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Round Thirteen: The Interview

Al Vron here once again folks.  We are down to the last four; any of which could take the victory.  The action is already under way so lets get right to it.

Dow, Keira and Grak have teamed up to take down Arall it seems.  But wait; what’s this?  Keira just turned on Grak leaving a bemused Arall to face Dow by himself.  Grak backs up but a wall prevents him from going too far.  Dow and Keira have drawn their improvised shanks and are moving in for the kills.

Ahhhh!!!  What is that awful sound?  Where is it coming from?  It’s Grak!!  Grak is laughing?  Why would Grak laugh?

Keira dropped her shank while trying to cover her ears but Dow lunges for Arall.  The blade sinks deep between the ribs and hits Aralls heart.

Grak has stopped laughing thankfully and Keira has recovered her blade.  With both Keira and Dow to contend with, can Grak do anything?

Eww.  Grak just ripped off part of his left arm and is reaching in.  What could he possibly have hidden inside?  Is that what I think it is?  I think it is.  It is.  A double barrel shotgun.

Keira and Dow seem taken back.  They are trying to make a break for it but it’s too late.  Grak fires his weapon and at that range nothing could survive it.

Well that’s it folks.  The game is over and Figgldygrak is the winner.  This has been one hell of a match and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.  Stay tuned for the crowning of our champion and the interview that follows.

As the write up says, the game is over and Gamma is the winner.  Congratulations Gamma and the Rithmatic team as a whole.

Vote Tally:
Wilson: 2
Araris: 2

Dow (Dowanx) Epic
Keira (Little Wilson) Epic
Arall (Araris Valerian) Librarian

Observers Platform
The Watchers Lair

Edit:  Added Docs.
Also Gamma your vote on Wilson didn't count as you didn't green your first one in time.

Edited by Alvron
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Nice job everyone.


Wilson, I will blame you for our loss.  If you hadn't thrown the Flash Bang on me, Vine and Piff would be dead a cycle earlier.


Seriously, this was a nice game.  Alvron, with the reanimation mechanic, it was made even better.  I would like to apologize to any watchers, as towards the end nothing was going on in the thread, as everything was being plotted in PMs.

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Yes! Great game from everybody! This entire Elimination Match has definitely wreaked havoc on my sanity! This truly has been a bloodbath, and was a blast to play! Many thanks to our GM Almighty for running such a great game, and for everybody for signing up and participating! This game has indeed shown that nobody on this sub-forum is to ever be trusted. And I love it! ;)

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Player and Role List:
Joe (The Only Joe) Forger 
Malcom (Mailliw73) Disguise Lens Wearer Librarian
Vin Yard Awg/Vya (Vineyarddawg) Accelerated Healer Epic
Tristal (Tuilr) Romance Novel Monster Librarian
Eol (Eolhondras) Traitorous Crystal Knight Librarian
Dow (Dowanx) Mitosis Epic
Jain (Lightsworn Panda) Forcefield Epic
Cleo and Kae (Winter Cloud) Shardblade Welder Cosmere
Ank (Clanky) Soldier Rithmatic
Keira (Little Wilson) Accelerated Healer Epic
Arall (Araris Valerian) Oculator Librarian
Karlin (Surgebound Rainspren) Forgotten Rithmatic
Count Piffula (Lord Pifferdoo) Mistborn Cosmere
Tammy Kingswright (A Smart Guy) Corrupt Rithmatic Rithmatic
Todd Smith (twelfthrootoftwo) Lifeless Cosmere
Ash (Ashiok) Trapper Cosmere
Bortholemew (Bort) Detective Rithmatic
Dr. Brightlord Seixa (Phattemer) Offensive Specialist Rithmatic
Atreides Agamemnon (Ostrichofevil) Illusionist Epic
Lil' Meester Fafa (Splinter) Matter Disruptor Epic
Naran (Aonar Faileas) Lifeless Cosmere
New One the Toddler (Newan) Infiltrator Librarian
Figgldygrak (Gamma Fiend) Soldier Rithmatic
Ferrin (Feligon) Romance Novel Monster Librarian
The Shard (ShardbearerFanatic2014) Shade Cosmere
Samhain (Seonid) Warrior Lens Wearer Librarian
Restless (Renegade) Hoid Independant
Keldre (KalaDellexe) Incorporeal Epic
Lu (Luckat) Defensive Specialist Rithmatic
Edited by Alvron
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Good Game all! 


