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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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4 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

she is going to read stormlight this summer. also her uncle was Brandon's college roommate, and also a WoR beta reader (go look. name is Nathan Goodrich)

Good man, converting her to Sandersonian mania.

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I had a concert tonight and it went really well as it was the orchestra teacher's last concert at my school and he has been teaching for 17 years. He is moving to a new high school that opens up next year and everyone is going to miss him. It was a abnormally good concert though as the varsity(lower level) and chamber orchestra(higher level) were combined for the final concert.

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On 5/16/2022 at 6:16 AM, CalanoCorvus said:

alright you lot what's way too obssesed with my personal life but i dont care i've got stuff to tell y'all. (do i ping y'all? yes, yes i do) @The Wandering Wizard @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Elf @Szeth's Facepalm @Morningtide @Robin Sedai uhhhh idk who else tag em if i forgot em.


there was another dance on saturday, like the prom but not actuallty a prom just a normal where casual dress or smth idk idc *shrug*

anyways, the theme was glow in the dark so like glow sticks and black light and stuff, but Kylie, being the brilliant minded human that she is, decided to wear a full like dress or smth (not that i'm complaining, bc she looked awesome :wub::wub:)

So we get there oddly early, and there's like nobody there, but people do start to arrive and the dance gets going like usual. Me and Kylie do a lot of dancing, and then the first slow song comes on. My friend offers his hand, and I offer mine and then she just sits there and for a few seconds goes into what we've termed "The Nothing Box" (she zoned out lmao)

she turns down my friend (don't worry he brought a date so he was alright) and accepts my hand. I take her to the dance floor (which i guess is the whole gym but like oh well????) and we dance. This dance we're closer to each other than at Prom because stuff's been figured out, but there's still respectable distance, and it's normal dance stance (haha that rhymes. dance stance. funy) like you know, my hand on her waist, her hand on my shoulder, our other hands out to our side. That dance is nice, and then it ends and other music starts and we just vibe completely. We decided to go outside and get some air and there's a big room off the gym that's very cold so we go in there. there's a whiteboard with lots of drawings of a "Shawn," who is a cute dragon like thing.

I go up to the pulpit after sitting with Kylie for a bit, because I'm about to do something stupid and rash, like I do. I start going off about how the birds aren't real, they work for the bourgeoisie. i get a lot of people going for my anti-bird revolution which is great. then another slow song comes on, and me and Kylie go to dance.

this dance, we were both very comfortable around each other, so this was a closer dance stance (dance stance lmaoooo), with both my hands at her waist, and her arms up and around my neck. we just kind of vibe and sway. for the next few slow songs this is what we do. but for the last 3-4 slow songs, we move a bit closer together. my hands move to be at her lower back, and she tightens her arms just a little, and rests her head on my chest.

We sway, holding each other, for 15 minutes solid. (or maybe it was twenty? idk i lost track of time because i could have held her for forever)

That right there, was the highlight of the night. We hang out on tuesday, we're gonna help each other with lines for theater and she's gonna do my nails. Can't wait!!!

thanks for listening to me rant ab my personal life lmaooo

lol, im to obsessed with your social life.

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While walking my dogs along the river trailI I found King Stropharius mushrooms (also known as winecaps) for the first time today!


They are absolutely beautiful mushrooms!

They're saprotrophs, so they are found along trails in bark chips and mulch. Here's what they look like in the wild.


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I finished my shift!  It's pretty comfortable, and I think that for my first time setting sleeves, it turned out really well.  I also started work on the theorized apron - and it's so easy!

Also, it rained today, but it was also warm, so I went out in the rain without shoes, socks, or glasses, and played with my sister and her friends until it stopped raining.  It felt so good!

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