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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Today I ran a 1-shot for the tabletop roleplaying system I've been developing. This is the first time I've tested the system practically and it worked.

I definitely found things to improve on, of course, but that's a good thing. The system does a number of things very differently to other rpgs I've played and I wasn't sure if some of them would actually work in practice. I thought they would but I couldn't be sure without actually running them. It did take a bit for the players to adjust to them, but once they did they quite liked them :D

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3 hours ago, Claincy said:

Today I ran a 1-shot for the tabletop roleplaying system I've been developing. This is the first time I've tested the system practically and it worked.

I definitely found things to improve on, of course, but that's a good thing. The system does a number of things very differently to other rpgs I've played and I wasn't sure if some of them would actually work in practice. I thought they would but I couldn't be sure without actually running them. It did take a bit for the players to adjust to them, but once they did they quite liked them :D

I'm curious, how does it work and what are you doing differently?

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1 hour ago, Ooklasaurus said:

I'm curious, how does it work and what are you doing differently?

I don't want to post the exact rules, in part simply because they still need significant modification and are missing core components, partly because I have some notions towards publishing them eventually and I don't want to post the details online before I have decided if/how I want to go about that. With that said, I'm happy to talk about some of the main concepts :) 

In place of the more common +x from abilities or something like the Mistborn Adventure Game's system where you roll a number of dice based on your stats this system treats your stats as a pool of dice that you can expend on related rolls. Trying to lift something heavy? Use a physique die or two to improve your chances. Of course if you use too many dice too quickly you may run out before you have a chance to rest ... :)

The system uses a dual health system. Stamina represents your ability to dodge, block and in general avoid getting injured. Once you run out of stamina you start taking hits to your health instead and every time you lose health you have to roll on a critical injuries table. It uses summed 3d6s so the extremes of 3 and 18 are far less likely than the middle numbers, and have far worse consequences. So instead of going directly from up and fighting perfectly to unconscious and dying there is an intermediate phase where you can still fight (or flee) but every hit you take has the potential for severe consequences.

The other key thing is a sort of wheel of moments that replaces a more standard turn order. Instead of taking turns following an initiative order you choose the next action you want to take and place your marker a number of segments (moments) along the wheel based on how long that action will take. The combat progresses moment by moment and every character who completes an action in that moment makes whatever rolls may be necessary and resolves their actions, then declares a new action and moves their marker forward again. When declaring an action characters can choose to rush it to complete it faster (but it will be harder), or to take their time so as to improve their chances of success. This was by far the hardest part of the system for the players to grok but once they got the hang of it they apparently started to like it quite a bit.

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14 minutes ago, Claincy said:

I don't want to post the exact rules, in part simply because they still need significant modification and are missing core components, partly because I have some notions towards publishing them eventually and I don't want to post the details online before I have decided if/how I want to go about that. With that said, I'm happy to talk about some of the main concepts :) 

In place of the more common +x from abilities or something like the Mistborn Adventure Game's system where you roll a number of dice based on your stats this system treats your stats as a pool of dice that you can expend on related rolls. Trying to lift something heavy? Use a physique die or two to improve your chances. Of course if you use too many dice too quickly you may run out before you have a chance to rest ... :)

The system uses a dual health system. Stamina represents your ability to dodge, block and in general avoid getting injured. Once you run out of stamina you start taking hits to your health instead and every time you lose health you have to roll on a critical injuries table. It uses summed 3d6s so the extremes of 3 and 18 are far less likely than the middle numbers, and have far worse consequences. So instead of going directly from up and fighting perfectly to unconscious and dying there is an intermediate phase where you can still fight (or flee) but every hit you take has the potential for severe consequences.

The other key thing is a sort of wheel of moments that replaces a more standard turn order. Instead of taking turns following an initiative order you choose the next action you want to take and place your marker a number of segments (moments) along the wheel based on how long that action will take. The combat progresses moment by moment and every character who completes an action in that moment makes whatever rolls may be necessary and resolves their actions, then declares a new action and moves their marker forward again. When declaring an action characters can choose to rush it to complete it faster (but it will be harder), or to take their time so as to improve their chances of success. This was by far the hardest part of the system for the players to grok but once they got the hang of it they apparently started to like it quite a bit.

