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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Actually there is no such thing as a poisonous snake. Yeah, some of them can bite you and kill you, but they're venomous, not poisonous. Venom is injected like from a bite or sting. Poison gets in your body through skin contact or by eating or drinking, as with poison dart frogs.

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55 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

Actually there is no such thing as a poisonous snake. Yeah, some of them can bite you and kill you, but they're venomous, not poisonous. Venom is injected like from a bite or sting. Poison gets in your body through skin contact or by eating or drinking, as with poison dart frogs.

Actually, there is no such thing as a venomous snake.


This message paid for by Random Snake Adoption House.

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2 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Eh, better than Snake Clearing House. I'm sick of getting random snakes in the mail promising me a lifetime of riches if I'll just buy into a Ponzi scheme. 

Hahaha. The phrase "random snakes in the mail" made me think of this XKCD comic:


Also this just happened on my Facebook:


Edited by Sunbird
More good things happened :D
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16 hours ago, Morzathoth said:

Ok fine I see why Australians are afraid of snakes, but they have only have themselves to blame, living in a country where everything is poisonous enough to kill you.

Even the tap water is poisonous enough to kill a young elephant.

Weeeeeell, actually. Melbourne water is some of the best in the world :P Really it's just the animals out to kill you here :)

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I went to some trampoline park with my friends today. It was awesome.
(although my haven't-shown-up-in-long-time breathing problem tied to physical effort has occured and I had to take frequent breaks and my breath was rasping and I was coughing... NOT IMPORTANT, I had a good time)

Right now my legs are trying to get back at me and threatening to not function tomorrow, but I don't care :P And I scraped some of the skin on my knees, but next time I'll just wear long trousers or use bandages.

(Those are some of the many reasons I think Allomantic pewter is awesome)

Then we split up, I went with two of my friends (they're a couple) to his house, made a dinner, ate the dinner, made cookies (Hemalurgy free), ate cookies, watched H8ful. Good day.

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@Delightful As Twi said, he's an actor. There's this theory (no idea who came up with it or how true it is) that every human on earth is connected through relationships with other people to every other person by no more than 6 degrees of separation. So there's a game called 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon where people try to figure out the relationship chain between them and celebrities--for example, Kevin Bacon.

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22 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Right now my legs are trying to get back at me and threatening to not function tomorrow, but I don't care :P

I really said that, huh? Tempting fate was I?

CORRECTION: Almost every muscle in my body hurts. Standing up or sitting down is a problem. Stairs are my nemezis now. Walking is hard. Steel, jumping was awesome, would do that again (but I'd do a proper warm-up before this time) :)

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I decided to write bios for all of my WIP's characters, just so I could have all of that information in one place to refer back to. 

I've finished Susan's and have made serious progress with another's, and it really is helping me bring them together as characters. Plus, I'm proud of how the backstory segments are coming along. :ph34r: 

I also wrote 534 words for my Potterfic. 

I feel so writerly. 

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