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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Just came back from Minnesota late last night (yes, I know that sentence is a contradiction, so sue me!). I had been there for Fantasy Flight Games' Arkham Nights and not only had fun, I got to pick up a copy of the Arkham Horror LCG (Living Card Game, for those of you that forget you are on the internet and can Google this stuff).

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11 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

Just came back from Minnesota late last night (yes, I know that sentence is a contradiction, so sue me!). I had been there for Fantasy Flight Games' Arkham Nights and not only had fun, I got to pick up a copy of the Arkham Horror LCG (Living Card Game, for those of you that forget you are on the internet and can Google this stuff).

Wait, hold up: 

I'm on the internet?!

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3 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Wait, hold up: 

I'm on the internet?!

Oh great. Reminds me of an old short story that won (IIRC) a contest in Writer's Digest back when dial-up was still common. 


It follows a guy who's setting up a sort of online "legacy imprint," allowing his deceased uncle to have an online presence after his death. Trouble is, his uncle wasn't a heavy internet user, so all the narrator can find is a few corny jokes and a couple of emails. Well, the narrator does what he can to get the imprint set up with the service he's using, then books some plane tickets to the funeral and tries to log off to call a cab. But he can't. He emails the imprint service representative he was working with, and learns that he (the narrator) was actually an imprint all along. He died some time ago and, having been a heavy internet user, gave them what they call "an excellent fingerprint." The narrator gives up on the cab and his uncle's imprint contacts him via IM with a corny joke. And there, with all of the unanswered questions and bizarre implications left unexplored, the story ends. 


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6 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Oh great. Reminds me of an old short story that won (IIRC) a contest in Writer's Digest back when dial-up was still common. 

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It follows a guy who's setting up a sort of online "legacy imprint," allowing his deceased uncle to have an online presence after his death. Trouble is, his uncle wasn't a heavy internet user, so all the narrator can find is a few corny jokes and a couple of emails. Well, the narrator does what he can to get the imprint set up with the service he's using, then books some plane tickets to the funeral and tries to log off to call a cab. But he can't. He emails the imprint service representative he was working with, and learns that he (the narrator) was actually an imprint all along. He died some time ago and, having been a heavy internet user, gave them what they call "an excellent fingerprint." The narrator gives up on the cab and his uncle's imprint contacts him via IM with a corny joke. And there, with all of the unanswered questions and bizarre implications left unexplored, the story ends. 


Wow. That's intense. 

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13 hours ago, Pinnacle-Ferring said:

I spent the day at an awesome sci-fi/fantasy con with @Delightful. It was a long, yet satisfying day.

Also, we went to a lecture about Sanderson's three laws of magic and it was nice seeing all of the local sanderfans collectively geeking out over his books.

It was *awesome*. In a discussion on Cosmere someone asked about Steelheart and the lecturer person goes (in Hebrew) "RECKONERS ISNT COSMERE" :D

i spent the day walking around dressed as Vin in a mistcloack with a handful of basically worthless coins to throw at people. I.....didn't actually throw any, but it was still awesome. 

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3 hours ago, Delightful said:

i spent the day walking around dressed as Vin in a mistcloack with a handful of basically worthless coins to throw at people. I.....didn't actually throw any, but it was still awesome. 

Do you perhaps have some photos to share? :ph34r: 

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5 minutes ago, Briar King said:

Idk the forecast for NOLA but LC has lows in the 40's next 2 days and 50's 2 days later! Woot! Should help with flea problem!

It's been in the 60s and 70s these past few weeks, with a few forays into the 80s. It's been awesome. Plus I got Bruce on new flea medication, which should help, too. 

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2 hours ago, Briar King said:

Idk the forecast for NOLA but LC has lows in the 40's next 2 days and 50's 2 days later! Woot! Should help with flea problem!


2 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

It's been in the 60s and 70s these past few weeks, with a few forays into the 80s. It's been awesome. Plus I got Bruce on new flea medication, which should help, too. 

To someone who uses Celsius, you sound like time travelers :P

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2 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

It's been in the 60s and 70s these past few weeks, with a few forays into the 80s. It's been awesome. Plus I got Bruce on new flea medication, which should help, too. 

Wait, don't you live in N'awlins? I thought it would be hotter there. It's been in the eighties/low-seventies all week here in Orlando.

And, yes, @Mestiv, all Americans are time travelers. Hence my constant practice at perfecting other accents.

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Just now, Mestiv said:


To someone who uses Celsius, you sound like time travelers :P

To us Fahrenheit users, seeing temperatures in Celsius makes them all seem alarmingly low. 75 degree Fahrenheit is about 24 degrees Celsius, while 24 degrees Fahrenheit is about -4 degrees Celsius. Then again, our temperatures probably look shockingly high to you Celsius users. :P 


1 minute ago, bleeder said:

Wait, don't you live in N'awlins? I thought it would be hotter there. It's been in the eighties/low-seventies all week here in Orlando.

And, yes, @Mestiv, all Americans are time travelers. Hence my constant practice at perfecting other accents.

It's usually fairly hot here, but we've had a few cold snaps. It didn't get super cold, us being insulated by the Gulf and all, but it's still much lower than it's been. I had to wear a coat this morning and it was fantastic. 

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6 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

To us Fahrenheit users, seeing temperatures in Celsius makes them all seem alarmingly low. 75 degree Fahrenheit is about 24 degrees Celsius, while 24 degrees Fahrenheit is about -4 degrees Celsius. Then again, our temperatures probably look shockingly high to you Celsius users. :P 


It's usually fairly hot here, but we've had a few cold snaps. It didn't get super cold, us being insulated by the Gulf and all, but it's still much lower than it's been. I had to wear a coat this morning and it was fantastic. 

I love dressing heavily, in coats and such. Also so I can have an excuse to wear vests, et c. 

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Just this morning I took a test that included a question that was basically just "Here, convert this weight measurement from pounds to kg and this temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius." That question was a piece of cake for me, since I've long since memorized the conversion formulas and had a pencil and paper to work out the math. :D

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