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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

Thank you! I’ve listened to our performance five times since Saturday night. I can’t wait until I get the professional recording in a week or so.

You wrote, that you want to be a professional musician - I wish you all the luck in the world for that. You can do it!

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2 hours ago, Sorana said:

You wrote, that you want to be a professional musician - I wish you all the luck in the world for that. You can do it!

I know I can, it’s just gonna be so long before I can ever get there, and I need all the motivation I can get. The recording of our performance will give me most of that motivation. :P

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8 hours ago, Shard of Thought said:

You know, I'm listening to the recording and I can't help but be really impressed. Congrats! (also as a side note, The Rite of Spring is Ruin's theme song)

Thank you so much! It’s still hard for me to grasp the fact that we actually pulled off playing the Rite of Sprint like that after 2 1/2 days of rehearsal. I’m super proud of that performance, and I’ll remember it for the rest of my life. 

(The glorification and dance sections are totally all Ruin)

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Ark1002. In the alleyverse, I may or may not have conspired to overthrow his guild and when I didn't, I left it and really ticked him off. He had me tried, but my character "escaped" and now he is hunting him down. Plus he meme attacks me a lot. :P (But then again, I meme attack him)

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1 minute ago, Snipexe said:

That’s awesome dude! You must be so excited.

I am excited, and I learned that Marshallese is a thing :P I had never heard of it before today. Apparently there are only about 6,000 speakers of the language outside of the Marshall Islands, so learning such an obscure language is pretty cool. Not sure how useful it'll be outside of the mission field, but hey, whatever. 

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Good news: I suggested a good friend of mine Brandon Sanderson, and I thought like most recommendations to others it probably won’t do anything.

But a couple days ago, he tells me he read The Final Empire and loved it, and now he’s reading Well of Ascension, so that’s great! If he continues, maybe I can talk about Mistborn with him, and when he discovers it, the Cosmere. 

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I just applied for a job at Dragons Keep (my local tabletop game store) I think my chances of getting it are good. I'm super pumped at the idea of working there (and yes, my involvement in the early days of the Alleyverse is on my resume). I also got some really nice boots at the thrift store




I have taken them off once (to sleep) in the last 2 days. I also took up a new hobby, making scatter terrain for miniature wargames, I am considering trying to turn it into a business (http://harbingeroftruth.com/Misc.html). AND IM BACK ON THE SHARD!! AHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so happy right now!!!!

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16 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Good news: I suggested a good friend of mine Brandon Sanderson, and I thought like most recommendations to others it probably won’t do anything.

But a couple days ago, he tells me he read The Final Empire and loved it, and now he’s reading Well of Ascension, so that’s great! If he continues, maybe I can talk about Mistborn with him, and when he discovers it, the Cosmere. 

That’s the opposite of my friend. We got her to start, but now she’s complaining about how boring it is and how nothing makes sense.

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Hi! It's been a while. (*checks post history*..a year. Wow.) Anyway, I'm (somewhat) back! :) What've I missed?

And today was better than I have been in quite some time. Still in a lot of pain, still got fatigue troubles etc. But I'm finally off the medication that's been making things so much worse (and it wasn't really hot today). So today I was actually able to do a (little) bit and still cope ok through most of the day. :)

Unnecessary additional health details in the spoiler.


I've been seeing a neurologist and trying new medications, both of which so far have failed utterly and just made things worse while I was taking them. The more recent one made things particularly difficult to the point where I was pushing against the edge of my pain tolerance most days for the past 3 and a bit months. It had a side effect of fatigue that probably wouldn't be too much of a problem for some people, but for me it was a significant increase. And fatigue increases the headache, which increases the fatigue. One possible indication of how badly it effected me is that it also has a side effect of increased appetite, most people struggle not to gain weight while on it. But I've *lost* weight over the past few months. Only 3-4 kg in total but that's around 6-8% of my total body weight. I'm down to ~49kg (108 pounds) which is rather not good. I always told myself I'd worry about it if I dropped below 50, well, I'm concerned now. Some dietary changes could account for part of it, but I don't think that could've caused all of it.

High temperatures also wreak havoc on my system now and we've just gotten through Summer (in Melbourne, Australia), so it's been pretty hot. We just had a run of ~36 degree celsius (~97 fahrenheit) days that were particularly difficult. But it should start getting cooler now, so that'll help things. :)

Point is, it's been awful, and it's really nice to be past that. It's still plenty difficult and we're going to keep trying different medications, but I'm not going to keep taking anything that effects me that badly again. (Most of the medications that could, hypothetically, maybe, help my health troubles take weeks or months to build up to an effective dose. :/)

In an unrelated health issue: my feet got pretty messed up last year due to walking flat-footed for however many years, so for much of last year I couldn't really walk (or even stand for that long at it's worst) and they hurt constantly. Not as bad as my head, but still unpleasant. They're mostly fine now, so that's *very* nice :) 



Edited by Claincy
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