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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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My hope is that this will become a complementary thread to the Bad Day/Rant one.  ^_^


So, let's get this party started...


One of my regular rants over in the other thread was about my job, mostly the terrible work environment, where people like to point fingers and generally place blame, even for things that are not under anyone's control but happen in a matter they're handling.  So, I've been submitting my application for job openings elsewhere since the beginning of February and have had two in-person interviews and one phone interview.  The first interview in February went well, but they basically decided I'd be a great fit for a position they didn't yet have hiring authority for, so it took some time to hear from them.  In the meantime, I interviewed at a closer place and also had a great interview.  That was this past Monday.  On Tuesday morning, I got two job offers.  The place I saw in February, I'd already decided that commute would be too crazy, and so I had to graciously decline. The second offer for the closer place, I totally took it! 


So, I'm out of this crem hole of a work environment next Friday and heading into a less stressful one (I know because my husband works at the new office, he's just in a completely different group.  Also, I will have virtually no phone calls to deal with or interruptions of the nature I have in this office on a daily basis, which is where most of my stress originates.) on April 6th!!  Woo hoo!!  


Now, you might be tempted to ask, "Traceria, what do you plan to do now that you're going to be starting a new job in about three weeks?"  My answer would be, "Thanks for asking! I'm going to Disney World the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!"  So, if any of you happen to be at that park in about two weeks and see a blonde woman wearing a Ravenclaw Quidditch t-shirt, that's totally me.  My in-laws live in Florida, so my mother-in-law is having me down for the better part of a week, and we're going to enjoy Universal, mostly for Harry Potter stuff.  :D

Edited by traceria
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My hope is that this will become a complementary thread to the Bad Day/Rant one.  ^_^


So, let's get this party started...


One of my regular rants over in the other thread was about my job, mostly the terrible work environment, where people like to point fingers and generally place blame, even for things that are not under anyone's control but happen in a matter they're handling.  So, I've been submitting my application for job openings elsewhere since the beginning of February and have had two in-person interviews and one phone interview.  The first interview in February went well, but they basically decided I'd be a great fit for a position they didn't yet have hiring authority for, so it took some time to hear from them.  In the meantime, I interviewed at a closer place and also had a great interview.  That was this past Monday.  On Tuesday morning, I got two job offers.  The place I saw in February, I'd already decided that commute would be too crazy, and so I had to graciously decline. The second offer for the closer place, I totally took it! 


So, I'm out of this crem hole of a work environment next Friday and heading into a less stressful one (I know because my husband works at the new office, he's just in a completely different group.  Also, I will have virtually no phone calls to deal with or interruptions of the nature I have in this office on a daily basis, which is where most of my stress originates.) on April 6th!!  Woo hoo!!  


Now, you might be tempted to ask, "Traceria, what do you plan to do now that you're going to be starting a new job in about three weeks?"  My answer would be, "Thanks for asking! I'm going to Disney World the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!"  So, if any of you happen to be at that park in about two weeks and see a blonde woman wearing a Ravenclaw Quidditch t-shirt, that's totally me.  My in-laws live in Florida, so my mother-in-law is having me down for the better part of a week, and we're going to enjoy Universal, mostly for Harry Potter stuff.  :D


That's awesome! :D I'm so happy you're getting a better job AND a trip to Wizarding London! 


Mine: I'm nearly done with school, my internship is going so well the director hinted that she wants me to apply for an opening with the system I'm interning with, and the WIP I'm writing is coming together nicely. I don't know if I'm ready to start writing yet or not, but I've recently changed the setting from near-future-post-apocalyptic-with-1940s-type-technology to straight 1940s alternate history, and it's feeling far more organic. 

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I thought I would have to post on the "Having a Bad Day" thread--today our littlest kitten, Bliss by name, went missing for an hour. She's always scampering directly underfoot, so having her disappear for so long was alarming and troubling for us all.


Fortunately, she merely got herself stuck behind a piece of furniture in a corner of the cabin. She's safe and sound, if a little hungry. She's currently scampering around the house like usual, purring uproariously if you touch her or look at her for too long. :D

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Mine is that the storyline for the Collaborative AoK scenario I'm working on is starting to come together. It looked like we were going to have some conflict, with two or three strong writers with different ideas on where the story should go, but things are falling together now.


Also, I'm finally getting inspiration back for my Wheel of Time mod for the same game.


I finished the first half my General Relativity take-home exam, and am on the verge of finishing the Schwarzschild solution to the Einstein equation!


And then I can start writing my next piece for my Edassa RP!


So yes, I'm a little excited.

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My birthday is next week. (31st March) I'm excited. One of my videos on my channel also reached 50,000 views in two weeks, which was pretty exciting :)  :D Not really sure what else to write.

Edited by Queen Elsa Steelheart
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So, despite my...frustrations at the Health service, I do have some good news. Thefirst of which is that I am now a paid member of society, with my own job and everything!

The other story I just read about Bob Kane which is very satisfying, and kind of shows there is some justice in the world.

Let me tell you about Bob Kane. He's the guy who created Batman. He was also kind of a terrible person.

See, during the superhero craze, he had an idea, to ape Supermans success. He had a name, and an image and a costume: the Bat-Man. A blonde haired dude in a red cape with superpowers.

An artist and co-creator of Kane's named Bill Finger threw that out and started over, creating a more Gothic character; an ordinary man, who dressed in black, driven the tragedy of having lost his parents as a child, a man who would adopt an orphan and fight mad clowns. Bill Finger basically created Batman, and his name isn't on any of it.

Thats because Kane was...a good businessman. To put it politely. He snagged a contracts with DC which established him as sole creator of Batman and spent decades downplaying Fingers contributions- by which I mean claiming he invented all of it.

From what I read, he eventually Finger had a role to play and deserved to be on the creator tag. He just waited until Finger died in obscurity before he said it. When Kane died, his headstone acknowledged GOD as co-creator of Batman, for providing him with divine inspiration.

Finger is still not on creator tags.

Why is this a good story, you ask? Because the article detailing it linked to an interview with Jim Steranko. He recalled meeting Kane at a convention, where he detailed his being responsible for Batman and said goodbye by tapping Steranko in the face.

The next morning, Steranko hunted Kane down, and slapped him in return. Kane didn't respond.

After reading how much of a jerk he was, hearing a story Luke that made me laugh.

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Anyone in US/Canada that's star geeks go look to the West right now to see a crescent Moon and Venus next to each other! It's magical. I put a pic on FB though I don't think I'm friends with anyone on this Board unless some of you under different names and from Malazan Board.

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Anyone in US/Canada that's star geeks go look to the West right now to see a crescent Moon and Venus next to each other! It's magical. I put a pic on FB though I don't think I'm friends with anyone on this Board unless some of you under different names and from Malazan Board.


I saw it earlier while running a few nocturnal chores. I love seeing this sort of astronomical event. ^_^

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I saw it earlier while running a few nocturnal chores. I love seeing this sort of astronomical event. ^_^

Early last year when Mars was closer to us and shinning really bright red the Moon was full and Mars was just a few points to the right of it was even better. It looked like the Moon had a Moon.

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First I want to share a what the storm event. Due to tecnical problems we had two lecture room changes and almost an hour of delay, but, despite that, we ended up ending early - by 20 minutes! And the lecture was only scheduled to 1 hour 45 minutes!

Second is the exitement event. We are going to a castle after the lunch with my course! We are to look at an exhibition with clothes from Elizabeth: the golden age!

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