired did not mean you could not be brought back. It didn't make much sense at that time, and appeared to contradict Jordan, but if that is the way Sanderson takes balefire, don't rule anything out.

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I could have sworn someone posted a quote several months ago that had Sanderson saying just because you were balefired did not mean you could not be brought back. It didn't make much sense at that time, and appeared to contradict Jordan, but if that is the way Sanderson takes balefire, don't rule anything out.

I think I remember that quote. IIRC he was talking about natural reincarnation. So people that get balefired can still be spun out by the wheel at some future time; they just can't be brought back by the Dark One.

Edit: Here's a reference. See #2 on this page. That's not to say this is the quote you're remembering, just that it's the quote I'm remembering. :)

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I think if was remembering partial that and partially the comment Jordan made saying that if the amount of balefire was small there was a chance someone could be brought back.

If one is killed, the DO could take the soul, at the moment of their death, to transfer it. when balefired, the moment of their death is earlier (depending on the amount of balefire) so the DO could not grasp them.

@Ryan. Suppose you mean Oran'gar/Aginor. Aran'gar/Balthamel was balefired at Natrim's Barrow with Graendal just escaping. And that amount of (Choeden Kal-enhanced)balefire surely was enough ;)

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That is the general idea, but Jordan said that if the amount of balefire was extremely small, it would be possible. Click the transmigration link on the quote listed above. Of course, he did seem to bounce around quite a bit on this very issue if you go just by these type of links.

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Well, amazon had it, so I've just finished it. Not everything how I expected it to be.

that the red veil-Aiel were male Aiel channelers, turned by 13x13 had been guessed. I expected to see what Demandred was up to, instead we got Taim being chosen as one of the Chosen/Forsaken. That's not that great a surprise, considering what he has done for the Shadow so far. But I love how everything is set up for the great final. Egwene finally gets to meet Egeanin/Leilwin, Talmanes supposedly saving the dragons, Androl preparing the Black-Tower-rebellion.

I suppose if I'd had the whole book, I wouldn't have stopped until I finished everything.

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ok, I can accept that explanation. :)

What about Oran'gar? he was only destroyed with Callandor-enhanced fire, not balefire. Of course it seems weird to bring him back for one book.

Yeah, "Osan'gar"/Aginor had his second chance and blew it. Transmigration takes a bit of time to accomplish, and I don't see the DO wasting the effort on someone who screwed up twice!

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I simply refuse to pay money for a part of a book that comes out in a few months anyway. I understand they have done this in the past, but I will not support this kind of marketing.

It's something they could only get away with because the WoT is so big. For most other books, such sneak previews are posted online free of charge. In fact, I think they used to be for the WoT, too. But I'm with you - I can wait. Not because I'm morally opposed to the scheme, but because I'd rather not start a book that I can't finish.

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That was awesomeness incarnate!

I bet the second time Perrin saves Rand's life will be saving him from Isam, since he's about the only person who can match Slayer in Tel'aran'rhiod.


I would be interested to know more of Slayer's backstory. How he learned to use Tel'aran'rhiod. How he and Luc merged. What he really was doing in the Two Rivers. He and Fain are the two most interesting characters that we don't know much about, in my mind. I hope we learn more.

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Considering people are constantly spending $25+ on mediocre 75 minute movies and James Patterson novels, I think that $3 is more than a fair price to pay for a few hours of really top quality entertainment and a chance to get a taste of what's to come.

I, too, was expecting Demandred to be revealed. I've stayed away from internet theories ever since the fandom scared me away with all their negativity back when CoT came out. But I was blown away by the red-veiled Aiel and the 13/13 going on with them and the Black Tower. I love that RJ can make it so obvious, and yet when something happens, you're just like... Ooooohhhhh! The filed teeth. The way they unveil when they are going to kill. Shudders. The Talmanes stuff was really great. It was strange being in this city I felt I knew so well, but it wasn't the same city anymore. The opening was great, too. I love those little glimpses in to non-MC POVs.

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  • 2 months later...

I read through it just now.

I am very confused by how the 13x13 thing works now. Apparently the red veils were subjected to it as well as the Asha'man and Aes Sedai in the Black Tower, but they seem to act completely differently. The red veils are completely nuts, while those in the Black Tower just seem kind of creepy.

The Red Veils are overall pretty weird. Apparently they've been capturing all the Aiel channelers who go north, turning them, and creating an elaborate breeding program, in order to do... what, exactly? Prior to the attack on Maradon they've never even maybe been deployed offensively. Even then they just breached the wall and withdrew, assuming that was them. They're conspiciously absent from the battle during the cleansing. They're also absent from all the other battles where they'd have been useful, but given that the Shadow didn't have a coherent command structure until Mordin and Shadar Haran beat them into shape and only two approved major operations happened onscreen since, both of them involving male channelers (Maradon and the attack on Perrin's crew), it's quite possible no one has been able and willing to authorize their deployment.

Demandred is as vague as ever, but his apparent rivalry with M'hael indicates that he is running another channeler recruitment program. My money is remaining on Shara, though the mystery midocean continent is also a possibility. Or he could have been teaching the Red Veils War of Power battle weaves. Also he's apparently the overall field commander for the Last Battle, unsurprisingly.

Also, the Shadow has finally murdered the incompetence out of its top leadership. They brought in Taim, too. I wonder if Alviarian will get promoted, too. She orchestrated the tower coup and arranged a lot of major disasters for the tower, but the Black Ajah did get forced out and make a botched assassination attempt, though Graendal caught most of the blame for that one and Messana probably absorbed most of the rest.

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  • 1 month later...

The Red Veils are overall pretty weird. Apparently they've been capturing all the Aiel channelers who go north, turning them, and creating an elaborate breeding program, in order to do... what, exactly? Prior to the attack on Maradon they've never even maybe been deployed offensively. Even then they just breached the wall and withdrew, assuming that was them. They're conspiciously absent from the battle during the cleansing. They're also absent from all the other battles where they'd have been useful, but given that the Shadow didn't have a coherent command structure until Mordin and Shadar Haran beat them into shape and only two approved major operations happened onscreen since, both of them involving male channelers (Maradon and the attack on Perrin's crew), it's quite possible no one has been able and willing to authorize their deployment.

The red veils were used in the battle of Shayol Guel, and they were used to fight the Aiel there. That's a very potent combination; I doubt the Aiel would have been challenged by anything else.

Basically, they were saved for the most important fight of all. The reason they were held back was almost certainly because if the Aiel had had any way of knowing about them beforehand, they would have united and wiped the village out. This would have made the Last Battle harder for the shadow.

Think of it like chess, not risk. The Dark One absolutely needed checkmate at Shayol Ghul to win. It was as much when the pieces were used as where they were used that mattered.

Edited by Windrunner
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