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the most useless uses for useful powers

king of nowhere

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I'll have you know that pest control is a time honored tradition! I have a family to support here! Besides, I'm just following the example of the great god Lightsong the Bold (praise be his name), are you saying that Lightsong the Bold (praise be his name) was a dishonest god?


You heathen!

I bet it is time-honored, right up there with starting wars. Long and glorious tradition, etc.


Anyway, while Lightsong was certainly bold, he was never mentioned in my hearing as Lightsong the Cold, and infesting townsfolk's crops and homes with vermin is undoubtedly coldhearted. In fact, it's not even a bold endeavor. How are you to follow in Lightsong's hallowed steps without a more dangerous method of acquiring your livelihood? I say you should turn your lifeless rat army into a traveling circus in which you do high-flying acrobatics while suspended on trapezes consisting entirely of rats with only a rat-based net below you if you fall.


... I think the Lifeless rat-trapeze counts as my useless use for this post.

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I bet it is time-honored, right up there with starting wars. Long and glorious tradition, etc.


Anyway, while Lightsong was certainly bold, he was never mentioned in my hearing as Lightsong the Cold, and infesting townsfolk's crops and homes with vermin is undoubtedly coldhearted. In fact, it's not even a bold endeavor. How are you to follow in Lightsong's hallowed steps without a more dangerous method of acquiring your livelihood? I say you should turn your lifeless rat army into a traveling circus in which you do high-flying acrobatics while suspended on trapezes consisting entirely of rats with only a rat-based net below you if you fall.


... I think the Lifeless rat-trapeze counts as my useless use for this post.

Using reanimated vermin to be a pest is a very Lightsong inspired tradition.  :P

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A new one just occurred to me after seeing someone's thoughts on Ruin's level of control in HoA.

Ascending to the power of a Shard and obtaining the power of creation itself, having the world at your fingertips. . .

So that you can use your expanded mind to have amazing micro and macro management skills while playing Starcraft.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Self-esteem does have an impact on health, so as long as you are still trying to lose weight afterwards that might actually be helpful.

Full lashing the steps of an escalator to the side walls to make everyone trip.

Edited by natc
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Use a reverse lashing to cheat at paintball by pulling the paintballs towards nearby objects, and not your body.  for bonus points, use a reverse lashing to pull the paintballs toward a teammate, who you then use as a human shield.

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Use the last of your Stormlight to lash your opponent toward you twenty times the moment your fist impacts their face, resulting in probable face breaking for them, hand breaking for you, and full body breaking for everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stamp your spheres to not have Stormlight. (Does that mean that investiture can be created/destroyed?)

Use Aon Ate (Silence) to make little kids stop crying.

The Investiture would not dissapear, as the Cosmere runs on real physics (or, at least is based on it.) It would probably just convert to some other form or just leave the sphere. However, I believe that just like energy, once it is converted to certain forms it is impossible to change back, thus destroying its usefulness, and then it might as well have been destroyed.  And now, to justify my post:

Store a lot of health in a brick of gold and then soulcast it into a stick. Then, burn it. (What happens to the health if I do that?)

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The Investiture would not dissapear, as the Cosmere runs on real physics (or, at least is based on it.) It would probably just convert to some other form or just leave the sphere. However, I believe that just like energy, once it is converted to certain forms it is impossible to change back, thus destroying its usefulness, and then it might as well have been destroyed.  And now, to justify my post:

Store a lot of health in a brick of gold and then soulcast it into a stick. Then, burn it. (What happens to the health if I do that?)


Same thing as if you were to Alloy the Gold I would imagine.  I remember a WoB a while back that said the Health would remain in the Metal, but not be accessible unless it was refined back into its pure form/proper Alloy.


So if you Soulcast the Gold into wood, and then back into Gold, you get your health.  If you burn the wood, collect the ash, and then Soulcast the ash back into Gold, you get some of your Health back, and if you burn the wood, collect all of the smoke & ash, and soulcast it all back into Gold, you get your Health back.

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The alternative answer to both of those is that the soulcasting would, in some way, release the investiture which would probably flow back to its shard or something.  alternatively, since investiture has a gaseous form, it could just dissipate like a gas would.

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