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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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I'm just glad I won't be driving a death machine all weekend! -_-

In unrelated news, I think the semi-grunge style works for me. Maybe I just like it because it's different from the sophisticated hippie style I was manipulated into adopting (and liking) but I think I'm going to continue with the grunge thing. :ph34r:

Coming up next, 12 piercings and full body tattoos?

What do you mean you were manipulated into liking? Mom again?

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Coming up next, 12 piercings and full body tattoos?

What do you mean you were manipulated into liking? Mom again?

Nah. Tattoos and piercings aren't really my thing. :P

Well, my tastes first began to diverge from hers when I was in middle school and early high school. Long story short, I liked the punk sort of look; she didn't, and she made a pretty big deal out of it, basically saying that if I went punk, no one would want to associate with me except miscreants and students who did and sold drugs. No I'm not exaggerating. Our battle over style (with me wanting to go slightly more edgy, while she wanted me to wear corduroy slacks and blouses) ended one day when I found a peasant top we both liked.

Except....the more I've thought about that style, the more I see how even though I did like it, she pushed me away from some of the slightly less mainstream pieces I liked more. The clothes I own are all clothes my mom would wear. It's not really my style. It might've been at some point, but now it's hers, and it's hard to tell how much of it is still mine. So I guess the grunge thing is sort of an effort to dress in a way I like that she can't take for herself.

Or maybe I'm just rebelling ten years too late. :P

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Wow. I never had the "no one will want to associate with you (:o)" but my mums style and mine are also super different - to the point that I'll be like "hey a got a new shirt" and she goes "that's nice" and i go :o :O :o :O you like it?

At which points she says "I would *never* wear that but you enjoy".

.......so I don't inderstand people who share clothes with their mothers.

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Wow. I never had the "no one will want to associate with you (:o)" but my mums style and mine are also super different - to the point that I'll be like "hey a got a new shirt" and she goes "that's nice" and i go :o :O :o :O you like it?

At which points she says "I would *never* wear that but you enjoy".

.......so I don't inderstand people who share clothes with their mothers.

We wear different sizes, so we don't share, but if I put some of my clothes in her closet and vice versa, and I told you to separate them without looking at the sizes, I doubt you'd have much success. In fairness, she does have a somewhat trendy, youthful style, so it's not like she forced me to dress in outdated clothes or anything. She dresses well; I'm just tired of looking like she does.

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We wear different sizes, so we don't share, but if I put some of my clothes in her closet and vice versa, and I told you to separate them without looking at the sizes, I doubt you'd have much success. In fairness, she does have a somewhat trendy, youthful style, so it's not like she forced me to dress in outdated clothes or anything. She dresses well; I'm just tired of looking like she does.

Which is totally understandable :)
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Now I'm imagining a biker Twi with a spiked leather jacket and one arm bare, with a grinning pug tattoo on one of her shoulders. :P

What exactly does the grunge style include, if I might ask?

I have a feeling Bruce would really enjoy riding on a motorcycle...or else really hate it. :P

Torn jeans, or just denim. Converse. Boots. Sweaters, t-shirts under flannel....

I'm doing a lousy job explaining this. :wacko: Google "Kurt Cobain clothes" or just "Kurt Cobain" to get an idea of where I'm drawing my inspiration. I want to go for a slightly more sophisticated version of that style, but that's the basic idea.

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I have a feeling Bruce would really enjoy riding on a motorcycle...or else really hate it. :P

Torn jeans, or just denim. Converse. Boots. Sweaters, t-shirts under flannel....

I'm doing a lousy job explaining this. :wacko: Google "Kurt Cobain clothes" or just "Kurt Cobain" to get an idea of where I'm drawing my inspiration. I want to go for a slightly more sophisticated version of that style, but that's the basic idea.



Oh sure, I wear torn jeans and it's raggedy and awful, but if Kurt Cobain wears the same thing it sparks a generation trend. That's fair. :P


Does it cost a lot to maintain, or is it literally just raggedy clothing arranged in a specific way?

