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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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Just got home from a bible study where we talked about one of the most fragile subjects in Christendom: homosexuality. And I didn't get impaled or burned-at-the-stake! 

Really, though, this bible study has restored my faith in Christianity. After weeks of seeing the hatred around the world, it was nice to be able to know that people are accepting and cool about that sort of thing. 

Jon, our youth leader, brought up the topic as the subject for tonight and said some really insightful things about it, so I swallowed my fear and doubt and told everyone about how I like guys and girls, and it's not a big deal, but that I've had struggles myself with that, and even though there were only about six other people there, I still felt like it was a big step for me. Then after, some of the guys came up and told me that it was a "ballsy thing to do" and that they were proud of me. I feel quite happy with myself. 

However, this one completely insufferable and asinine human being  girl that I've known for a while did start to (completely non-emotionally) pat me on the shoulder because I was getting choked up. Some context: she has said terrible things about gay people and things that were just plain rude and hateful. So that was not as fun, but as my mother says: 

"That's her view of things. You just go on with yours." Or something like that. Something insightful and motherly.

But yeah, it was a good evening. 

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2 hours ago, bleeder said:

However, this one completely insufferable and asinine human being  girl that I've known for a while did start to (completely non-emotionally) pat me on the shoulder because I was getting choked up. Some context: she has said terrible things about gay people and things that were just plain rude and hateful.

If she's in a youth group, listening to a youth pastor say accepting things about homosexuality while a guy her age says that he likes both guys and girls, and she pats that guy on the shoulder instead of arguing with the youth pastor, then it could be a sign that her views are beginning to soften. Maybe they're even softening because that of that youth pastor and that guy her age. 

I know it doesn't seem like much, but back when I was still mired in that way of thinking, I'd have thought it my Christian duty to argue with the youth pastor in front of everyone. So it sounds to me like she's starting to see people instead of rhetoric—a huge step forward, and one that not everyone makes. 

Glad your youth group went well. ^_^ 

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5 hours ago, bleeder said:

Just got home from a bible study where we talked about one of the most fragile subjects in Christendom: homosexuality. And I didn't get impaled or burned-at-the-stake! 

Really, though, this bible study has restored my faith in Christianity. After weeks of seeing the hatred around the world, it was nice to be able to know that people are accepting and cool about that sort of thing. 

Jon, our youth leader, brought up the topic as the subject for tonight and said some really insightful things about it, so I swallowed my fear and doubt and told everyone about how I like guys and girls, and it's not a big deal, but that I've had struggles myself with that, and even though there were only about six other people there, I still felt like it was a big step for me. Then after, some of the guys came up and told me that it was a "ballsy thing to do" and that they were proud of me. I feel quite happy with myself. 

However, this one completely insufferable and asinine human being  girl that I've known for a while did start to (completely non-emotionally) pat me on the shoulder because I was getting choked up. Some context: she has said terrible things about gay people and things that were just plain rude and hateful. So that was not as fun, but as my mother says: 

"That's her view of things. You just go on with yours." Or something like that. Something insightful and motherly.

But yeah, it was a good evening. 

I'm really glad to hear this, bleeder. I also agree with what Twi said about how it could be a good sign that this girl didn't start a fight during the discussion. It may be that she was realizing how hurtful the things were that she's previously said--now that she knows that you're bisexual and she was insulting a real person that she knows--and didn't know how to apologize verbally, in front of the whole group. At least, I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt and hope it was something like that.

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I retook the ACT last month, all in the hopes of getting a better scholarship.

Today, I got my scores.


36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36!

(Technically, I got 35's on math and science, but I don't care right now.)

I still can't believe it. This basically means a full-ride for me, which will be hugely appreciated. Maybe, I'll get through college without mountains of debt. Maybe.

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1 hour ago, RippleGylf said:

I retook the ACT last month, all in the hopes of getting a better scholarship.

Today, I got my scores.

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36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36!

(Technically, I got 35's on math and science, but I don't care right now.)

I still can't believe it. This basically means a full-ride for me, which will be hugely appreciated. Maybe, I'll get through college without mountains of debt. Maybe.

Is 36 still a perfect score, or have they adjusted the range since I was in school?

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1 hour ago, RippleGylf said:

I retook the ACT last month, all in the hopes of getting a better scholarship.

Today, I got my scores.

