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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Is it worse for men? :mellow:

I need to know so I can decide whether or not to temporarily embrace cross-dressing in the event that I need auto insurance. :P

I can give you some fashion and makeup tips! I wouldn't recommend heels, but some nice elegant boots will both accentuate your outfit and....

...er...that sounds rather unscrupulous....:ph34r:

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I can give you some fashion and makeup tips! I wouldn't recommend heels, but some nice elegant boots will both accentuate your outfit and....

...er...that sounds rather unscrupulous.... :ph34r:


...Unscrupulous... yes. Of course. :ph34r:



Hypothetically, as a manly man who'd never dream of impersonating a woman, would it be advisable to shave before attempting to pass myself off as a young lady? :ph34r:

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...Unscrupulous... yes. Of course. :ph34r:

Hypothetically, as a manly man who'd never dream of impersonating a woman, would it be advisable to shave before attempting to pass myself off as a young lady? :ph34r:

Hypothetically, as a woman who doesn't condone the idea of impersonating the opposite sex to get lower insurance rates, I would say it's not only advisable, but necessary. And you'll want to spring for some lipstick, eyeshadow, foundation, and mascara. :ph34r:

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Hypothetically, as a woman who doesn't condone the idea of impersonating the opposite sex to get lower insurance rates, I would say it's not only advisable, but necessary. And you'll want to spring for some lipstick, eyeshadow, foundation, and mascara. :ph34r:


I suspected as much. I'll keep that in mind... in case I'm ever writing a completely fictional and non-autobiographical novel about a man crossdressing as part of an insurance scam, of course. :ph34r:

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Is it worse for men? :mellow:


I need to know so I can decide whether or not to temporarily embrace cross-dressing in the event that I need auto insurance. :P


Car insurance rates for males is higher than for females because statistically, teenaged boys get into more accidents than girls.


The rates drop like a rock when you turn 25 (for either sex).


They also drop again when you get married.  Because apparently married people are "more responsible."

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My cats have eaten up and tormented by fleas for a while now. One of them in particular, a white fluffy kitten named Bliss, had an atrocious infestation that had him constantly scratching and rolling over during his naps. The infestation was so bad, you literally couldn't touch his face without seeing a dozen fleas scurrying away from your fingers and hiding around his eyeballs to suck up moisture. You couldn't stroke him down his back without fleas rubbing off onto your hands.


The fleas didn't just make themselves at home. They developed agriculture and working civilization, worked their way up to an industrial revolution, and then had a population boom that forced them to consider space travel as a means of colonizing new cats.





As you might guess from the thread this is being posted on, we fixed the problem. With a potent and slightly poisonous skin medication applied directly to the back of Bliss's neck, we've made his blood inhospitable and toxic to fleas, resulting in a mass die-off. Bliss is no longer scratching, and in fact has been spending all morning running around the house playing with a joy we haven't seen in him in weeks. ^_^

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You guy's remember how a while back I said I was attending a personal trainer? And I was complaining because I felt sick afterwards?


I went shopping for new clothes today. Down three shirt sizes, down two waist sizes.


I am so proud of myself right now.

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My experiment just went horribly right.


I was snacking on cold ham when the idea hit me--what if I drizzled honey over it and ate it that way? I love ham and I love honey, so why not enjoy them both at once.


My reasoning was sound. In practice... it was even better than I'd imagined.


I have fallen in love with ham and honey. And I may never be able to go back to my pre-ham-and-honey existence.

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I have fallen in love with ham and honey. And I may never be able to go back to my pre-ham-and-honey existence.


That's how I feel with pancakes and peanut butter.


Seriously people, try it. I've converted 20/21 people I've convinced to try it!

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My experiment just went horribly right.


I was snacking on cold ham when the idea hit me--what if I drizzled honey over it and ate it that way? I love ham and I love honey, so why not enjoy them both at once.


My reasoning was sound. In practice... it was even better than I'd imagined.


I have fallen in love with ham and honey. And I may never be able to go back to my pre-ham-and-honey existence.


This is why honey-baked ham is a thing.


That's how I feel with pancakes and peanut butter.


Seriously people, try it. I've converted 20/21 people I've convinced to try it!




(Disclaimer:  I hate peanut butter, so I am an unfair judge of this sort of thing.)

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I love mixing mayo and ketchup together to dip my fries in.


And before you filthy Utes come on and claim credit for the "fry sauce", I got the idea from a German in Tucson, Arizona. So pffffffft on your cheap knock-off!  :P


Dipping fries in mayo is delicious. I'll have to try mayo/ketchup next chance I get.

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