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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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And everything is moved in. There are boxes piling up like ashmounts in HoA, but at least everything is here. Bruce is still confused, but a lot calmer now that he has his furniture back. On top of that, I've got some ham and bean soup in the crock pot, so it should be ready by the time I've gotten the essentials unpacked.

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Well hopefully my post helped you along the way.

It did. I went the speed limit all through Vinton PD territory, saw some poor sap pulled over and was glad it wasn't me, stopped for gas in Iowa, and had close to a full tank when I went over the causeway. There was a massive traffic jam somewhere outside Baton Rouge, but I used the delay to google what the heck boudin was. I kept seeing signs advertising they best boudin in the state, and I had to know what it was that everyone was the best at. :ph34r:

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I don't like it to much. Makes your breath smell!!!

What did you think going over my tall bridge? I love looking over downtown LC over the lake.

It was more than a little nerve-wracking to someone who hasn't been over many tall bridges like that (I think the last one was in....Oregon? A few years ago?) but looking down at Lake Charles was incredible.

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I was speakig to my manager about a mistake I made at work - a mistake that led me to kind of having a panic attack, self-flagellation and spending the past two days worrying that I was fired.

His words:

"Sorry, with [the other managers] off, I didn't have a chance to get back to you. Don't worry about it, we'll talk about it next time you're in".

So... I don't seem to be fired? I think?

So I'm happy.

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I went out of the house. Went to 5 different shops. Managed to buy a plunger. Had a conversation with random person. Went by home. Managed to unplug the sink. 


I'm so proud of myself today. Maybe it looks stupid simple, but I'm proud of myself. 

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I was speakig to my manager about a mistake I made at work - a mistake that led me to kind of having a panic attack, self-flagellation and spending the past two days worrying that I was fired.

His words:

"Sorry, with [the other managers] off, I didn't have a chance to get back to you. Don't worry about it, we'll talk about it next time you're in".

So... I don't seem to be fired? I think?

So I'm happy.

That used to happen to me all the time. I'd make a mistake, worry that I was going to be fired, only to learn that it wasn't a serious offense.

At my most recent job, one night I broke the adding machine. I finished the deposit by hand, spent the entire night wondering exactly how much money would be deducted from my next paycheck to cover the cost of whether I'd just be fired, went to bed worried, and went to work the next day in a panic. I told my boss everything. You know what he said about the adding machine?

"That's fine. We'll get another one."

That's it. That's all. I made a mistake, I told my boss, and that was that. By and large, I've found that the world is more forgiving of my mistakes than I tend to be.

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The big thing, really, is to TELL someone about your mistake.  Admit to it, apologize for it, and usually it's not a big deal.  It's the people who mess up and then try to hide it with lies that are committing professional Darwinism.

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I went out of the house. Went to 5 different shops. Managed to buy a plunger. Had a conversation with random person. Went by home. Managed to unplug the sink. 


I'm so proud of myself today. Maybe it looks stupid simple, but I'm proud of myself. 

Sure it's "simple" (but not stupid), but simple things can be still be very hard. I feel similarly pleased whenever I do something like that :)



I've been working on setting up a website for my games dev, it's got a little further to go but it's coming along. I was working on developing a logo/header last night but my artistic skills leave a lot to be desired. I can do some things, but interesting logos do not come easily. I initially thought I could make something using a pattern of squares over the letters (kinda like pixels) but, well, nope:


I tried making the squares a bit smaller but that didn't really make things much better:


At that point I decided that while someone else might be able to make this work, I was getting nowhere :P So I decided to try making it out of much larger squares and kind of stack them to form the name. I'm quite sure this as a concept can work buuuuuut:


At least my brother and I had a good laugh about it :P


So yeah, it wasn't going too well. I'm not that great at visual design, shame I can't make it out of something I am good at, like code, but you can't make a logo out of code....or actually...maybe you can  :ph34r:


Much happier with that than with any of my previous attempts :)

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It took a little while to make though not tooo long.


It's basically a few blocks of code from one of my games in a very small font-size. I removed a lot of the existing tabs and newlines (and added a few) to make it fit the letters better. The gaps in the letters formed from shorter lines are very deliberate :)


Over the top of that I put a white mask layer with gaps in the shape of the letters which cuts off the bits of the code that don't fit in the letters.


I also added a white background behind the text.

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It sounds like an excellent opportunity to cackle maniacally at your mother. 


And I shall. From a distance, as I watch The Road to El Dorado to see exactly why she and my dad turned it off in the middle. :ph34r:


Edit: Okay….it's kind of dumb. Maybe I'll give it another try later. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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