About Wilson's defection: Wilson did actually defect for a short while, since I wasn't giving her information about our team, and we ended up taking advantage of the defection to the Agents of Chaos and she became a double agent. At least, that's what I think she was doing.


Anyway, I'd like to nominate Wilson for the Puppet Master Award.

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Congratulations, Gamma!  I'm totally not surprised that someone from Team Odium was the last one standing.  :ph34r:


Yeah, Wilson was like a triple/quadruple/quintuple agent for a while.  I second Jain's nomination. We wouldn't have crept right up to the very edge of winning if she hadn't pulled the strings so well.  Well done, Wilson.

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Great job everyone. It really was close at the end. Especially excellent job to Gamma for pulling off the win!


And thanks Alvron for running such an intense game so smoothly. It was a lot of fun.


Alvron, when I click on the Watchers Lair doc, it says I don't have permission to access it.

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Congratulations to Gamma for a game well played and for having a formidable stock of items. :P


I'd like to (jokingly) nominate the Librarians for a half-win, for having a player who had never been killed alive for the longest time. You zombies shouldn't count. :P:D


Thanks, Alv for a great game. This was a lot of fun to play for the short time I was alive. 

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First off, congratulations Gamma. That was very, very well-played.


Wilson, I will blame you for our loss.  If you hadn't thrown the Flash Bang on me, Vine and Piff would be dead a cycle earlier.


I actually helped you out there. Neither of them would've died if you'd hit them the cycle before. Piff had the Spike and Vine had two lives. The only reason Vine died the next cycle was because he'd entered the lottery. And as for blaming me for your loss, I think we're all kind of to blame for our own team's losses. You guys had a chance to take out Gamma with the lynch and you chose to go after me for a second time when I was being completely honest about only having one life and no protection. :P



Nobody ever attacked me... I almost feel insulted. I had a multi-role and didn't get targeted until the very last round of the entire game!


If we hadn't had that alliance, I would've. At one point, you were my prime target for the syphon. If I'd used it on you, you would've died halfway into the game. But I didn't. Also, I'm amused that you made such a big stink about me potentially breaking the alliance when you'd already tried to both kill me and lynch me..... What were the words you used for that alliance again? "Or, we could go for a full blown alliance and say neither of us is allowed to kill/vote for the other for any reason for the entire game."....Note to self: never trust Araris. Ever. :P

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First off, congratulations Gamma. That was very, very well-played.



I actually helped you out there. Neither of them would've died if you'd hit them the cycle before. Piff had the Spike and Vine had two lives. The only reason Vine died the next cycle was because he'd entered the lottery. And as for blaming me for your loss, I think we're all kind of to blame for our own team's losses. You guys had a chance to take out Gamma with the lynch and you chose to go after me for a second time when I was being completely honest about only having one life and no protection. :P

Ah, I see.  Honestly, this game as showed me who to be more distrustful of future games, as everyone did really good throughout this entire game.

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You know, I thought the game had reached a turning point and would be over in about 1 round, so when the zombies came around, that made my betrayal seem that much worse. I thought that I was deciding between my team and you at that point in the game. Regardless, if we are on different teams in another faction game then you certainly have no reason to trust me like that in the future :).

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Whew, thanks everybody! :D This truly could have been anyone's game, with all the scheming, plotting, backstabbery, betrayal, and a whole crazy cast of items! Thank the Lord Ruler for Patented Urbain ParanoiaTM :ph34r:   (Note to self: Never trust anybody in these games)


I was honestly curious to see that Special Lottery, especially with Team Zombie. ....but the flavor of a shotgun being pulled out of Grak's innards for the win was too tempting. (and for good reason!) :P

I'll try and get my interview/follow-up RP post in in the morning! :D Once again, great game everybody! And another round of applause (upvotes) for Alvron for GM'ing this fantastic game! His Inbox (and sanity!) can breath easily and go cry in a corner now somewhere, the abuse is finally over. :P


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And another round of applause (upvotes) for Alvron for GM'ing this fantastic game! His Inbox (and sanity!) can breath easily and go cry in a corner now somewhere, the abuse is finally over. :P

Sanity?  I don't think I ever had that.


For those that may be wondering, the final tally of PMs created for this game was 229. :o  Over 150 of those in the first 24 hours.

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