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the most useless uses for useful powers

king of nowhere

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Nah, I would imagine people would LOVE to hear him cackling madly as he approaches them with a scalpel.

Nothing wrong with that... Once upon a time, people complained that I don't laugh and smile enough, so I practiced an ancient Japanese practice of takawarai (maniacal laughter ) and supplemented it with creepy giggling during work for up to ten minutes at a time and one-sided baring of teeth, and they don't complain anymore :) Though new acquaintances tend to react oddly. Human nature, I assume.

Which reminds me: compound breath so I would be able to giggle creepily for hours without having to goigle on inhalation , which reduces the quality.

Edited by Satsuoni
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Go up on top of a tall building and douse yourself in gasoline. Store brass and set yourself on fire. Then store iron and jump off. Instant Human Torch. Bonus points if you have Allomantic steel to fly better.

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Store all your attributes, then Melt down the Metal minds into Bullets, then shoot yourself with them. You now have permanent metalminds in you! You're also dead.

Not if you stored health. Although, what would happen if you melted down a metalmind and recast it? What if you alloyed it with something else? If a Mistborn with Feruchemical tin stored tin, then used that tin to make pewter, could they get both the effects of Feruchemical tin and Allomantic pewter? What if you did that with a Hemalurgic spike instead of a metalmind? What if you used both?

Edited by Shaggai
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I think the Investiture is bound to the cognitive or spiritual aspect of the metal, which, in this case, would be lost if you change it to much. So, basically, no. Changing a valid Metallic Arts alloy to another resets the storage.

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Using a Lifeless you created by killing someone with a Shardblade to get your food so you don't have to leave the computer and 17th Shard forums while storing wakefulness so that you can have an extra long 17th Shard marathon all night.


That was a heck of a run-on sentence. That really got out of hand.

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Punch someone hard in the chest enough that they fall back. Stand over them, and as they look up stunned, have an illusion of a bloody beating heart in your hand, and call out "kali ma! kali ma!" and watch them freak out. 


edit: oh oh! play hot lava with kids, but cast an illusion so the floor looks like ACTUAL lava!

Edited by Pathfinder
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