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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Ok, so, this is going to be somewhat rambly and it'll sound like it should be in the bad day thread for most of it but bear with me.

I was playing cards against humanity with some friends on Friday night. We were using cards from a game called "The Art of Conversation" in place of the black cards. (No this isn't leading to a joke that would break the site rules ;) ) One of the cards that came up was "What is the first thing you remember learning at school." Or something like that.

I was homeschooled till grade 2 but the first thing I remember actually learning from school was that some people will hurt you for no reason. Thinking about this lead me down a certain chain of thought regarding the effect certain people have had on me and forgiveness.

For a quick background just so this make's sense: I have a pretty good idea why I am the way I am. I have fairly severe social anxiety, I avoid physical contact, I'm afraid of people in general and I know the main people/events that caused me to be this way.

I've spent time in the past thinking about forgiveness and coming to the conclusion that I had forgiven them. But I was never quite sure if it was entirely true or if I still held some small amount of anger and resentment towards them. This time when thinking about it I went down to the most basic essence of it: If I could, would I make them all truly understand the effect they had on me? The answer, as it turns out, is no. It's not about appearing strong or not appearing vulnerable in front of them. The reason I wouldn't do it is because I don't want to burden them with that, I don't want them to have to live with that knowledge.

So realising that, I'm finally certain that I don't bear any ill will or resentment towards them now and I'm really happy to know that's the case :D I was fairly sure but I'm glad to get past that niggling doubt.

Not the kind of thing that is normally posted in this thread, but in some ways it matters as much to me as anything else I've posted in this thread :)

that's fantastic! And if I may say so, it's a a much deeper kind of happiness.

A taco that's rolled up cigar style with cheese, or chicken, beef that is great to dunk in sour cream.

So the tacos I've had experience with are like corn chips, and crunchy. How do you roll that? And how big are they? Edited by Delightful
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that's fantastic! And if I may say so, it's a a much deeper kind of happiness.

So the tacos I've had experience with are like corn chips, and crunchy. How do you roll that? And how big are they?

You take a corn tortilla, add the filling, roll it up and bake until crunchy. They're usually about as long as a regular sized paper plate is wide.

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I'm sure it's not hard to tell I get excited about little things and cold weather. A lot of y'all probably would to if y'all lived in southwest Louisiana where it can get down right grueling from April to October. Low tonight is 33 with crystal clear skies! So yeah I ll be outside burning my stumps till about 4:30 am staring at Sirius, Orion, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus.

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So you're be thankful for good food and not so much for awkward family? :P

Pretty much, yeah. :P

Traditions will also vary somewhat by family. Many watch the football game that's on; others might play their own backyard game; still others might watch a movie or play a board game. Mine listens to an audio drama about Squanto while prepping the food, and then we might rent a movie or something similar after.

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Pretty much, yeah. :P

Traditions will also vary somewhat by family. Many watch the football game that's on; others might play their own backyard game; still others might watch a movie or play a board game. Mine listens to an audio drama about Squanto while prepping the food, and then we might rent a movie or something similar after.

I don't even.....

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I only ever had from Wednesday off too. And a break for Easter? :o I've never had that. Not even a day off.


I never got Easter break, either. Sometimes, spring break would fall on the same week as Easter, but that was always coincidence. And my schools never even let us out on Wednesday for Thanksgiving—we'd get Thursday and Friday off and that was it. Though my parents would pull us out of school on Wednesday so we could help with the prep work. 

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In general different school districts still offer the same number of days off (well, public schools), but the days that you actually get off differ. For example, having attended public school in both Oklahoma and Michigan, Oklahoma schools started three weeks earlier than Michigan schools, and went on summer break four weeks earlier, while Michigan schools got an extra week of mid-February called mid-winter break. In the end we had the same number of days, but which days during the year we got off differed.

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Well, Bruce's first Thanksgiving was a good one. Turkey, stuffing, cream cheese potatoes, gravy….he got to try it all, in great amounts. He ran from chair to chair with his ears pinned back and his eyes bulging, waiting for goodies to fall from the sky. 


It was especially funny because before the meal, he was extremely worried. We had a late breakfast of sausage and cinnamon rolls, which he enjoyed, but after that, we didn't eat until two. He's used to begging for bits from our lunches around noon, so between breakfast and Thanksgiving dinner, he'd follow me to my room, lay down in a corner, and give me this nervous look. I'm pretty sure he thought that since we missed lunch, we were just giving up on food altogether. But when we finally did eat, it was better than he could have imagined. 


I think there's a metaphor for my job search somewhere in there. 

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Today, I went out to buy a UE Boom speaker, for $100 ($100 off). Right as I got to the shelf where they were, a sales associate came walking up with a UE Boom that someone had just bought and immediately returned for some reason, and it was marked down by another 30%. So I got it for $70, normally $200. Really made my day.

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