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Who Is Hoid?

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Are you referring to the Heralds? The swords they carry are called Honorblades. (We aren't sure what the Dawnshards are, but I, at least, am certain that Dawnshards are different from Honorblades) Hoid is definitely not a Herald. Have you read Brandon's other books? Do you know about the cosmere? I don't want to spoil anything for you.

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Hoid is a character who appears in every single one of Brandon's books. He's part of the background storyline, and uses the cognitive realm to hop from planet to planet. I believe it has been confirmed that he's Midas is the Liar of Partinel, and he was there when Adonalsium shattered into the 16 shards. For more spoilery info, I'd suggest the coppermind. http://coppermind.net/wiki/Hoid

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He claims at one point that Hoid isn't his real name either, but the name of "someone (he) should have loved." I suspect that this person may still be alive, and may even be the intended recipient of The Letter.

EDIT: Or not. That's what I get for not finding the Liar of Partinel stuff online. Oh well.

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You can find the Liar of Partinel sample chapters online. In it, Midius's master Hoid dies, and Midius travels to a nearby town. The eventual shape of the book will certainly be different when it's actually revisited/completed, but that portion and Lightweaving will almost certainly remain. Hoid's "should have loved" comment is a measure of respect for the man who taught and helped him when he was Midius. The people on here who have read Dragonsteel (takes place something like a thousand years after Liar of Partinel) seem to think that the recipient of the Letter is one of the dragons.

Since I can't remember if I've seen it mentioned elsewhere, do Liar of Partinel and Dragonsteel take place on the same planet?

Edit: Yes, they do, on Yolen.

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I've asked this before but never got an answer, so I'll ask again. Has Brandon confirmed that Midas is Hoid? Because from what I can see, Midas cared quite a bit about his master, which contradicts the statement he makes on Roshar. Of course, it's entirely possible that something stopped him from caring later on.

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Are you referring to the Heralds? The swords they carry are called Honorblades. (We aren't sure what the Dawnshards are, but I, at least, am certain that Dawnshards are different from Honorblades) Hoid is definitely not a Herald. Have you read Brandon's other books? Do you know about the cosmere? I don't want to spoil anything for you.

Yes the Heralds, thank you. I only read the Way of Kings (no extra chapters or other books, so I didn't know what the swords were called). I suppose Dawnshards would be different.

The reason I suspected Hoid may be a Herald is because he seems to be immortal—read the following:

Hoid is a character who appears in every single one of Brandon's books. He's part of the background storyline, and uses the cognitive realm to hop from planet to planet. I believe it has been confirmed that he's Midas is the Liar of Partinel, and he was there when Adonalsium shattered into the 16 shards. For more spoilery info, I'd suggest the coppermind. http://coppermind.net/wiki/Hoid

This lead me to believe that he has lived for a long time—if this was Warbreaker, I'd say that he had a ton of Breath. It appeared to me that the Heralds were, in a way, immortal.

And also, he (being Hoid) truly is a Worldsinger, as he seems to have traveled from world to world (read the quote from Observer.) I didn't notice it until now, but Hoid is also a character from the book Warbreaker—if not a character with a different personality.

Edit: I have read the coppermind thing. Now this all makes more sense. (also I don't really care about spoilers)

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Can Hoid jump through time? If so, can Shards jump through time?


Hoid, so far, has only moved forward in time. He has not 'lived' all of those years, but has used some time dilation techniques. That said, he is far older (both in relative and real time) than a normal person can live.

So he's not necessarily as old as the Shards in terms of having lived all those years but there's definitely something going on.

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Hoid's Real Name thread.

Dragonsteel has reappeared at the BYU library. I don't know if it had just been misplaced and they found it somewhere, or someone returned it, or what, but it is back and available for ILL.

I think there are some misconceptions about what Brandon has or hasn't confirmed. You can say for sure that the Hoid in the books is not the same person as the Hoid who is described as having died at the beginning of Liar of Partinel. Saying that Midius is Hoid has its own problems but there's not anything more I can say about that.

It could be that the person Midius was was changed by some event in the Liar of Partinel. And that he took up the name Hoid after said event. (the Shattering?) Or maybe Peter means that the Liar of Partinel sample chapters are so much of a rough draft that we can't really count on them for an accurate characterization/naming of Midius.