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Oh sure, I wear torn jeans and it's raggedy and awful, but if Kurt Cobain wears the same thing it sparks a generation trend. That's fair. :P

Does it cost a lot to maintain, or is it literally just raggedy clothing arranged in a specific way?

If you wore torn jeans while singing in a gravelly voice, on the other hand...:P

Depends on how you go about it, I think. I'm getting my clothes from secondhand stores, and I plan to DIY some torn jeans, so I don't plan on spending a ton. If I were to get designer flannel and torn jeans (which do exist, for some reason) it'd be a lot more expensive.

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I have a feeling Bruce would really enjoy riding on a motorcycle...or else really hate it. :P

Torn jeans, or just denim. Converse. Boots. Sweaters, t-shirts under flannel....

I'm doing a lousy job explaining this. :wacko: Google "Kurt Cobain clothes" or just "Kurt Cobain" to get an idea of where I'm drawing my inspiration. I want to go for a slightly more sophisticated version of that style, but that's the basic idea.

Sounds super comfortable!
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My prof emailed me the other day and told me he really likes this paper I wrote in for his class last semester. So much that he wants to help me work on it so I can submit it to a good journal and try to get published :')


Happy undergraduate is happy! :')

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So I was sitting outside with a friend, and a random cat came and decided to curl up in my lap and purr. :wub:



D'aww. :wub:


Not quite as random, but there are three kittens in the house right now that need a lot of love. They keep climbing up my legs to purr in my lap while I'm on the computer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So this may seem like really lame good news, but I just got absurdly happy about it, so I'm saying it anyway.


I do a lot of family history/genealogy stuff, and I use a variety of sites to do this. Predominantly Ancestry, where my main tree is. However, in order to actually do anything with my ancestors, I need to use Family Search (the LDS genealogy site). However, Family Search is terrible because anyone with an account can do anything on it and anything they do affects everyone else, since it's an open tree. You want to delete this person? You just deleted that person for everyone. You want to put that you're related to Odin of Asgard? Now anyone related to you is now related to Odin. (That's actually true. I was having a contest with a college roommate once to see who we were related to according to Family Search and I came across Odin, who had sons named Thor and Loki. No joke). There are people who were born after their children. Or people who died 100 years before their last child was born. People who were only 2 when their first child was born. There's a lot of just wrong information on Family Search. So I hate using it for my main family history stuff. But Ancestry has this nifty little feature that connects ancestors to the correct person on Family Search, allows you to compare them, and transfer information/sources between the two sites really easily. A click of a button, load, and it's done. Super convenient.


Well, Ancestry has this New Ancestry site. It's been running for over a year I think, and I've tried it out a bit, but I always go back to old Ancestry because that compare-to-Family Search feature isn't available on the new site. I'd always let support know why I'm switching back, in hopes that eventually they'd implement that feature. Every time I'd switch back to the old site, I'd get this warning that soon New Ancestry would be the only Ancestry, and that worried me because if that happened, and that feature wasn't there, I'd have to spend hours transferring information where before it took minutes.


Ancestry sent me an email today, telling me that on December 15th, New Ancestry will be the only Ancestry. So I go and check New Ancestry again, clicking on one of my ancestors, and looking around his profile to see if this feature is on there. And, lo and behold, it is. There's a little Family Search icon right near the top that shows if the person is connected to Family Search or not, and if they are, you can compare/transfer all that info. And now I'm really happy, because I've always liked the look of this new site. It's different, but it's very streamlined and now I can actually use it. :)

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So I am part of a class that is putting on a student-curated exhibit of medieval manuscripts and early printed books. The presentation kicking off the exhibit is on Friday, and I'm ridiculously excited for it (as well as being incurably nervous). All y'all close enough to Logan should show up to the USU campus and come take a look at it! (My presentation should be between noon and 12:30)

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So I am part of a class that is putting on a student-curated exhibit of medieval manuscripts and early printed books. The presentation kicking off the exhibit is on Friday, and I'm ridiculously excited for it (as well as being incurably nervous). All y'all close enough to Logan should show up to the USU campus and come take a look at it! (My presentation should be between noon and 12:30)

I'm not sure if I'll make it at that time, but where is it? I'll see if I can show up sometime.

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