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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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1 hour ago, Doctor12 said:

I took my the first step of obtaining my driving licence today, the rules and regulations of the road test. Its a fifty test question where you're tested on everything  from signs, to the different traffic acts, to the different penalties for different acts, to scenarios where you have to choose the correct outcome or action.

Man I was nervous.

Turns out? 



What country are you in?

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10 hours ago, WayneSpren said:

Congratulations, @Voidus! Also, I would think you had better teach her to say "I am a stick" first. You know, priorities.


Also, Delightful...

Now that I can find the picture...

Would it be annoying if I used it, thus caused everyone to think I was you and give me upvotes?


Can confirm: I totally thought you were Delightful until I saw you talking to Delightful. Then I did a hilarious double take.

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5 minutes ago, Delightful said:

@WayneSpren this.....this could be fun. Or potentially embarassing. :P 

i actually tried changing my profile to Wonder Woman recently but I couldn't find a file small enough....

Embarassing for you, or me? :ph34r:

Just kidding. When I inevitably ruin your reputation, I'll apologize.


Also good news: I am now a sentient awakened object! In other words...

Would you like to destroy some evil today?

Other Edit:

I just looked back at this very post, and immediately thought you wrote it. I was (momentarily) very confused.

This is gonna be fun.

Edited by WayneSpren
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3 minutes ago, WayneSpren said:

Embarassing for you, or me? :ph34r:

Just kidding. When I inevitably ruin your reputation, I'll apologize.


Also good news: I am now a sentient awakened object! In other words...

Would you like to destroy some evil today?

For a few hours (I think it was yesterday) I was Torturer of Heralds with 666 upvotes. :ph34r:

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5 minutes ago, WayneSpren said:

Embarassing for you, or me? :ph34r:

Just kidding. When I inevitably ruin your reputation, I'll apologize.


Also good news: I am now a sentient awakened object! In other words...

Would you like to destroy some evil today?

Other Edit:

I just looked back at this very post, and immediately thought you wrote it. I was (momentarily) very confused.

This is gonna be fun.

And I thought I quoted myself. Let's see how long this lasts :). @Queen Elsa Steelheart And I had the same picture for a while but we were *sniff* bullied into changing them. 

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2 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Fun fact: I almost managed to get our baby named Ruby because she's one of my favourite characters ever. In the end I lost that argument though. :(

I had a religion professor at BYU once who has a daughter named Halen after the band Van Halen.

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On 24 August 2016 at 2:04 PM, Delightful said:

And I thought I quoted myself. Let's see how long this lasts :). @Queen Elsa Steelheart And I had the same picture for a while but we were *sniff* bullied into changing them. 

HAHAHAHAHAH I remember that. That was hilarious! we should do it again. HAHHA

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Some of you may recall that I mentioned getting in a car collision toward the end of July. Long story short: it was not my fault, nobody got hurt, the other driver was very nice, nobody got a ticket, but my passenger door had a nice dent in it afterward. (Still driveable, though.)

Over the past 5 or 6 weeks I've been talking to my auto insurance as well as the other driver's insurance and attempting to work toward getting my car repaired. My insurance was very helpful: they sent me to an auto shop to get an estimate of the repair costs and gave me a $1000 check to pay for part of the repairs. The auto shop estimated that repairs would cost about $1500, and with my insurance plan I have a $500 deductible--which is a lot better than $1500, but still not something I can afford to pay out of pocket. So I've been talking to the other driver's insurance trying to get them to pay the rest of the repair cost since it was their customer who caused the accident. And they were SO UNHELPFUL.

I called them the first time like maybe a week after the accident and spent ~30 minutes on the phone giving them all my insurance info, driver's license, address, phone number, etc., and recounting the events of the accident. Two weeks go by and I don't hear a peep from them, so I call them again...only for them to claim that they've attempted to contact me "several times." In the time since I called them, I'd had only TWO missed calls, neither of which was a number I recognized and neither of which left a voicemail. So I'm sitting here thinking, How in Calamity am I supposed to know if you're trying to contact me if you 1) Call during my work day, when I'm in an office with zero cell reception 2) Don't call from the number I have for you in my contacts and 3) Refuse to leave a voicemail? <_<

And then they made me recount the events of the collision again, only to insist that "we haven't accepted liability for the accident" and claim they'd been unable to contact the other driver. So I called the police officer who was at the scene of the accident to see if he could send the insurance the police report with his vouching that their customer was at fault for the accident, and he said there was no police report since I--being a nice but evidently naive person--elected not to insist that he give the other driver a ticket. (She was very polite, friendly, compassionate, patient, and helpful in the aftermath of the collision, and I didn't want to ruin her day with an expensive ticket.)