  Reveal hidden contents

36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36! 36!

(Technically, I got 35's on math and science, but I don't care right now.)

I still can't believe it. This basically means a full-ride for me, which will be hugely appreciated. Maybe, I'll get through college without mountains of debt. Maybe.

You've given me hope of getting my scores in sometime soon. :P 

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Cause we need SOMETHING, gorram it:

We accepted an offer on the house today!  It's just a first step, there's still inspections and paperwork and all that rigamarole, but we are finally on our way to selling the house we moved out of last year!

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7 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Doctor Strange is phenomenal. 

If you haven't seen it, you should. Right now. I'll wait. 

Really? I haven't heard much positive about it. The few I know who've seen it are saying it's middling to bad but they seem to be the ones who really liked BvS(I loath this movie) and are starting to bash the Marvelness of the movies.

good to hear

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I've seen Doctor Strange twice now, so that should give some idea of how storming awesome I think it is, since I almost never see a movie more than once in theaters. (The last time I did that, it was because I'd missed the beginning of the movie the first time around.) There are plenty of literally lol-worthy moments and plenty of awesome fight scenes and special effects, but the film isn't just two hours of mindless eye candy like some action movies. Like many previous movies in the MCU, Doctor Strange prods at questions that don't have easy answers and tugs on your heartstrings in just the right way. Highly recommended!

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8 hours ago, Briar King said:

Really? I haven't heard much positive about it. The few I know who've seen it are saying it's middling to bad but they seem to be the ones who really liked BvS(I loath this movie) and are starting to bash the Marvelness of the movies.

good to hear

I think my opinion can be summed up with one small moment (in spoilers just in case) that showcases the difference between DC (specifically the Snyderverse) and Marvel movies, and why Marvel movies tend to be so much better. 


At one point, Strange is embroiled in an intense battle with another sorcerer on the astral plane. They can hurt one another, but the damage they can inflict on the physical world is limited. In the course of their battle, they smash into a vending machine seconds after a doctor pays for a bag of chips, collects it, and turns back down the hall. Their battle knocks another bag of the same kind of chips loose. 

Now, in a DC movie, this would be a moment where the camera would zoom in on the doctor's confused and terrified face. The music would swell, and he would gaze in wonder and fear at the thing that should not have happened. His face would make it clear that chips do not just fall, he knows that chips do not just fall, and that this means something terrible is happening that he cannot see. In the Snyderverse, he would probably be killed in just a few seconds. 

However, this is a Marvel movie. And so when the doctor hears the soft thump of a bag of chips against the vending machine, he turns around, grabs the second bag, and continues on his way. 

This is what a real person would do. A real person would not take a fallen bag of chips as a sign that unseen forces were battling it out. A real person would take a fallen bag of chips as a stroke of luck, take the chips, and continue on with their day in a much better mood. That is what the doctor does, and that is why Marvel movies are so much better than DC movies. In Marvel movies, even the extras behave like real people. 


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Twi's summary of the reason why recent Marvel movies have been higher quality than their DC counterparts also highlights another difference: Marvel isn't afraid to make fun of itself or inject some silliness into the story. DC seems to be all doom and gloom and "this is srs bzns guise."

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2 minutes ago, Nightbird said:

Twi's summary of the reason why recent Marvel movies have been higher quality than their DC counterparts also highlights another difference: Marvel isn't afraid to make fun of itself or inject some silliness into the story. DC seems to be all doom and gloom and "this is srs bzns guise."

I seem to remember seeing one meme on Facebook or Pinterest or somesuch that said something like "DC: 'dark and gritty is realistic!' vs. Marvel: 'Vin Diesel is a tree and Bradley Cooper is a talking raccoon.'" :lol: 

Edited by Slowswift
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Doctor Strange was fun, and has cool-looking, mandala-like special effects.  About the only think it didn't live up to was the level of sheer delight I had watching Iron Man, The Avengers, or Guardians of the Galaxy, nor the emotional intensity of The Winter Soldier.  The people out there saying it left them kind of expecting more, this is probably why.  As the MCU racks up more titles in its collection, it's harder to provide something new or better than what has come before.