If Hoid held Adonalsium's power for any length of time, that might also explain his immortality. That might make him some sort of super-Sliver. Or he may have gotten the immortality and his abilities from other facets of Brandon's magic systems. I wonder if we'll actually see the extent of his abilities in the Stormlight Archive, or if we will have to wait for an even more Cosmere-centric book.

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Can Hoid jump through time? If so, can Shards jump through time?


Hoid, so far, has only moved forward in time. He has not 'lived' all of those years, but has used some time dilation techniques. That said, he is far older (both in relative and real time) than a normal person can live.

So he's not necessarily as old as the Shards in terms of having lived all those years but there's definitely something going on.

Thank you. This clears things up a bit. ;)

Also, whoever moved this, thank you! I didn't really know where it went. It was very early on in my time on this website.

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Midius may not be Hoid, but that also doesn't mean it isn't related.

What I find interesting from the Liar of Partinel sample chapters is that the world was already in a bind even before the Shattering. Whatever happened there, it was already part of the larger story. I can't wait to get more hints on the back-story!

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Hoid time travels, which means he has to have the ability to see the future to some extent for him to arrive at important events in different planets. So either he is a sliver with the ability to divine the future (as seeing into the future is a shardic ability), or his magic (lightweaving) has other uses or like Brandon said....."He is something else".

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Precognition is usually related to the pure essence of a Shard as far as we've seen, but you don't have to be a sliver. Look at atium. Brandon also said that he doesn't really tell the future, just that he might be needed at a certain place and time.

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You're spot on with that one, Rags. Hoid definitely has some precognition abilities.


How does Hoid know where to go when?


Alright, who does not know who Hoid is? If you want to know about Hoid, the 17th Shard, which is the official fansite for my works, has some great information about him. There is a character who showed up in Elantris, who showed up in Mistborn, who showed up in Warbreaker, who showed up in Way of Kings. All with the same name, the same person. So there’s lots of theorizing about it. How does he know? He has his ways! (general groans) So a little bit more? Just a little bit more? He may be capable of a little bit of foreseeing of certain events, not what’s going to happen, but he may need ot be in a certain place in a certain time.


However, I don't think being a Sliver is very useful in seeing the future. Vin was one after all and so was Rashek. They didn't seem to have any abilities of that nature (or at least not without atium). The only affects being a Sliver seems to have on a person is that they follow the Shards intent (Rashek "Preserving" the Final Empire in the same way for a millennium) and that some people can identify Slivers simply by looking at them.

Splinters on the other hand, (perhaps this is what you meant?) definitely have some future sight abilities attached to them, as evidenced by the Divine Breath, a Splinter of Endowment, giving Returned visions of the future.

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So I finally read Liar of Partinel, only to find out that it has apparently been scrapped.

Given that, how much of what is in there can still be safely assumed true? "Someone I should have loved" obviously can, because it has been mentioned outside LoP, but for example, can we assume (with the same degree of safety in that assumption) that ur-Hoid and Hoid were master and apprentice, or might that be subject to change?

For that matter, what of the story itself? Might we see it come back as an early part of Dragonsteel, or even condensed into a prelude? Might it eventually be merged into something else, the way Final Empire was?

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Guest Galavantes

As to whether we will see the extent of Hoid's powers in Stormlight....I doubt it. Brandon said in an interview regarding the Suvudu cage match that if he were allowed to bring Hoid to the fight then Rand (Wheel of time) would be toast.

Considering Rand is essentially a walking tactical nuke with a pretty easy upgrade to planet killer, it's safe to assume Hoid is purty tough.

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So I finally read Liar of Partinel, only to find out that it has apparently been scrapped.

Given that, how much of what is in there can still be safely assumed true? "Someone I should have loved" obviously can, because it has been mentioned outside LoP, but for example, can we assume (with the same degree of safety in that assumption) that ur-Hoid and Hoid were master and apprentice, or might that be subject to change?

For that matter, what of the story itself? Might we see it come back as an early part of Dragonsteel, or even condensed into a prelude? Might it eventually be merged into something else, the way Final Empire was?

Wait, did you read all of Liar, or just those sample chapters?

I'm not sure what the status on Liar is now. Last time Brandon posted his giant list of future projects on his site, he listed Liar of Partinel there. Maybe he scrapped it now and the plot threads will be woven into the main Dragonsteel epic.

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