So at that point I was about to ready to say, "Storm it, my car doesn't need to be repaired since the dent doesn't keep me from driving it!" since it was looking like the other insurance would never cough up the money for repairs.


I told my dad about my difficulties (he co-signed on the loan for my car, so he's an owner of it too) and he called the insurance and the other driver and got her to talk to them. She told them honestly what happened and owned up to causing the collision and finally they agreed to pay up for my repairs. *sigh of relief* Thank Harmony that the person who happened to hit my car has some integrity.

Edited by Sunbird
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10 minutes ago, Sunbird said:


Some of you may recall that I mentioned getting in a car collision toward the end of July. Long story short: it was not my fault, nobody got hurt, the other driver was very nice, nobody got a ticket, but my passenger door had a nice dent in it afterward. (Still driveable, though.)

Over the past 5 or 6 weeks I've been talking to my auto insurance as well as the other driver's insurance and attempting to work toward getting my car repaired. My insurance was very helpful: they sent me to an auto shop to get an estimate of the repair costs and gave me a $1000 check to pay for part of the repairs. The auto shop estimated that repairs would cost about $1500, and with my insurance plan I have a $500 deductible--which is a lot better than $1500, but still not something I can afford to pay out of pocket. So I've been talking to the other driver's insurance trying to get them to pay the rest of the repair cost since it was their customer who caused the accident. And they were SO UNHELPFUL.

I called them the first time like maybe a week after the accident and spent ~30 minutes on the phone giving them all my insurance info, driver's license, address, phone number, etc., and recounting the events of the accident. Two weeks go by and I don't hear a peep from them, so I call them again...only for them to claim that they've attempted to contact me "several times." In the time since I called them, I'd had only TWO missed calls, neither of which was a number I recognized and neither of which left a voicemail. So I'm sitting here thinking, How in Calamity am I supposed to know if you're trying to contact me if you 1) Call during my work day, when I'm in an office with zero cell reception 2) Don't call from the number I have for you in my contacts and 3) Refuse to leave a voicemail? <_<

And then they made me recount the events of the collision again, only to insist that "we haven't accepted liability for the accident" and claim they'd been unable to contact the other driver. So I called the police officer who was at the scene of the accident to see if he could send the insurance the police report with his vouching that their customer was at fault for the accident, and he said there was no police report since I--being a nice but evidently naive person--elected not to insist that he give the other driver a ticket. (She was very polite, friendly, compassionate, patient, and helpful in the aftermath of the collision, and I didn't want to ruin her day with an expensive ticket.)

So at that point I was about to ready to say, "Storm it, my car doesn't need to be repaired since the dent doesn't keep me from driving it!" since it was looking like the other insurance would never cough up the money for repairs.


I told my dad about my difficulties (he co-signed on the loan for my car, so he's an owner of it too) and he called the insurance and the other driver and got her to talk to them. She told them honestly what happened and owned up to causing the collision and finally they agreed to pay up for my repairs. *sigh of relief* Thank Harmony that the person who happened to hit my car has some integrity.

Look like you found a unicorn!

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Tales from TV Tropes: 

Someone made the following edit to the Cursed Child YMMV page under the Narm heading: 

  • The fact that Scorpius' alternate universe nickname is "The Scorpion King." You are now picturing Scorpius being played by The Rock.

Thank you, Random Troper. You made my night. :lol: 

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Speaking of Cursed Child, some friends of mine grounded their adopted daughter in relation to that book for about a week.

What happened is that they got one copy of the book and let her read it first. Afterwards, she revealed a "spoiler" to them. What was the spoiler? Something inane that happens at the beginning of the story anyways.

If I've ever gotten on a soapbox here about how people are too obsessed with  avoiding spoilers, this is a perfect example of this obsession and it's negative consequences.