That sounds very interesting. I like the wheel of moments. So you can actually block or dodge in a fight, I like that.

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12 hours ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

No storming way. Get me one yeah?

And whoever downvoted me b4 it was a joke.

right @Cognizantastic??



I really hate how I have to continually say that nowadays lol

In addition to what Cog said, I would also put forth the suggestion that perhaps if you focused on making jokes that were actually funny, rather than insulting or annoying or outright offensive, you might get a better reception.

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You went to Urban Dictionary 

And Wikihow

and you blame me for using twelvie, when you have no idea how it's used in Australia :/ 


storm me, sometimes you just try to hard @Cognizantastic, the joke was stretched thin already.

And besides you responded with 

On 03/12/2016 at 6:15 AM, Cognizantastic said:

Because I'm young-looking? I'm 16 and it annoys me.

I just tell myself that I'll appreciate it when I'm 40. :P 






I thought you were cool with it...

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I just:

 * went upstairs 

 * panicked because I have 2 of the three requisite paragraphs done for an essay due tomorrow

 * played around on my new phone

 * texted boyfriend <3

 * scooped an entire pint of ice cream into a bowl 

 * came back downstairs

 * turned on Netflix

 * began eating said ice cream

Am happy.

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IM sorry its two am and I haven't slept in a day and a half I'm tired OK???? I'll try to respond better when I actually get some damnation sleep, so take this as a half chull reply

Oh and it will have to be a double post too soZ


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7 minutes ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

Do I look like I would murder u man....

With that Jar Jar smile? who knows :D

but seriously, I think you two might use some private talk , possibly with a third party moderator to not get too  emotional. i think it's not the first time your in conflict, right?

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9 minutes ago, Cognizantastic said:

Before I begin, I want to make sure you know that I am not targeting you, and I don't want to be cruel to you in any way. I know that you might feel like you're being singled out, but I promise you that it is not the case. I mean the best, Darkness. I r

Other Sharders, please forgive me if I seem improper in my response. I mean no malice by what I say, and will gladly change my behavior should it be offensive to you.

With that being said, I have a few words.

I was cool with it until I found out about the term's rude, rather insulting implications — that I am a teenie bopper or someone who tries to be "cool", part of a group which is despised in every source which I saw. Etymology such as that is generally consistent across nations, so I believe that my reaction was understandable. I apologize for confusing you with the shift in tone, though. I hope you understand now. 

Darkness, I will take your accusation that I try too hard into consideration, for there may be some legitimacy to it. In return, though, I ask you this — is it possible that you care too little? Perhaps you are not invested enough in your own improvement as an individual. Perhaps you are not invested enough in how your actions may influence the lives of those around you.

Sometimes, Darkness, I feel that you look to the world around you for something to blame rather than gazing within. The fault does not always lie with our environment. Sometimes we are the problem. To illustrate my point, I want to tell you a story... for most of my years in school, I was trapped in a cage of my own devising. I made myself alienated from those around me because I was too set in my ways and convinced in my intelligence to consider the rejection of my peers as a result of my own pretentiousness. That changed with four words, what I consider one of the most important sentences in my life: "SHUT THE [PROFANITY] UP", screamed by a classmate. That caused a shift in worldview that made me look at myself before I ever did others, when I got negative feedback. That jarred me into changing near everything in how I connect with people. I continue to improve to this day because of those words. I don't claim to be perfect, for I am far from it. I do, however, claim to be better — and that's all due to accepting my own fault and seeing others' opinion as just as valid as my own. 

The point is, others' reactions to us are a mirror. Sometimes you are correct and the fault lies with the observer, so the observed should stick to what they're doing. But often it is not. Often, we can use the opinions of those around us to better ourselves. That can never happen if we blame them instead of also looking inwards. I heartily encourage you to reconsider not just what you think others will find funny, but your worldview as a whole.