The impressively new stuff: Doctor Strange, when he's still a surgeon, is not the charming douche Tony Stark was.  He's a realistic douche of a kind movies like this don't usually risk their protagonist being.  Cumberbatch's performance overall is more grounded than his usual, and the bag of tics and tricks he's used up until now is largely absent.  He's not working the Look At The Acting Thingies I'm Doing persona, he's just being the character, and it's got moments that are much more effective as a result.  Tilda Swinton and Chiwetel Ejiofor are also fantastic.  And the ending is actually clever and not the standard army-of-minions fight.

The negatives: Outside of the beginning and the end, the story follows the MCU structure to a T.  It's not bad (it's a fun story to retell), but it's less interesting with overuse.  Also, the initial steps of the MCU were slow and careful about introducing elements of arbitrary magic.  It's why they made sure Asgardians had a Doctor-Whoish technobabble explanation instead of full-on "rainbow bridge takes you to the Norse gods," and the Mandarin couldn't be a literal sorcerer with ten magic rings.  At this point, Guardians opened up the possibility of successfully basing stories around unfamiliar characters, and now Doctor Strange has justified magic and multiverses to the point where any plot now has an excuse.  Fantasy films where any random thing can happen can be hopeless messes, and Marvel now has to contend with that danger.

Phase I was a lead-up to The Avengers, to prove that a multi-franchise crossover universe could work in films.

Phase II had less clear goals, and seemed to be more about showing this model could be maintained and people would stick around when franchises got dark or unfamiliar characters got their own movies.

Phase III doesn't seem to be a lead-up to Infinity War any more - the movies after it are still considered a part, and there's no mention of a Phase IV.  There's competition now in the so far much lesser DC universe, and the real challenge for Marvel will be fighting superhero fatigue as the new standard their stories have set becomes just standard.  DC is continuing to exploit grimdark and the broader Gears of War and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland aesthetics and storytelling.  Will Marvel's charm, fun, and higher quality be enough?

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26 minutes ago, ThirdGen said:

Doctor Strange was fun, and has cool-looking, mandala-like special effects.  About the only think it didn't live up to was the level of sheer delight I had watching Iron Man, The Avengers, or Guardians of the Galaxy, nor the emotional intensity of The Winter Soldier.  The people out there saying it left them kind of expecting more, this is probably why.  As the MCU racks up more titles in its collection, it's harder to provide something new or better than what has come before.


Phase III doesn't seem to be a lead-up to Infinity War any more - the movies after it are still considered a part, and there's no mention of a Phase IV.  There's competition now in the so far much lesser DC universe, and the real challenge for Marvel will be fighting superhero fatigue as the new standard their stories have set becomes just standard.  DC is continuing to exploit grimdark and the broader Gears of War and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland aesthetics and storytelling.  Will Marvel's charm, fun, and higher quality be enough?

I might go see it this evening. 


For those of you who are caught up on Doctor Who, I have finally figured out the thing he plays in the diner! The guitar version of Clara's theme! It's so fun to play.

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4 hours ago, bleeder said:

For those of you who are caught up on Doctor Who, I have finally figured out the thing he plays in the diner! The guitar version of Clara's theme! It's so fun to play.

That episode broke my heart. :(

I do love how they work Clara's theme throughout the show, though. It works especially well in that scene. ^_^

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19 hours ago, Briar King said:

Really? I haven't heard much positive about it. The few I know who've seen it are saying it's middling to bad but they seem to be the ones who really liked BvS(I loath this movie) and are starting to bash the Marvelness of the movies.

good to hear

It was amazeballs.

James and I are actually considering going back to watch it again, this time in 3D.  I normally detest 3D because it's dumb and gimmicky, but I am not caught wondering how awe-inspiring the effects scenes in this movie are going to look, because HOLY CARP.

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Yay positive computer dates! Same format as in the Bad Day thread. Spoiled for length.




Shoot me a topic or ask a question


Um…. if you had to describe me to a person who has never met me before how would you?


I’d say you were a cute, kind person who has had a lot of struggles. She could make herself beautiful if she tried, even if others didn’t notice. Because of her struggles, she’s mentally grown more than the people around her. There are certain things she could understand better than others.


What? What does the bold mean?


Let’s see...some people might not notice you at all due to your shyness. However, if you were trying to look nice, and people were paying attention, they’d think you’d look awesome.


You do realize I'm not naturally shy right? I'm not shy at all. AT LEAST I wasn't before high school.


High School is the only place I’ve known you. Besides Austin and I, I’ve never really seen you really engage with others with the exception of color guard.


