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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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My ten years old brother just asked me on which chapter of Alcatraz 1 we stopped. He left the room with his nose in the book. Im proud! It makes me even prouder that he did this while beeing a relatively slow reader.

Hopefully in some years we will get a new sharder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have appointments to look at four different apartments on the 15th! 




And don't forget to spring forward while you're in Louisiana!  You're going to have the fun of a one-hour timeswitch going out and then having to dial up two hours coming back.

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Well, it looks like I passed the physical and drug screen. And, provided I'm right, I'll start my new job on April 4!

Now, to find an apartment tomorrow, and finish packing the second I get home. :ph34r:


Congrats! See - nothing to worry about.

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Well, it looks like I passed the physical and drug screen. And, provided I'm right, I'll start my new job on April 4!

Now, to find an apartment tomorrow, and finish packing the second I get home. :ph34r:

Guess the Reconers RP doesnt really count as drugs after all.

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To quote Salvador Dali, "I don't do drugs. I am drugs." :ph34r::P


You are among one of the fifty strongest hallucinogenics in the world among things such as David Lynch, Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band and Salvador Dalí :ph34r:


You should not take drug tests for 24 hours after having been exposed to Twi... apparently she is not getting exposed to herself, scientists are very puzzled about how this could be.

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I found myself in need of a new book today. I checked out Lewis and Clark Through Indian Eyes before I left Tucson, grossly underestimating how much of it I'd read. The essays were so excellent that when I landed in New Orleans l, I had but two of them left--which MIGHT get me through the first connecting flight to Houston.

So, I decided I'd spend some time this afternoon perusing a bookshop. Google Maps suggested Barnes and Noble...and someplace called the Book Rack. Wanting to check out the local store before the national chain, I decided to give it a go.

Inside, I was greeted by a shi tzu/pug mix who was as sweet as she was adorable. Her owner, who also owned the shop, was organizing books and chatted with me about her dog's origins (rescued from a woman who had no business owning dogs) and what I was doing in town. She told me a bit about Metairie, pointed me toward the fantasy and sci-fi, and let me wander.

Since I didn't know what I wanted, I just wandered. I skipped some of the more popular titles out on display, hoping to find an obscure gem. Bella, the adorable shi tzu/pug, followed me and asked for attention a few times. In the midst of that, I found a collection of alternate history short stories, The Way It Wasn't, boasting stories about "what if the Black Plague wiped out all of Europe?" and "what if Elvis were President of the US?"

I bought it, chatted with the owner a bit more, and promised to return.

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