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Bad Descriptions (Game)


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6 hours ago, Slowswift said:


I don't actually know if any of you have read this... oops. XD 

If we haven't read it, thats good. It gives us something new to read.

Portal? I know that's not a book, but Come on, it fits magnificently.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Or simply Ex Machina (okay, that's a movie). So horrendously many insane AIs...

One could argue that "maybe the AI is insane" is not strictly a bad description since it seems to describe far too many things at once and also describe them in a very general aspect.

Edited by Alfa
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Well, I think that depends on the person who's asking. If you know that people are familiar with whatever you're describing, you keep giving hints, getting more and more obvious until someone guesses it. If you're not sure if people are familiar with it, and everyone gives up, then you give the answer and either do another description (hopefully easier or more mainstream) or let someone else do it. In theory, the descriptions are only supposed to take about 48 hours max to answer, because, as the OP mentions, you're supposed to be giving a hint every couple of hours. But...we haven't really been doing that lately.

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1 hour ago, ThirdGen said:

Every couple hours isn't a pace that's realistic to sustain.  Many of us have jobs, school, etc.

True. But it's not something you have to sustain for the entire time. The game isn't meant to function with people guessing based on the first bad description. Most descriptions are bad enough that they need at least one hint to put people on the right track. Sometimes up to 6-8 hints. But there kind of needs to be some sort of consistency with hint-giving--and by consistency, I'm not saying sustaining 1 hint ever 2-3 hours. I'm saying 6-8 in a 48 hour time period, which is totally manageable.

Point is, the game was started with the idea that there should be a new description at least every 24 hours to keep the game moving along. But since a lot of us do have work and school, that's a little too quick (if you're expecting someone to be giving enough hints in that time period). 48 hours is better. A week or two is a little extreme, and makes the game lose both pace and fun.


@Slowswift If you think people are familiar with it, give another hint. Even if it makes the answer completely obvious, that's okay (after all, I once described Hook in here by saying something about chronomentrophobia :P ). Better to start the next round by someone guessing it than revealing something easy.

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