Sorry if I got too preachy, man. I... I care a lot about this kind of thing.

Should you react with anger, I won't respond again. We've conflicted over this multiple times, so I see no benefit in continuing the contention if an impasse has been reached. 

I wish you the best, Darkness. Good luck. :) 


This will be really hard to type on a kindle keabpard lol

I do feel like I'm being singled out, I make one off hand joke at ur youngness and its like a group of sabrespine have jumped down my throat, and their spines are barbed too.

It was meant to be a joke at ur youngness, the fact that you went on URBANDICTIONARY. And Ducking WIKIHOW. And assumed that's what I meant really riles me up

Do in honestly think that's what I think of you?

Hey, guess what my dad thinks I'm the storming  problemproblem too.

Whenever I look inwards I cry. Not joking. I've tried, it's like a dark place. 

If you want me to accept that I am a selfish jerk as two puts it. OK. and storm you to mozzie,  thinknyiu can bite me when I m busy? U ai r hivign nokne malaria

Can we just leave as friends. I love you all. And I hate fighting. 

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2 minutes ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

This will be really hard to type on a kindle keabpard lol

I do feel like I'm being singled out, I make one off hand joke at ur youngness and its like a group of sabrespine have jumped down my throat, and their spines are barbed too.

It was meant to be a joke at ur youngness, the fact that you went on URBANDICTIONARY. And Ducking WIKIHOW. And assumed that's what I meant really riles me up

Do in honestly think that's what I think of you?

Hey, guess what my dad thinks I'm the storming  problemproblem too.

Whenever I look inwards I cry. Not joking. I've tried, it's like a dark place. 

If you want me to accept that I am a selfish jerk as two puts it. OK. and storm you to mozzie,  thinknyiu can bite me when I m busy? U ai r hivign nokne malaria

Can we just leave as friends. I love you all. And I hate fighting. 

Sometimes you need to look at the dark and cry and then try clean it out and let some light in. Life is hard. 

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4 minutes ago, Mesa the Ookla said:

This will be really hard to type on a kindle keabpard lol

I do feel like I'm being singled out, I make one off hand joke at ur youngness and its like a group of sabrespine have jumped down my throat, and their spines are barbed too.

It was meant to be a joke at ur youngness, the fact that you went on URBANDICTIONARY. And Ducking WIKIHOW. And assumed that's what I meant really riles me up

Do in honestly think that's what I think of you?

Hey, guess what my dad thinks I'm the storming  problemproblem too.

Whenever I look inwards I cry. Not joking. I've tried, it's like a dark place. 

If you want me to accept that I am a selfish jerk as two puts it. OK. and storm you to mozzie,  thinknyiu can bite me when I m busy? U ai r hivign nokne malaria

Can we just leave as friends. I love you all. And I hate fighting. 

We love you, as well, Da.

EDIT: DA, not Da. You're not my Da.

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On 12/4/2016 at 2:41 AM, Zathoth said:

That sounds very interesting. I like the wheel of moments. So you can actually block or dodge in a fight, I like that.

Enabling the characters to react (in advance and in the moment) to actions that other characters are taking was one of the main goals of that set of mechanics. :)

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@Cognizantastic, I really feel like I need to say something in @Mesa the Ookla's defense. I believe this conflict was a result of a misunderstanding of the use of a word. Twelvie. In my school, the word "sevvie" is often used to refer to seventh graders. I believe DA was using Twelvie in this manner. As an abbreviation for "twelve year old". The joke was merely that you look a lot younger than you actually are. I'll need DA here to confirm this, but I'm going to have to agree with him here, and say that everyone here is taking this too far, and too seriously. 

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My new SSD for my Lenovo G505s just arrived.  Still need the USB cable to clone my laptop's current drive to it.  But I'm so excited to finally speed up my laptop!

The bottle neck of that thing has been my hard drive so far.  I might need to max out the RAM with another 8 gig stick, but even still.

Mushkin 1TB SSD, if anyone's interested.  + 2 year replacement warranty.

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