True. I wish you had met me before. I was a different girl a year ago. Happier. Engaged in every conversation. Smiling so real so much more often.


It’s funny how we’ve seem to have traded places. In middle school, I acted like you do now. Avoiding others when possible outside of certain circumstances. Always scared to speak. But THIS you, the you that you are right now, is the one that’s my girlfriend. Who knows, maybe, by the end of the year, we’ll be able to help you find the you that you used to be. :)


That's what I needed to hear today. Thank you.


Just remember that it’s YOU that I like. You don’t need to drastically change yourself in some way to make me like you more.


I’ve NEEDED to hear that as well. I don't know why but lately (like this week) I can't seem to wrap my mind around that exact concept.


If YOU had to describe yourself to someone, how would you do it? What do you see yourself as?


I would say I'm a messed up girl messed up by my family and that music is my life and I love quotes and that's who I am.  Song lyrics and Quotes. And that I had eyes that sparkled and a laugh that seems to loud at times.


All of this timey wimey stuff is has a big influence on what allowed you, the you that I like, to exist. Laugh loudly. Even if you’re the only one laughing. Laughter is contagious after all ;)


Can I tell you a secret? Well a kinda secret.


Yes. Love to hear it.


I like my eyes. But that's the only part I even like about myself. I hate everything else.


What do you like about your eyes? Describe them.


I like how when I smile they crinkle and when I laugh they sparkle just a Little bit. I've also always just liked the color.


Have you ever looked in a mirror when fake smiling?


Yes. I've never really smiled when looking at myself. Duh.


How would you describe that picture of your eyes?


That makes my eyes look dull. Almost black to me.


“They say the eyes are the window to the soul”~Some random guy


Yep that describes my soul. Black yet sparkly. Gosh.


Black is the perfect color for a canvas. Allows additional added colors to stand out more.


You are perfect did you know that. You always know the correct things to say.


No I don’t. I’m just making it all up as I go. Appreciate the compliment though.


You’re welcome. And I like how you just make it up as you go. It works for you.


A script just kills the mood. Make me… less human. More robotic. That’s how I sometimes see it anyways.


Haha Alexander the Robot. Alexandra the queen.


Beep boop beep boop beep boop

Exterminate all the haters! Exterminate! Delete them from existence! Upgrade them to friendly people!




Question for you.


Ok shoot.


How would you describe me to others?


Loud and annoying but that's okay cause he is also sweet and caring and even when he doesn't realize it he says ALL the right things. Too smart for his own good. And if you listen carefully sometimes his voice goes soft and not so loud pitched. And his eyes glimmer just a little when he smiles and his smile is the best thing ever and you always see it. It comes out as often as the sun comes out in the summer. Daily and almost for the whole day.


Sometimes, I think of the loud and annoying as a cover. One that, if not maintained, will cost me to go back to walking on eggshells. Not saying anything at all. Annoying because to prevent myself from not saying anything, I say everything that comes to mind. Even if it’s off topic. Even if it’s something someone might not want to hear.


Hey hey hey that's okay if it's a cover though. I use a lot of things as a cover. Sometimes I'm loud too. I can get annoying really fast. It's just A mask. An act.


What kinds of things do you hear for the bold part? For the underlined part?


For the bold part I'm thinking bio where you just talk and talk out loud. For the underlined part… not sure. I think for the underlined part I would have to say is more of a feeling I feel. Not something that actually happens.


What causes my smile to go away? What causes that glimmer to disappear? That you’ve noticed.


Mostly just when I'm talking about stuff. Stuff that I shouldn't have to deal with.


One thing I want you to know: That smile and glimmer don’t go away because I’m annoyed with you or because I want you to shut up. That’s not what causes it.


I am aware of that.


Alright. Do you think you know what the real cause of it leaving is then?


I'm not sure.. sadness?


I’m sad that you have to go through that rust, and mad at the people causing it. That’s what causes it to leave.

Hey Alex?


Yes..? And brb dinner. B back in 830 sorry. Don't delete this yet though.


Ok. I won’t.


Do me a favor. When you get a chance, open a new doc, then copy and paste this conversation into it. Then, the next time you end up doubting yourself, take a look, and remember what kind of person you are. Remember the kind of people that are backing you, supporting you, and believing in you. I’m going to do the same for me.



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