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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Same :). How do you pronounce that?

Edit: shukran? Something like that?


Yep. The second word (the last 2 characters) is the pronoun, I think, but it may well be a regional dialect. Then again, I only have had a year and a half of classes, and it was all in Modern Standard Arabic, so I don't know very much about it.

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Modern standard as opposed to ancient? Are there multiple Arabic dialects today?

You know more than I do. And I should know more.


Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the standardized Arabic currently in use. It will be understood by almost any Arabic speaker, but most of them won't use it among themselves. Classical Arabic is the Arabic of the Qu'ran, and is the direct ancestor of MSA.


However, there are 6 regional branches (Moroccan, Sudanese, Egyptian, Levantine, Arabian Peninsula, Mesopotamian, and Andalusian) of Arabic, all with slightly different syntax, grammar, pronunciation, and even vocabulary. Not all of the regional dialects (which are subdivisions of the larger branches) are mutually intelligible, but almost every Arabic speaker will understand MSA.

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So they'll understand MSA but not necessarily each other's dialects?


Yep, that sounds correct to me. Here's the wikipedia page if you're interested. Some of the dialects are more different from each other than Portuguese is from Spanish, or than Dutch is from German.

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Same here. Guess you'll find out when the stars are aligned and the appointed time comes. :P


Always ask high; say...37k if the job posting didn't have an upper bound. If it did, ask for the max should they enter negotiations with you.But while asking high, have a secret amount you truly wish to make; say...31k. This way you have room for the company to lower you down, but you'll still be making enough that you feel you can live comfortably.

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Always ask high; say...37k if the job posting didn't have an upper bound. If it did, ask for the max should they enter negotiations with you.But while asking high, have a secret amount you truly wish to make; say...31k. This way you have room for the company to lower you down, but you'll still be making enough that you feel you can live comfortably.

Basically, haggle? :P

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Someone downvoted this post? Why?


For those who complained that this thread is too quiet, here's some positivity for you all.

A blogger I follow posted this:

‪#‎MyIsrael‬ is a an old ultra orthodox woman shouting at an Arab teenager to "put that terrible cigarette out before you get addicted and die of lung cancer."
And him taking out the cigarette, tossing it on the ground, grinding it with his left foot, and thanking her.
#MyIsrael is the bartender who pours free shots of whiskey for everyone in the restaurant and shouts L'chaim!
#MyIsrael is soul searching and speaking out and striving to be better.
What's YOUR Israel?

Comments include

‪#MyIsrael is when you give birth at a hospital and the older women who bring you food bring extra food for you and your husband because they learn you're alone in the country and they feel it's their duty to feed you because you're mom isn't there with you.

My Israel is discovering that the bandage on my three-year old daughter's skinned knee was lovingly applied by a random neighbor lady, because my daughter felt free to knock on the closest door to where she fell.

My Israel is my friend's Israel who recently broke down in Nazareth at night and two people went way out of their way to help him change his tire and the only thing they would take from him is his ability to say شكرا لك

I'm guessing this means hello or thanks?

My Israel is the Yeshiva-bucher [ultra orthodox Jew] who learns in Mea Sharim while his fraternal twin sister is a tattooed roller skating lesbian in Tel Aviv...

My Israel is where a complete stranger on the street hands me her baby to watch while she goes to put her groceries away in her building down the block...and when she walked away she said, "Please don't kidnap my baby, it took me a long time to make her!

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Basically, haggle? :P


Yes. That's what it is after all. Wage negotiations use the term "negotiations" to sound fancy, but think about it; what does the potential hiree have to offer other than their decision to take the job? Nothing. They can't be like, "okay, but how about we make it 37k and I throw in an antique lamp?" No, it's the same as haggling. The company wants your acceptance in the same way that you want a salesman's product. Only, when haggling for wage, you're the one who wants the higher price. You're essentially on the opposite side of the negotiation, because what is a job hunt other than you offering your service/product until someone decides to buy it?

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Double post I suppose, oh well.


The bad: I'm currently doing some augmented reality stuff but my phone's camera lens is scratched and so my phone is completely useless for it. Additionally getting a galaxy sII plus repaired is not an easy thing as it's apparently quite fiddly to work with and it wasn't ever sold in Aus so getting the parts would be difficult.


The good: Getting a new phone I liked the look of was remarkably easy for a change :) (I'm passing/selling my current phone on to my dad, it's about time he had a smartphone :P)


(The galaxy s2 plus wasn't exactly a new phone when I got it 2 and a half years back so I was going to upgrade eventually regardless, just hadn't been planning on doing it for another half year to a year.)

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Ordered a carseat for Bruce! I got a gift card for my birthday, so it wasn't going to cost me anything anyway, but I still got the color I wanted on sale, so it was a good $15 cheaper than it would have been had I bought it new. At the rate I'm going, I might have enough left on this gift card to buy the rest of the Harry Potter books, if I buy them used. :ph34r: 

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Over the past week, I have been busting my code to get a game for my game design class working. After the entire game was somehow deleted (It was backed up, but still frustrating) and my code started breaking for no reason whatsoever, I sent it in without some features I planned.

On the other hand, I'm free!!!!!!!!

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