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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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9 hours ago, bleeder said:

It's finally getting cold! 

After record temperatures this summer, it's getting cold again! Yay!

I love the cold.

No! It's too cold. The worst part is that now it is cold outside and inside.

And I only have two jackets, a thin one that I usually wear and a big pufffy one that I rarely use. Why do people have so many jackets?

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5 hours ago, Eccentric Hero said:

No! It's too cold. The worst part is that now it is cold outside and inside.

And I only have two jackets, a thin one that I usually wear and a big pufffy one that I rarely use. Why do people have so many jackets?

Man, I wear suit coats when it gets cold. My heavy coat when it's really cold.

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I...do not handle cold well.

Seriously, we are entering into the half of the year where the only times I feel warm are in the shower and in bed snuggled in with the husband and heated mattress pad.  And even in the second one, I still have to wear socks to bed because my feet don't thaw out until halfway through the night.

That's my problem, really.  My hands and feet get very cold very easily; it doesn't matter how much I bundle up, my toes are still going to be made of ice.  I can actually be sweating underneath my layers and still have chilled feet, and if my feet are cold then I am miserable.

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6 hours ago, Eccentric Hero said:

No! It's too cold. The worst part is that now it is cold outside and inside.

And I only have two jackets, a thin one that I usually wear and a big pufffy one that I rarely use. Why do people have so many jackets?

No clue. I own two jackets myself (a pleather jacket and a full-blown winter one), and that's more than enough. If the weather warrants something between the two, then I just add gloves, the sleeves I use for woodworking, and a scarf (on top of the pleather jacket). If it's extremely cold, I just use the above combo with my winter jacket. Generally speaking, that's all I need.

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My new nephew was born today!  And he's already a sassy little thing.  The expression on his face when being posed for the camera says very clearly, "I am unimpressed with these shenanigans. This crem dung will stop forthwith!"

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1 hour ago, Kaymyth said:

I...do not handle cold well.

Seriously, we are entering into the half of the year where the only times I feel warm are in the shower and in bed snuggled in with the husband and heated mattress pad.  And even in the second one, I still have to wear socks to bed because my feet don't thaw out until halfway through the night.

That's my problem, really.  My hands and feet get very cold very easily; it doesn't matter how much I bundle up, my toes are still going to be made of ice.  I can actually be sweating underneath my layers and still have chilled feet, and if my feet are cold then I am miserable.

Winter is coming. Not getting cold feet, are you?

Gratz on the nephew. Have fun spoiling him.

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I have a friend who's amazing and sweet and wonderful. Yay for good friends!!

On 30/09/2016 at 7:10 PM, Darkness Ascendant said:

I just realised that every 50 years, a massive storm hits Australia :) Thanks Global Warming, you've brought us an Everstorm.

So that's what happened to SA! It all makes sense now!

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@Kaymyth, I can relate to the coldhands / feet thing.

Today, in the night, I went out on the patio and it was still quite warm outside (as in I didn't shiver)... but it's probably last time, we're expecting temperature drop/rain this week :(

Autumn's almost here. Winter is coming. Do not want.


This post contains three references.


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8 hours ago, PantsForSquares said:

Australia confirmed for Roshar. There's even the weird animals!

Not to mention most of Australia is desert. So perhaps in a couple of hundred years, central australia will become the shattered plains XD


Autumn's almost here. Winter is coming. Do not want


Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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On 9/30/2016 at 9:09 PM, Kaymyth said:

I...do not handle cold well.

Seriously, we are entering into the half of the year where the only times I feel warm are in the shower and in bed snuggled in with the husband and heated mattress pad.  And even in the second one, I still have to wear socks to bed because my feet don't thaw out until halfway through the night.

That's my problem, really.  My hands and feet get very cold very easily; it doesn't matter how much I bundle up, my toes are still going to be made of ice.  I can actually be sweating underneath my layers and still have chilled feet, and if my feet are cold then I am miserable.

The term for abnormally cold hands and feet is acrohypothermy, by the way.

The marching competition Saturday went well! I don't know the scores yet- the place was three hours away and we had to leave before they announced scores so we could get back before 3:00 AM- but we did good.

Also, they sold turkey legs at concessions. That was interesting.

I tripped while attempting to put away my hatbox and uniform- smooth, Misty, smooth- and I kinda messed up my knee. I don't think it's that bad, though, so there's another thing to be happy about: not seriously injuring myself in a somewhat embarrassing fashion! :D

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3 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

Also, they sold turkey legs at concessions. That was interesting.

Hehehe. I have fond memories of turkey legs from Disney World. I went on a trip to Disney with my high school marching band and ended up wandering around the park with several boys, and when we got hungry for dinner we each bought ourselves a turkey leg. The boys finished with theirs pretty quickly and dumped the remains in the trash, but I kept gnawing on mine for a while. When I was finally satisfied that I was done with it, the boys looked at the turkey leg (what was left of it) and were astonished at how much of the meat I'd managed to clean off. XD I guess I learned from my dad, who loves to grill and doesn't let the meat go to waste.

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So, I had my first serious lab in chemistry today. It was the extraction of benzocaine and benzoic acid from a mixture of both, and holy benzene, Batman! it took forever. I got to use a separatory funnel (which was neat), and got to work with DCM, which is toxic!

I also spent two hours to get two separate white powders.

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Guys guys guys guys guys

I made All East!

All East is an annual choir thing that takes place in a selected city (different every year) and only the best singers are selected from each grade and part in the participating schools. My school is only bringing 8 freshmen, and me and my best friend got picked to go! (This soprano who stares at me contstantly also is going, so that'll be an experience...) 

It's in Maryville in November and I'm so excited! And I just can't hide it!

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On October 2, 2016 at 11:38 PM, Mistrunner said:

With the help of angry ranting, gratuitous Newsies references, and unfortunately large words, I have finished my cheesy and subtly sarcastic essay on friendship!

I'm going to sleep now, it's nearly 2 AM.

Can you post it in here? :D

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On 10/3/2016 at 1:38 AM, Mistrunner said:

With the help of angry ranting, gratuitous Newsies references, and unfortunately large words, I have finished my cheesy and subtly sarcastic essay on friendship!

I'm going to sleep now, it's nearly 2 AM.


27 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Can you post it in here? :D

AFTER it's been graded.  If the teacher does internet searches to check for plagiarism, coming up with matches on the Shard could prompt...questions.

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