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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Storms, I love storms. Is there any place where storms are more frequent than the others (with the obvious exception of Roshar - I still can't get my probability drive to get me to imaginary reality)?

Also, strong winds also work for me.

Come on over to west central Ohio, it's crazy here. All four seasons and every kind of water falling from the sky in a single day. All the time. Ughhhhh, I hate it.

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Storms, I love storms. Is there any place where storms are more frequent than the others (with the obvious exception of Roshar - I still can't get my probability drive to get me to imaginary reality)?

Also, strong winds also work for me.

Thunder, rain, and wind are a constant companion here along Gulf coast and thankfully even though we get strong winds an actual tornado down is super rare. In my 35 yrs I've seen a total of 0 of them.

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I connect to this on a deep and emotional level. :mellow:

(Though it's worth pointing out that Louisiana is completely different. So if you want rain, maybe visit sometime? :ph34r:


New Orleans is one of the cities up for bid this year for WorldCon 2018.


In the sense that one day it'll be sunny with the bluest skies you've ever seen; the next, the sky turns dark and unsettling as it pours down so much rain that side streets flood and your parking lot becomes a pond. It's awesome.

Excellent. :ph34r:


That happens on different days for you?  :P

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Storms, I love storms. Is there any place where storms are more frequent than the others (with the obvious exception of Roshar - I still can't get my probability drive to get me to imaginary reality)?

Also, strong winds also work for me.

Strong winds? Storms? Looks like the perfect place for you is Moore, Oklahoma! It's famous for being destroyed every year or two by tornadoes!

(Don't live in Moore)

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Strong winds? Storms? Looks like the perfect place for you is Moore, Oklahoma! It's famous for being destroyed every year or two by tornadoes!

(Don't live in Moore)


(Unless you are a hobbit and have an underground home.)

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Thunder, rain, and wind are a constant companion here along Gulf coast and thankfully even though we get strong winds an actual tornado down is super rare. In my 35 yrs I've seen a total of 0 of them.

For some reason my brain went to "thunder and lightning, very very frightening..."
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In DC we just broke a record for the most consecutive days in a row with measurable rainfall. We're now at 13 days (Seattle's record is 33, for context). Granted for the first 12 days we've only averaged 0.3 inches a day (I'm not certain what we've gotten so far today). So it's not like we're getting soaked here, but it is causing people to feel SAD

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In DC we just broke a record for the most consecutive days in a row with measurable rainfall. We're now at 13 days (Seattle's record is 33, for context). Granted for the first 12 days we've only averaged 0.3 inches a day (I'm not certain what we've gotten so far today). So it's not like we're getting soaked here, but it is causing people to feel SAD


Are you getting any thunder?  Just endless days of rain can drag on, but thunderstorms are exciting.

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Kaymyth, I LOVE thunderstorms. Growing up I used to sit on my front porch in the summer watching the afternoon storms go by. We had our share of thunderstorms about two weeks ago. My dog does not love them as much as I do. The rain we've had the past few days have just been quite, overcast days that spit some water every once and a while. Today was day 14 of our consecutive rain days. 


However, I have other exciting news to share today too: I have accepted a new job today working for the US Agency for International Development! I will start July 5th after going on a 5 week trip to Jordan for my current job. 

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Kaymyth, I LOVE thunderstorms. Growing up I used to sit on my front porch in the summer watching the afternoon storms go by. We had our share of thunderstorms about two weeks ago. My dog does not love them as much as I do. The rain we've had the past few days have just been quite, overcast days that spit some water every once and a while. Today was day 14 of our consecutive rain days. 


However, I have other exciting news to share today too: I have accepted a new job today working for the US Agency for International Development! I will start July 5th after going on a 5 week trip to Jordan for my current job. 


Thunderstorms are the best.  (It's a good thing I think so, 'cause I live in Tornado Alley.)  Boo on the constant drizzle; that's no fun at all.


But congrats!  That sounds exciting.  ^_^

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On Sunday, I applied for 5 jobs. On Monday, one of them contacted me to set up an interview for the very next day. After a bit of finagling with my current full-time position, I was able to get the day off so I could go to this interview (it's about 30 miles away from where I currently live) and also go to two doctor's appointments.


The interview went very well, I thought. And at the end of it, she said that they interview 20 applicants each day and call back the top 5 later that same day to set up the second round of interviews. She said if I don't hear back between 4-6 that afternoon, I'll know they've gone a different direction. So I don't have to sit around wondering about it for 2 weeks. Excellent. Well, I got a call back. :) I wasn't able to answer my phone at the time, but this morning when I talked to her, she told me that I was one of the top 4. So that's cool. And they scheduled the second round tonight, after I get off work.


These guys move fast and I love it. I'd also really like to work for them too. Seems like an excellent position for me.


But moving on. One of my doctor's appointments yesterday was with a hematologist. I'm iron deficient. Last month, I was iron deficient bordering on anemia. To give some perspective, most people's ferritin levels in their blood iron stores is around 80. The low end of the normal range is 20. I was at 4. The energy that I thrive on was practically nonexistent, and had been for months. But I started taking iron supplements according to the doctor's suggestion and went back in last week to get a blood test. My ferritin level is at 20. I'm in the normal range! And I can feel it. I have so much more energy than I did. And the funny thing, this is just the low end of the normal range. If I keep taking these supplements, in 2 months, I could be at 60, or maybe even 80, and then I'll have so much energy I literally won't know what to do with it all. I can't wait.  :ph34r:

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My ferritin level is at 20. I'm in the normal range! And I can feel it. I have so much more energy than I did. And the funny thing, this is just the low end of the normal range. If I keep taking these supplements, in 2 months, I could be at 60, or maybe even 80, and then I'll have so much energy I literally won't know what to do with it all. I can't wait.  :ph34r:

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Here are the two latest additions to Twi's Shrine Tribute to Remus Lupin, as crafted on a Remus Lupin budget. :P 




Here's the song I used for that picture, if you're interested. I put a few different lines in red, to add contrast.






Yes, that's a bottle of Wolfsbane I found on Etsy. I had a good chuckle when I read the label—"A slightly bitter potion…."

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I just found a really nice dress.....with large pockets! World domination shall be mine!!

I mean, I haven't actually bought it, but that's just a technicality, right?. :ph34r:

Yes. Like how I don't technically own the US, but I'm on the higher ethical ground.
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Yes. Like how I don't technically own the US, but I'm on the higher ethical ground.

The higher ground, you say?

A man stood on a cliffside and watched his homeland fall into dust. The waters surged beneath, so far beneath. And he heard a child crying. They were his own tears.

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