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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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I'd like to check out the statistics there first. See how often New Orleans residents are transformed into frogs.

Animal transformation would be a pretty safe way to get rid of someone though. You should see if any disappearances have had frogs nearby.

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Oh and it would be a good idea to learn a bit of French and Spanish living on that side of Louisiana to if you don't already know a bit. There will be a lot of Cajun French talk that way. Also prepare for absolutely wild Mardi Gras central. No other city that celebrates it can compare to what you'll see during it. A lot of it you may not want to see lmao.

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Well, today just got better at work.


So, back in July, our team lead got promoted out.  I was among the folks who applied for the newly open slot.  And just as my manager was ready to make a decision...we went into a hiring freeze and the requisition was stuck into carbonite.


Well, they finally thawed it out.  I got the position.


Except that they decided to bump it up to a full supervisor position.  Yeah, that's right.  They're pushing me up into management.


Oh, what fools these mortals be.

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Well, today just got better at work.

So, back in July, our team lead got promoted out. I was among the folks who applied for the newly open slot. And just as my manager was ready to make a decision...we went into a hiring freeze and the requisition was stuck into carbonite.

Well, they finally thawed it out. I got the position.

Except that they decided to bump it up to a full supervisor position. Yeah, that's right. They're pushing me up into management.

Oh, what fools these mortals be.

Look out, Large Financial Institution, here comes awesomeness incarnate. B)

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:o How???

It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. It's just a custom BBCode where the html replacement sets the font to use my steel alphabet font (and makes the text black and larger to make it easier to read). The big issue with this method is that you have to have my font installed on whatever device you're using to access the website or it'll use the default font and it'll just be large black text. In theory I might be able to use an @font-face rule to remove that requirement but I'm still investigating that.

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It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. It's just a custom BBCode where the html replacement sets the font to use my steel alphabet font (and makes the text black and larger to make it easier to read). The big issue with this method is that you have to have my font installed on whatever device you're using to access the website or it'll use the default font and it'll just be large black text. In theory I might be able to use an @font-face rule to remove that requirement but I'm still investigating that.

Huh, cool! Is there a way to make that a font option here?

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Huh, cool! Is there a way to make that a font option here?

I don't know a whole lot about the internal workings of the ipb forums so I can only guess but I think they could do the same kind of BBCode thing I did. That said with the larger size and more official nature of 17s I don't know they'd go for something that required users to have a font installed to see.


I did find a method using @font-face that shouldn't require users to have the font installed. I wasn't able to set it up on steel ministry because I would need to upload the font file into the style files for the site and that's one of the few things I can't do :( (Though I'll talk to the guy who can.) This method might well work for 17s too but again I can't be certain and again I'm not certain the admins would go for it, though it won't hurt to ask them if you want to :)

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My bike broke down today. At first, I thought it was just a flat tire. But then, a little while later, I look down, and see the inner tube of my back tire sticking out. So there I was, dragging my bike through at least 6 inches of snow. I'd thought this would go on until I got home. But then, at the next intersection, a guy with a pickup truck in the nearby parking lot shouts out "Hey! Need some help?" I looked down at the tire, then replied with a yes. So I drag my bike over there, load it into the bed of his truck, and get in. Finally, he gives me a ride the rest of the way home. General faith in humanity: rising :wub:

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It is World Nutella Day today. I decided to celebrate it by making Nutella brownies from a recipe I found online about a year ago that I still haven't tried, despite being an utter chocolate and Nutella addict. The finished product? Here:




And yes, they do taste as good as they look. :)

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