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the most useless uses for useful powers

king of nowhere

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You couldn't do the arm one, sorry. Everything acts on your centre of mass.

Compounding tin to enhance your sense of taste.

Iron pulling while playing dodgeball with cannonballs.

Using a Divine Breath to cure someone of being an idiot online, just to make a point.

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Hm, yes. I need to re-read Mistborn. Thanks for pointing that out. How about another to compensate.


Using a partial upward lashing to make it easier to run the mile in high school gym (though the stormlight in you would already do that I guess)

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Hm, yes. I need to re-read Mistborn. Thanks for pointing that out. How about another to compensate.


Using a partial upward lashing to make it easier to run the mile in high school gym (though the stormlight in you would already do that I guess)


Why not just use Lightweaving to make it look like you ran the mile?

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Use a Lashing to turn the pages of your book rather than do it yourself.


That could actually be a useful way to train allomancers: you give them a book with metal pages, and they have to flip the single pages allomantically. would be great to improve control.

Think about words of radiance printed on metal sheets for that purpose. it would require true skill to turn the pages. and it would also require a wheelbarrow to lug it around.

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That could actually be a useful way to train allomancers: you give them a book with metal pages, and they have to flip the single pages allomantically. would be great to improve control.

Think about words of radiance printed on metal sheets for that purpose. it would require true skill to turn the pages. and it would also require a wheelbarrow to lug it around.


What, it doesn't already?

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This is totally a rip off a spider-man spoof comic, but use stormlight to reverse gravity to the ceiling, then pee in urinal upside down. Just watch out for the splash back......


edit: hmmm this may not work because would the urine stream be affected by your person gravity or the external gravity?

Edited by P4thf1nd3r
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This is totally a rip off a spider-man spoof comic, but use stormlight to reverse gravity to the ceiling, then pee in urinal upside down. Just watch out for the splash back......


edit: hmmm this may not work because would the urine stream be affected by your person gravity or the external gravity?

Just Reverse Lash the urinal. Then it will attract the stream. Or just Full Lash yourself to the ceiling, which provides a similar effect, except you get a headache.
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Better idea:

Step 1: Hollow out wall behind urinal, with crawlspace.

Step 2: Touch the wall about a foot to the right of the urinal from behind the wall.

Step 3: Wait for frantic user.

Step 4: Apply Reverse Lashing. Giggle.

(Optional) All of the above, but from the space directly below their foot/slightly behind them, so it actually curves down and back.

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Go Steelpushing over people's houses at night, then making all the door handles rattle and using zinc and brass to make them afraid. Awakening the curtains to catch and smother them, one by one.

Then laugh, because you've turned the Cosmere into a horror movie.

I think this qualifies for the "People to Avoid in Dark Alleys" list.


Good catch. Added.

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Good catch. Added.

I want in on that, but Kurk, being talking devil-cat ( and at least seven devils were spiked to make him!) knows that he is safe from me ( for I like cats) (Eyes Kobold-king while sharpening Atium claws)

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I'm glad I'm not well enough known here. Eventually you will all come to realize I'm crazy on levels equal to Denth and Zane, neither of which I believe you would want to bump in to in a dark alley.

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PorridgeBrick just killed me to prove a point. I think talking about Fatal Error Spren around him should make the list as well.


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 387973120 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 492222768 bytes) in Unknown on line 0

I didn't do it. I didn't, I swear!

*killed by FatalErrorspren*

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go around the city spreading a general rioting of fear and suspicion. That should make the people paranoid. Then sell them books denouncing supposed conspiracies; paranoid people are more likely to believe them. Soon the internet will be flooded by plot theorists (what do you have to riot to make people more prone to ranting about plot theories on the internet? intersting question), and so even people outside of the influence of your rioting will start beliving your stuff, just because if so many others believe there must be somthing about it, right?

All those people buying your books to know about "conspiracies" will make you disgustingly rich. how is that useless? Because afraid, paranoid people with their heads filled with plot crap will soon rebel to the government, and civilization will fall into caos; money will be worthless then, so all the money you got will be at most good for burning it to keep warm during winter. But at least you'll have done something damnation cool!


Pro tip: instead of spreadding lies about international plots, only spread lies about national plots; that way, the disorder should be limited to only one nation, and you may be able to pick the right time to escape in a tropical island with your money, after you sold millions of books but before people start shooting in the streets. Just be sure to get the timing right, you don't want your plane to be shot down in the first clashes because you waited too long. But then, other nations will probably realize what you did, realize the danger you pose, and make you pay for it, so expect some secret service assassin to ruin your tropical vacation pretty soon. the only way to protect against that is to make all nations collapse, which brings us back to the previous problem.


That was totally inspired by that discussion about people to avoid in dark alleys, btw (yes, I am already into it, but it's better to reinforce the membership to the club at times)

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