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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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On 21/10/2016 at 0:33 PM, Mestiv said:

Do you perhaps have some photos to share? :ph34r: 

I didn't take any. I'm so sorry. I have failed you all.


13 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Then again, our temperatures probably look shockingly high to you Celsius users. :P 

The first time I heard the phrase "it was a 90 degree summer".........

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2 hours ago, bleeder said:

In 24 hours, I'll finally have found out 

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who Negan mercilessly bludgeoned to death with his barbed-wire baseball bat, Lucille

on The Walking Dead!

If the show will follow the comic I can tell you right now :ph34r:

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6 hours ago, Mestiv said:

If the show will follow the comic I can tell you right now :ph34r:

I know that 



gets it in the comic, but they could easily deviate. 

I don't want Glenn to die... or Maggie... or Daryl... or Micchone... or Aaron... Or Eugene... or Abe even though he's terrible to Rosita... or Rosita... or Sasha... And Rick's gonna lose his hand... Ugh...


And Negan's gonna beat the holy storm storming stormedy storm outta somebody...


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3 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

A guy just walked in, wearing a pirate costume, doing one of the best Jack Sparrow impressions I've ever seen. 


2 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Are you sure it was not Johnny Depp?

When my family went to Disneyland, we encountered a guy dressed as Jack Sparrow who was not only doing an excellent impression of the character, including the slightly drunken swaying walk, but was also an uncanny Johnny Depp lookalike. We took photos with him. :)

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14 hours ago, Sunbird said:


When my family went to Disneyland, we encountered a guy dressed as Jack Sparrow who was not only doing an excellent impression of the character, including the slightly drunken swaying walk, but was also an uncanny Johnny Depp lookalike. We took photos with him. :)

That sounds much less weird than my character interaction at Universal.

...Beetlejuice hit on me.  Sidled right up, put an arm around my shoulders, and attempted to sweet-talk me.  While I was walking hand-in-hand with my husband.  It was kind of hilarious. 

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Flash and Arrow started this week! Haven't had a chance to watch, but I did catch the first five minutes of the Arrow premiere, and damnation.

That fight was brutal. A few times, I had to stop, rewind and check that, yeah, that guy landed on his neck, or wow, the sheer strength Ollie throws is palpable through the screen.

It ain't game changing; it was a five minute scene. It doesnt compare to the choreography of, say, The Climb, or the emotions of Ollie vs Slade. 

But it set a tone which was different from season 3 and 4, one which was darker, more brutal...more in line with seasons 1 and 2. That has me optimistic.

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13 hours ago, Quiver said:

Flash and Arrow started this week! Haven't had a chance to watch, but I did catch the first five minutes of the Arrow premiere, and damnation.

That fight was brutal. A few times, I had to stop, rewind and check that, yeah, that guy landed on his neck, or wow, the sheer strength Ollie throws is palpable through the screen.

It ain't game changing; it was a five minute scene. It doesnt compare to the choreography of, say, The Climb, or the emotions of Ollie vs Slade. 

But it set a tone which was different from season 3 and 4, one which was darker, more brutal...more in line with seasons 1 and 2. That has me optimistic.

darn ur county must release them later.

I'm up to episode 3 of flash. MUST NOT SPOIL

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17 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

That sounds much less weird than my character interaction at Universal.

...Beetlejuice hit on me.  Sidled right up, put an arm around my shoulders, and attempted to sweet-talk me.  While I was walking hand-in-hand with my husband.  It was kind of hilarious. 

Captain America hit on my sister. She went up to take a picture with the guy in the suit (she's twenty, by the way; this is no small child) and he just smiled at her and made conversation and then took the picture. 

Oh, yeah, we also happened to go during the Halloween Horror Nights thing, because we bought tickets for it, and there were these dudes walking all around the park in blood-stained butcher's outfits, with fake chainsaws. Sister and I were crossing a bridge to get to Diagon Alley, when two of them cornered us. Then, one wouldn't leave us alone. My sister had a panic attack and started crying and we went back to the hotel. 

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On 29/10/2016 at 10:39 AM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Since posting A Kind of Magic on Wattpad last week, I've gotten 22 reads, and today, someone voted on all three chapters! 

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(I love SATW!Estonia. She's up there with Germany as my favorite country-turned-character. ^_^ ) 


Yay! Now I feel like getting back to wattpad, and starting to write again! Been too long my friends been too long.

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I've just had a terrible day at work. It was busy, all day. 12 hours, near constant work, with Halloween bring out the worst kind if miscreants and ne'er do Wells. When other people tell you to calm down and breath, you know you're getting stressed.

... I'm not posting in the wring thread, I'm building up:

I have two days off now.

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1 hour ago, Silverblade5 said:

That feeling you get when you've had no idea how to help a friend with big problems, then receive confirmation that something you did was helpful  ^_^

That thing was texting her this song.

It's an excellent song.  Good choice. :D 

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