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7 hours ago, Orlion Determined said:

Speaking of Cursed Child, some friends of mine grounded their adopted daughter in relation to that book for about a week.

What happened is that they got one copy of the book and let her read it first. Afterwards, she revealed a "spoiler" to them. What was the spoiler? Something inane that happens at the beginning of the story anyways.

If I've ever gotten on a soapbox here about how people are too obsessed with  avoiding spoilers, this is a perfect example of this obsession and it's negative consequences.

The wrong thing here is not reacting to being spoilered but the serious overreaction to that. One thing is to say "Could you not talk about it till we read it?" and another is grounding their child for 42 years to come. One is a normal reaction, the second is not.

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7 hours ago, Orlion Determined said:

Speaking of Cursed Child, some friends of mine grounded their adopted daughter in relation to that book for about a week.

What happened is that they got one copy of the book and let her read it first. Afterwards, she revealed a "spoiler" to them. What was the spoiler? Something inane that happens at the beginning of the story anyways.

If I've ever gotten on a soapbox here about how people are too obsessed with  avoiding spoilers, this is a perfect example of this obsession and it's negative consequences.

Wow. Those are some ridiculous people. <_< They didn't even ask what part of the book the spoiler was from?

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8 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Wow. Those are some ridiculous people. <_< They didn't even ask what part of the book the spoiler was from?

That's part of the recent psychotic avoidance of spoilers I'm talking about. It's not even just "don't tell me the twist ending" it's "OMG DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT IT OR YOU'LL RUIN IT! WHAT?! HARRY POTTER IS IN IT? THAT'S IT, YOU'RE GROUNDED! THAT'LL TEACH YOU TO SPOIL THINGS!"


The "spoiler" wasn't even that bad, if not quite as ridiculous as my example. It was saying that Albus was in House Slytherian. That's barely a plot point. 


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14 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

That's part of the recent psychotic avoidance of spoilers I'm talking about. It's not even just "don't tell me the twist ending" it's "OMG DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT IT OR YOU'LL RUIN IT! WHAT?! HARRY POTTER IS IN IT? THAT'S IT, YOU'RE GROUNDED! THAT'LL TEACH YOU TO SPOIL THINGS!"

  Hide contents

The "spoiler" wasn't even that bad, if not quite as ridiculous as my example. It was saying that Albus was in House Slytherian. That's barely a plot point. 


Send those people to hang around my siblings after they've read a book they've been looking forward to. Between my siblings and my own view of spoiler tags as more a challenge than a threat :ph34r: I went into the Mistborn trilogy basically knowing how everything turned out. And I still enjoyed them immensely. Seeing how everything fell into place and how it affected the characters was more interesting than seeing what happened next. 

Come to think of it, I wonder how those people would take The Book Thief. Since it's narrated by Death, the narrator doesn't care about spoiling what happens in the end. Yet the book is still gripping, because it's about how everything in the story marches toward its forgone conclusion. 


That is really not worth grounding someone over. Heck, it's barely worth getting upset about. 


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On August 27, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Cognizantastic said:

Everything has changed so much. I actually have a friend group that accepts and enjoys me as I am, and have made up with the people who I once loved and then broke away from. Most people now see me as "smart, nice guy" instead of "smart, weird guy". I've been chosen as a representative of my school to the California government and president of our state's most successful Make-a-Wish Club.

Things are going well. Things are going well, and that's really freaking weird. 

I spent most of my life somewhat alienated from my peers, mostly due to my own lack of understanding of how to effectively socialize. Through years of failure, I figured it out and am now part of the upper-middle class in the high school hierarchy of respect and public opinion. The other stuff is sudden success outside of academia, something that I've never reached before.

I know I should feel good about this, but instead I feel strange. All the change is confusing. I don't know if I deserve it.

I'm sorry if I come off as self-aggrandizing. I see why one would think that, but I assure you that's not what I'm going for. All the shifts in my life are what I'm thinking about, really...

You see, too them, you're just a freak, like me. They might need you for their homework, but when they don't, they'll cast you out. 

Where's the answer key?

You have all these assignments, and you think you'll do well on them. 

I have one assignment. 

Then that's the assignment you'll have to fail if you want to succeed. 


Sorry, couldn't resist :P 

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