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the most useless uses for useful powers

king of nowhere

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Die on a bed fully charged Ferucemically. Made of gold.

that actually raises a question for me. If you took a gold cast bullet, stored health into it, and then had someone shoot you in the head with it, would you have enough time as the bullet passed through your skull to draw health and heal?

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that actually raises a question for me. If you took a gold cast bullet, stored health into it, and then had someone shoot you in the head with it, would you have enough time as the bullet passed through your skull to draw health and heal?

I'd say no, because you just won't have time to process it. Unless you were a full Feruchemist and were drawing gratuitous amounts of mental speed.

Use the Surge of Friction (if this is possible) to set yourself on fire and stay alive using Progression.

Use the Surge of Friction to make yourself slick while walking in ice to activate Hard Mode.

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Use a shardblade to shave--dont cut yourself.

lash a dart to the bullsey

use (what's the opposite of Bendalloy?) to play video games for longer.

use a tensor to sharpen your pencil

use electrum to avoid tripping.

steelpush to type

steelheart's energy blasts to silence your alarm clock

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Bond to a spren and hire yourself out as a mobile lamp.

Use Hemalurgy to capture chickeney attributes from chickens and spike other chickens to produce ultra-chickens. That is, the chickens would do everything other chickens did, but more and with more determination.


Some playground uses:

Use the Surge of Friction to swing without holding on. I suppose that would, however, require being on a swing with bare buttocks.

Spray a Full Lashing on a slide.

Use Allomantic iron (or the Surge of Friction) to successfully traverse the monkey bars (a feat I've not been able to accomplish without magic (and seldom with it)).

Win games of tag by putting a Reverse Lashing on yourself while "it" (or, alternately, Allomantic pewter or Feruchemical steel).

Tap Pewter to win Red Rover.

Win Hide and Seek Tag by balancing in the air with either Steelpushes or lashings.

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Use Hemalurgy to capture chickeney attributes from chickens and spike other chickens to produce ultra-chickens. That is, the chickens would do everything other chickens did, but more and with more determination.




Spike waffles to taste like chicken

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Give a lifeless squirel an Allomantic cadmium spike and use it to freeze people.

oh my, that's actually the ultimate weapon. time bubbles make it difficult to fire from inside to outside, but nothing prevents firing from outside to inside (when Pull shot wax and wayne activated the bubble, the bullet passed exactly where wax was, it wasn't deflected by the time bubble).

So get your lifeless allomantic squirrel, tell it to go near your enemies and ativate cadmium, then you can kill them from afar with extreme ease. the only defense against it is to have your own lifeless squirrels, so that you'll all be on equal footing with the enemy. and maybe some lifeless foxes to hunt the squirrels.

Forget nukes. squirrels are the ultimate weapon of the future.

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oh my, that's actually the ultimate weapon. time bubbles make it difficult to fire from inside to outside, but nothing prevents firing from outside to inside (when Pull shot wax and wayne activated the bubble, the bullet passed exactly where wax was, it wasn't deflected by the time bubble).

So get your lifeless allomantic squirrel, tell it to go near your enemies and ativate cadmium, then you can kill them from afar with extreme ease. the only defense against it is to have your own lifeless squirrels, so that you'll all be on equal footing with the enemy. and maybe some lifeless foxes to hunt the squirrels.

Forget nukes. squirrels are the ultimate weapon of the future.

Though it's important to note that Wayne is using Bendalloy, and the border from "fast" time to normal time (in that direction) ricochets bullets, whereas the switch from normal time to "faster" time seems not to ricochet bullets. If the time switch is the cause of the ricochet (which makes sense—not sure if it says directly or if we have WoB on this one), it seems that a change from a certain timestream to a less dense timestream causes ricochet.

TL;DR - I don't think this would work.

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Try Forging away your capacity to do so.


Make a Stamp of enormous power, turn your Lerasium into coal and then burn it.


Break your hand and arm in multiple places to allow you to Soulcast your Soulcaster into fire.

Edited by Observer
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Break your hand and arm in multiple places to allow you to Soulcast your Soulcaster into fire.

I feel like there's something vital about Soulcasters that I'm missing here...


Anyway, create a Stamp that changes objects to be unstamped, then proceed to use it over and over on the same object, thus removing the stamp previously placed, that removed the stamp before it, that removed the stamp before it...

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