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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Ah, don’t you guys just love last minute plans? In less than 15 minutes, I figured out a way to get to a football game, pay for a football game, find some friends for the said football game, find a ride back from the football game, etc. etc. Wish my team luck!!

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5 hours ago, Ammanas said:

@Wander89I saw the movie A Silent Voice. It’s a movie that I can appreciate that it was well done, and moving, but didn’t quite work for me. The following is just my feelings and I realize that many people feel differently about such things. If a film or book is going to deal with heavy and dark topics (like suicide and bullying) it needs to have something to balance it out. Something like comic relief or another lighter (or adventurous) plot line. Here are two examples of what I mean. In Kurasawa’s the Seven Samurai there is a lot of death and sadness but there is also that drunk oafish Samurai that offers some crude humor, but also a sense of adventure about defending yourself and your loved ones from harm. In the Korean blockbuster hit Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds  there is a major element of the story which is very sad but the protagonist is also progressing through the Buddhist afterlife.

Anyways I appreciate the recommendation though. I will admit it’s a powerful film.

Whilst I don't necessarily agree that such dark topics need to have comic relief or another plot point to make it light; I can appreciate why you would think that. I usually watch specific genres to feel something for that specific mood but I genuinely get your opinion. A Silent Voice is not for everyone, I get that too, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to Weathering With You also. Those films you mentioned are definitely ones I might look into!

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I just asked my daughter what book she was going to read, and being delightfully oblivious in an Usagi from Sailor Moon kind of way she told me she was going to read that book I gave her, "You know that one by Brandon Samsung, We are the Kings".

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My thesis has finally come back and it has been accepted! Grader #2 extremely did not like it (lol, academic life 101, it's always grader #2/reviewer #2) but I passed! I am a Master of Philosophy now! :P AMA! (j/k please don't)

I'm both visibly confused (as I might have to make some amendments despite the pass) because Grader #1 was so enthusiastic about it, but Grader #2 really hated it, but also extremely excited because after three years, my suffering has ended! I have graduated/passed, and I actually got the best possible grading outcome on a thesis, despite Grader #2, and despite losing my original supervisor due to a career move on his end!

I'm just ridiculously excited right now, though a little apprehensive. And now my watch has ended.

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On 10/21/2019 at 2:48 PM, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

I just asked my daughter what book she was going to read, and being delightfully oblivious in an Usagi from Sailor Moon kind of way she told me she was going to read that book I gave her, "You know that one by Brandon Samsung, We are the Kings".

Your daughter is precious

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had my first wrestling match of the season! I lost, but that guy was REALLY buff!

I didn't get pinned!

He almost strangled me though!

Also, the braces I got last tuesday have almost stopped hurting my teeth enough that I can eat regular food!

Wrestling is fun! Ramen is delicious!

I don't know why I'm putting an exclamation point after every sentence!


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I'm a sucker for a good landscape. Today had one of those sunrises that just makes my soul ache and I wanted to grab people and make them appreciate it. Extra clear air quality.

The mountains were a deeper indigo at their bottoms, but then at their peaks the red morning light was doing that awesome thing where the mountains looked purple and orange at the same time, in a way I can't describe well.  Not mixed or in a gradient, but as if two colors were occupying the same spot.

Above them the sky was doing a quick fade from pink to light blue, and a flawlessly round, bright white moon just punched through the picture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’m back from vacation in Florida. It’s good as always though there were some rude people on the Disney Cruise this time and some people getting a little too intimate with booze.

Went to B&N for Black Friday and got these items: Doctor Who The Macra Terror (had no idea it was out here already so had to get it), A Storm of Swords, White Sand 3, Starsight, the leatherbound Jurassic Park duology and the leatherbound of Christie’s And Then There Were None with a couple other stories. When I got home my birthday present, Godzilla the Showa Years, from my sister had arrived (technically I bought it but she sent the gift cards for it) and it’s going to be interesting how I’m going to store this since it’s pretty tall. When I went to pick up the accumulated mail from vacation my preordered Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid hardback had arrived as well so I’ve got quite a bit as ‘birthday’ presents.

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So a little story setup:

 Kindergarten classes took a field trip to this Santa Storyteller thing....honestly it was extremely underwhelming.  Santa was looking rustic and pretty neat, but for entertainment he told long disjointed deadpan stories ("Holly the green nosed reindeer" ??? I think he was making stuff up on the spot) and then would play parts of Christmas songs on his guitar, but the words weren't the same that everyone knew so kids were confused. So we've got like 75+ kids looking intrigued but also a little weirded out.

The reason I put this story in this thread:

At one part he's talking and holds up a small jar with red glitter in it.  He says something like, "This is my sparkly love jar.  Do you know what I put in this jar?  It's something very important, and it lives in your heart." And he pauses for an answer.

And into the silence one boy says, in this awed hushed whisper, "It's blood."  And Santa turns and looks at him with this concerned look.

And there I am frantically trying to smother the giggles.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I GOT A JOB!!!! It's at an escape room and they want to use some of my crazy ideas and to utilize my skills in 3D printing, bronze casting, foam sculpting, etc!! I never thought that I would get to use my hobbies to be useful to others and make money. I also get to play through the rooms for free so I can be qualified to run the rooms, it's awesome!!

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,I just became an Eagle Scout! The LDS church separated from BSA as of the beginning of this year, and I had been using that to participate in it, so I kind of had a deadline to finish it unless I wanted to pay. For a little while I thought I might not have made it, but then I did! Honestly right now I'm just glad I'm finally done.

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Really really REALLY wish my Saints hadn’t decided to play so horribly a week ago throwing away our season but LSU just winning this 15-0 season in NOLA definitely helps the sting.

Cant wait to see where Burrow will wind up in NFL. Def party night in Louisiana. Fireworks were blasting all over my hood.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So for the past two years or so I've been working on a little "revision" of The Last Jedi. I do not hate this movie, but there are things in it I disagreed with as an aspiring writer and as a Star Wars fan. So I wrote an overview of the changes - a personal dialogue between me and Rian Johnson, if you will.

On a different forum I actually got to share my version, and it slowly expanded from a "revision" of TLJ to one of the entire sequel trilogy after TROS came out. And I'm SO STORMING CLOSE to finishing it! I've learned so much about what I want out of stories and how I value aspects within them through this process, so even if this amounts to nothing more than fanfiction, I'm proud of my work; because now I feel like I've taken a tangible step closer twoards my dream of being an author. Tomorrow I have class, but either afterwards or Wednesday US time I'll finish up my "revisions." Scud, this feels so good! 

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  • 1 month later...

I just got news that all of my finals are officially optional/canceled due to the complications caused by the coronavirus, which is a HUGE relief. I mean, the epidemic is still horrible, but this is one consequence I don't mind. Also, if you're wondering why I have finals in the middle of spring, my school's on the quarter system, so the school year is broken up into 3 terms instead of 2 semesters.

Edited by ILuvHats
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 16.03.2015 at 3:46 PM, traceria said:

Woo hoo! to being almost done with school!  That's great that the director thinks so highly of you and wants you to apply.  Do let us know how that turns out!  :D

That is really good, congratulation!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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