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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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3 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Hey, my excuse to spoiling things is that it infact makes people more curious, and starts questions like "how did so and so die" etc etc

A good spoiler is never a bad thing

That depends heavily on both the person receiving the spoiler, the spoiler itself, and the book being spoiled. For instance, I wound up absorbing a large number of Mistborn spoilers just by being on this site, so that when I actually read the series, I already knew how it ended and most major twists. I still enjoyed seeing how everything came together and all the little machinations in between. 

However, when my sister began to tell Twimom the entire plot of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane while I was in earshot, I made her stop. Why? It's a very emotional book, and all of its twists are pretty big tearjerkers. Knowing a tearjerker before it happens lessens the impact for me. 

Now, everyone is different, and so she may not have minded having a major tearjerker spoiled for her. Or it could have ruined the book. No way to tell. 

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6 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

And Thus we all learnt why excuses are called excuses

And that concludes my lesson for today children 

'slong as you recognise an excuse for what it is. And be prepared for possibly violent reactions to people being spoiled when they don't want to be. O_O

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I had the end of Bands of Mourning spoiled for me months before it came out. I spent 3 months wondering about the spoiler, and by the time Bands came out, I'd learned to deal with the curiosity that it wasn't a driving factor for me by then. Despite going to the release party and buying Bands there, it took me over a month to finish it. And when I did, I didn't jump straight into Secret History. Well, I did. I started it the next day, but I'd stayed up so late the night before that I fell asleep reading SH, and I just didn't really have that driving motivation to complete it. I was in a funk by then and was having a really hard time bringing myself to read anything. The only reason I completed Bands when I did was because a challenge was issued for me to beat another person to the end and that other person was 100 pages ahead of me (I lost, but I only lost by 45 minutes, so I didn't do too shabby). I didn't finish SH until September/October. That's how long it took me to read it. And once again, it was because of other people.

For a lot of people--even those who don't complain about spoilers--knowing major spoilers ruins the experience for them. There are the anomalies that prefer to know spoilers, but generally, most people who are reading/watching something for the first time probably don't want spoilers. If someone is reading/watching/interested in something, that doesn't give you permission to shout out major plot spoilers if you're familiar with what they're consuming. That permission comes when they ask you.

Honestly, if I was that girl, I wouldn't want to get to know the person who spoiled a book for me just because they'd read it before I had. That person clearly values their own personal gratification above others, and that tells me that they're not someone I want to befriend. Who knows what else they'd spoil?

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2 hours ago, Cognizantastic said:

I gave a 30-minute-or-so tour to my city's mayor, today. He seemed to really like me, and talked to me about scholarship opportunities and a 10-person summit run by his organization (Rotary Club) that I can apply to. He also encouraged me to speak at a meeting of the rotary club's board on behalf of Make-a-Wish.

I'm excited. It seems that I have a new contact. :) 

And the Mojave Water Agency, which ran the essay contest I won, invited me to emcee their water summit this year. I can't apply to compete again, but it's nice to know they were impressed with me to a point that I'm going to emcee such a large event. :D 

That sounds great! Nice job!

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34 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Dang Claincy.  That is beautiful.  Where did you score that from?

It's from a limited series of gargantuan / colossal minis from the D&D miniatures games back from 2006/2007. They're all still possible to get, but not super easy (some are harder to get than others). There are generally some on sale through Amazon or Ebay but often they're either expensive or in poor condition. I got this one off Ebay for just under 170 AUD (including postage, inside Australia). I've been keeping an eye out for a little while as there are a couple of extremely powerful blue dragons in my campaign that will come up eventually....aaaand because of how cool it looks. :P

There's also a white dragon, black dragon, enormous red dragon and an Orcus mini in the series but I think the blue is the coolest. If you search D&D gargantuan [colour] dragon you'll find them pretty easily (colossal instead of gargantuan for the red).

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Have I ever mentioned to you guys how much I love my sister's boyfriend? 

They've been dating for around a year or so now, and it's just the best. 

Today, I mentioned to my sister that I broke it off with my boyfriend, and she said, "Oh, Cam, I'm sorry." And then immediately after, "Osama will be relieved. He was really worried that it wouldn't end well and that you would get hurt."

He's like a brother to me. Just a great guy ^_^

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I recently came back home for Christmas and I've started  Baldur's gate with my little brother .          I am useless in comparison but I don't care , it is really fun 


P.S. I am not sure what this thread is about, but from what I understand it is about happy things and exciting things like that ....so sry if is am out of place 

Edited by harambe
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On December 14, 2016 at 7:06 PM, Claincy said:

Got a little package today:



I always forget those dragons are from D&D. Do you know those "Practical Guide to Dragons" books? I used to be kind of obsessed with them, even though I've never played D&D. I just don't know any nerdy people IRL.

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34 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

I always forget those dragons are from D&D. Do you know those "Practical Guide to Dragons" books? I used to be kind of obsessed with them, even though I've never played D&D.

*googles the books* hmm no, I don't think I ever read them.


I just don't know any nerdy people IRL.

:( Though the way things have been going lately you may be surprised by how many people who aren't overtly nerdy would be willing to try D&D or other rpgs ifgiven a chance. 

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4 hours ago, harambe said:

I recently came back home for Christmas and I've started  Baldur's gate with my little brother .          I am useless in comparison but I don't care , it is really fun 


P.S. I am not sure what this thread is about, but from what I understand it is about happy things and exciting things like that ....so sry if is am out of place 

You've got it. :)

1 hour ago, Briar King said:

Temp only got to 30. Oh well it was still the nippiest weather of Dec. I loved it outside last night. Had to be up early to drive to TX and was shocked...no frost anywhere. Maybe the wind is why?

Well, there has to be enough moisture in the air to set dew that then freezes.  Though you're in Louisiana, so the idea of not having enough humidity for frost is a bit absurd.

We had temps below zero this weekend.  Did Not Want.  Snow on the ground.  Do Not Want That, Either.

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2 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

You've got it. :)

Well, there has to be enough moisture in the air to set dew that then freezes.  Though you're in Louisiana, so the idea of not having enough humidity for frost is a bit absurd.

We had temps below zero this weekend.  Did Not Want.  Snow on the ground.  Do Not Want That, Either.

Give us your snow here.

So far we aren't looking at a White Christmas, or even a Green Christmas. We're looking at sort of a Taupe Christmas.

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16 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Give us your snow here.

So far we aren't looking at a White Christmas, or even a Green Christmas. We're looking at sort of a Taupe Christmas.

Please, take it.  I implore you.

My childhood from first grade through most of fifth grade was spent in the desert southwest.  I have still never acclimated to Midwestern winters.

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1 hour ago, bleeder said:

Give us your snow here.

So far we aren't looking at a White Christmas, or even a Green Christmas. We're looking at sort of a Taupe Christmas.

Snow is a pipe dream here in Orlando. I think we actually had a few flakes fall once, but of course they didn't actually make it to the ground.

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8 hours ago, bleeder said:

So there's a $300 Telecaster at my local music store.

And I have a birthday at the end of January.

I found an old beat up Tele once at a music store in River Falls, Wisconsin. Paid $100 for it. Threw in some replacement coils and swapped the tuning pegs. It's been one of my favorite guitars since 06'

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Just now, AngelEy3 said:

I found an old beat up Tele once at a music store in River Falls, Wisconsin. Paid $100 for it. Threw in some replacement coils and swapped the tuning pegs. It's been one of my favorite guitars since 06'

They're such beautiful instruments. I've wanted one since I saw my favorite band live because that thing put out quite the sound.

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