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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Great McMuffin-summoning child of Calamity, I just got a call from the Anchorage Public Library! I was not expecting this to happen! :D


Hooray for two callbacks!


Hmm.  Alaska vs. Minnesota.  Ironically enough, Anchorage has a milder winter climate than Minnesota due to the coast.  However, you still have to deal with the winter solstice dropping your daylight to a whopping 5 1/2 hours...

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Hooray for two callbacks!

Hmm. Alaska vs. Minnesota. Ironically enough, Anchorage has a milder winter climate than Minnesota due to the coast. However, you still have to deal with the winter solstice dropping your daylight to a whopping 5 1/2 hours...

I think Anchorage is the better choice; despite being more expensive, the pay is better. The darkness would definitely take some getting used to, though.

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I think Anchorage is the better choice; despite being more expensive, the pay is better. The darkness would definitely take some getting used to, though.


Definitely crunch the numbers and compare cost of living vs. higher pay and make sure that they match up.


If you do land Alaska,  you'll probably want to consider investing in some daylight LED bulbs to brighten up your home.  It'll help.  And we'll help you keep an eye out for possible Seasonal Affective Disorder mood dips during the winter. :)

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Definitely crunch the numbers and compare cost of living vs. higher pay and make sure that they match up.

If you do land Alaska, you'll probably want to consider investing in some daylight LED bulbs to brighten up your home. It'll help. And we'll help you keep an eye out for possible Seasonal Affective Disorder mood dips during the winter. :)

I found a site a while back that shows how far a salary will go in a chosen city. I'll have to see if I can find it again....

Thanks. :)

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Congratulations Twi, it seems they have finally seen the light. ;)

As someone whose Job application process works different, were those "we are interested" or "you got the Job" calls?


They were "we are interested" calls. Here in the States, you apply for a job, and there's usually a closing date, after which they'll begin reviewing applications and resumes. Sometime after the closing date, if they're interested, they'll give you a phone call asking you to come in or call for an interview. After that, there'll be another review process, and when that's done, they'll let you know whether you got the job or not. Usually, if they call, you got the job; if you didn't get the job, they'll send you an email. So I'm still in the very beginning of the process, but I passed the first hurdle, so that's a step in the right direction. 


Fortunately, they said in the voicemail I got that they'll be holding interviews over phone and Skype, so that's one enormously long trip I won't have to make. :mellow: 

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And Anchorage just called back. I have a Skype interview on Thursday at 11.

That's great news! Good luck! (I don't know what time it is where you are, so I don't know if you're sleeping, it's still coming, you're currently sitting it, or you've finished it already) Hope it goes/went well!

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That's great news! Good luck! (I don't know what time it is where you are, so I don't know if you're sleeping, it's still coming, you're currently sitting it, or you've finished it already) Hope it goes/went well!

It won't be for another week, which is good, because they want me to think of two teen programs for the interview. :mellow:

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It won't be for another week, which is good, because they want me to think of two teen programs for the interview. :mellow:

Sounds like it could be fun, but not something I'd want to come up with on the spot. Personally I'd try and run some DnD sessions, but that's just because I've got an itch to play a pen and paper rpg at the moment, and I doubt it'd be feasible. (I've been trying to think if I could do run some sort of watered down DnD campaign with the kids I look after at my OSHC job)

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Hm... gimme a moment.


EDIT: Here they are. Not the best lighting or angles, but hey.


And yes, that is my bookshelf in the background, and yes, I am taller than it.


Also, my face is stupid. Oops.


The Szeth one:



The Knights Radiant one:


Edited by Slowswift
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