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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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44 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

@Sunbird those are really cute! Also, we saw a little baby bird yesterday. We think it was an owlet. It was super cute, although unfortunately we had to put it in a box and take it away before its mother could come and collect it. 

Squeee, baby owls!!

I assume since you collected it in a box, you intend to take it to a wildlife rehabilitator so they can care for it, am I right? Do you think you could post a picture?

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3 hours ago, Sunbird said:

Squeee, baby owls!!

I assume since you collected it in a box, you intend to take it to a wildlife rehabilitator so they can care for it, am I right? Do you think you could post a picture?

Yeah, although we didn't actually take it anywhere. A bystander was willing to take it up, but we had to prepare for a concert. I don't have any photos, but I plan to get them off a friend. 

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So...I have a job interview for tomorrow!

Background: I've been out of work for two months, since I graduated and moved out of the city we were living in. I quit my full-time, exceptional benefits job, and moved down to a new city to be closer to family. My wife found a part-time job, but it's very stressful on her, so we're both really hoping that this job works out.

It was a good thing, ultimately, because I got out from under a bad boss - in fact, that's the only reason I considered moving to a new city when my wife suggested it. And this new job is actually related to my field of study, and pretty much is the textbook definition of a perfect job for me. So I'm excited about the interview and extremely nervous at the same time.

On net, this is a good news type of post, though.

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1 hour ago, Seonid said:

So...I have a job interview for tomorrow!

Background: I've been out of work for two months, since I graduated and moved out of the city we were living in. I quit my full-time, exceptional benefits job, and moved down to a new city to be closer to family. My wife found a part-time job, but it's very stressful on her, so we're both really hoping that this job works out.

It was a good thing, ultimately, because I got out from under a bad boss - in fact, that's the only reason I considered moving to a new city when my wife suggested it. And this new job is actually related to my field of study, and pretty much is the textbook definition of a perfect job for me. So I'm excited about the interview and extremely nervous at the same time.

On net, this is a good news type of post, though.

Good luck on your interview!! I hope you get the job, since from your description it sounds like a great fit for you. Also high five for escaping a toxic boss!

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7 hours ago, Seonid said:

So...I have a job interview for tomorrow!

Background: I've been out of work for two months, since I graduated and moved out of the city we were living in. I quit my full-time, exceptional benefits job, and moved down to a new city to be closer to family. My wife found a part-time job, but it's very stressful on her, so we're both really hoping that this job works out.

It was a good thing, ultimately, because I got out from under a bad boss - in fact, that's the only reason I considered moving to a new city when my wife suggested it. And this new job is actually related to my field of study, and pretty much is the textbook definition of a perfect job for me. So I'm excited about the interview and extremely nervous at the same time.

On net, this is a good news type of post, though.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great.

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Hummingbirds :wub:

I took these pictures on the 4th of July, and they're all of males because the males are the prettiest. XD

Broad-tailed Hummingbirds (2 photos):




Black-chinned Hummingbirds (2 photos):




Rufous Hummingbird (1 photo):



Believe it or not, he was actually flying away from the feeder in this photo, and yes, that means he was flying backwards! Hummers are just awesome like that.


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So, some of you might remember that I'm currently on a music tour. Well, for part of that tour, we went to a festival/competition in Europe. My guitar ensemble got a gold score and we were the best in our category. I am a happy budgie. ^-^

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42 minutes ago, A Budgie said:

So, some of you might remember that I'm currently on a music tour. Well, for part of that tour, we went to a festival/competition in Europe. My guitar ensemble got a gold score and we were the best in our category. I am a happy budgie. ^-^

That's fantastic, Budgie! Congratulations!!

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20 minutes ago, Elenion said:

AP scores are in, and I got a 5 on all 4 of the tests I took! Woohoo!

So did my girlfriend! Me? I got all 4s except US history, where I got a 5. Problems with dating a girl smarter than you

Last year: 

Chem 4

World 4

This year

US history 5

Physics 4

English 4 (im proud of this one because I hated my teacher)

Edited by The Flash
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3 minutes ago, Elenion said:

AP scores are in, and I got a 5 on all 4 of the tests I took! Woohoo!

Storms, that's amazing!

This year I passed basically everything, which I'm super hyped about.


US Gov: 5

Psychology: 4

Stats: 3 (I'm still super psyched that I managed to pass in the first place)

Calc BC: 2 (and happy that it wasn't a 1) AB subscore 3 (YAY!!!!)


So that means that I've now passed 10 AP classes :D Now I'm moving on to college, should be great :D

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1 hour ago, Elenion said:

@The Flash Well at least you have a girlfriend...

@Left  10 AP classes? That's pretty crazy. My school doesn't even offer that many classes!

Lol I didn't mean it like that. I got lucky  (she's a sanderfan too, we met because of that). And seriously that's a few too many AP classes to handle. I can hardly handle the three I had this last year

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Congrats @Left, @The Flash, @Elenion, and @StrikerEZ on your successes with AP tests!!

I have another small batch of hummingbird photos to share :D

Rufous Hummingbirds (2 photos):






Broad-tailed Hummingbirds (3 photos):


All males:




Zoom zoom!

Black-chinned Hummingbird (1 photo):


Male. This was the only shot I got where you can actually see the purple on his throat.


Female hummer that I'm not 100% sure what species she is:


Look, you can see her little tongue just barely poking out the end of her beak!


I think she's a Broad-tailed Hummingbird, but she could be a Black-chinned either, since the females of those two species look very similar.


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