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The night was quiet. Oddly so, after the Mayor's proclamation. If this was a war, it was a strange one. No one fought, no one built defences, rust, barely anyone even moved. Streetlamps slowly began to go out one by one. Sabotage from the Spiked, ensuring that they could not be caught easily.


Things changed slowly. First one person roused themselves, then another, and another. Feeling their way around in the dark, they gathered, congregating around the edges of the cavern. They all sought one thing: escape.


Some found it, others chose to remain behind. Those that left found themselves dazed and confused by the dark, reaching new rooms just as the first faint light of dawn came through the ventilation shafts.


For those who stayed behind, a sudden crash shattered the night's silence.




A thrill of anticipation ran through the Hemalurgist's veins as they closed in on their prey. After so long spent searching, and then hiding, it was finally time to act. These rebels would know the Lord Ruler's wrath, soon enough.


A touch of nerves came too. This would be the first person they killed, and one of the most important. It would be their neck on the line if this went wrong.


Their grip tightened on the obsidian blade they held, and the Spiked carefully inched closer to the sleeping form nearby, discernible only by the sound of their breathing. 


Hopefully within striking distance, they lashed out... only to have their arms dragged to the side by their metal bracers. The knife struck only rock, screeching against it for a moment before shattering. Knocked off balance, the Hemalurgist knocked in to a statue of Lord Mountford, sending it crashing to the ground.


Rust. Back on their feet in an instant, they fled, off into the night, leaving their prey free to live another day.




Someone was attacked, but no one died!


Two pretty cool items were found, and the Town Square now holds an awesome item.


A quick clarification, that we feel will be mighty interesting to some people:


Some clarity on bendalloy/cadmium:



 Bendalloy background.  Let everyone in the same room as you (including you) take one extra action in the night.  Fails if you leave the room.  Doesn’t work for anyone who leaves the room.  Note: you can add a fourth action to your PM just in case there’s a bendalloy misting in the room with you.  Yay for contingencies!

Cadmium background.  Everyone who is in the same room as you (including you) at the beginning of the night has one less action period for that night, even if they leave the room.  Their last action period just disappears.  Fails if you leave the room.


If you leave a bendalloy bubble, you lose the extra action period.  If you leave a cadmium bubble, you don’t get your lost action period back.  


This leads to some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff that happens when the bubbles overlap.  If you are in a bendalloy and a cadmium bubble at the same time, the effect cancels each other out.  But if you leave the bubble, the effect of the bendalloy bubble is lost, and you still lose the action period.  


If you leave the bubble in an action period that is then lost when the bendalloy’s effect on you is canceled, you stay in the same place, but you still lose the action period.  




Day One ends in approximately 48 hours. Merry lynching! 


​EDIT: Write-up is in, although it's nothing special. If you haven't yet received a PM about your actions, remind us, and we'll get to it as soon as we can.

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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I've got no issue. Everything's the same as the original map, except that the item in room B2 (the Town Square) is awesome now. Someone must have found the old one.

I beleive they also found one in another room but it was replaced with another pretty cool item.  Someone must've gotten really lucky as from what I can work out is that those that left the room only had two actions for the night.  One of which was used moving.  That means that they got the item on the first search.

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I believe that all the PMs are out now.  If you didn't receive a PM about your actions, please bring that to our attention.  


If you hadn't already begun to do so, you are now completely free to discuss the results of the night.  Happy Lynching!

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Bortington-Smythe looked around and considered. Where to put his next masterpiece? He was tired of painting on the floor. No-one paid any attention to his work, and worse, they just stomped over it. No, this time, he needed something more. He needed... A WALL!


Soon, he was sketching away, putting into place designs for a larger painting, almost oblivious to the Spiked nearby.

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This leads to some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff that happens when the bubbles overlap.  If you are in a bendalloy and a cadmium bubble at the same time, the effect cancels each other out.  But if you leave the bubble, the effect of the bendalloy bubble is lost, and you still lose the action period.  


People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect…

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Okay, guys, we've wasted enough time. It's time to get some discussion going. I, for one, am not particularly gung-ho on a lynch this cycle. We didn't gain any info last night except for some weird time bubble stuff. Only one of my actions(the first) went through. We know two people found items and that the town square has an awesome one now. 

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"You say it was allomancy, but if you stop to think, you'll see it can't possibly have been time dilation effects! You wouldn't usually need to sleep after performing just one night action. Wouldn't that always be true in your rest frame? Why would the flow of time elsewhere determine how much sleep you need? I'll tell you: it's because there was no Cadmium! Anyone who left the Town Square got hit by the Trellists' brainwashing and forgot those periods ever happened. And they'll do it again! We need to find those aluminium foil hats, else we'll all..."


Nobody was paying Kirrah much attention, but that didn't bother her. She could talk at them all day. Maybe she'd hold the line about cadmium - whoever it was had stopped her from having a try at her new banjo, after all. She'd hoped to have some musical accompaniment to her heckling today, but it was not to be. Perhaps she'd get to practice tonight instead.


It sounds like a lot of us are in the position of having lost two actions due to the Cadmium burners. I'll tentatively agree with Maill on not lynching anyone, since it seems only people who both stayed in the Town Square and chose to sleep actually have a vote, which is likely a small group and hence potentially easy for the Spiked to control.


I'm not above pseudovotes, though! Where's Meta? Eol? Piff?

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Meta is dealing with his computer's hard drive crashing on him right before the final series of tests before finals. :( Sorry guys, I've been meaning to make it in here for a while now, but every time I get a chance to use a computer or so has been dedicated to other things. I've just been trying to keep up with everything that's been going on. I have a new hard drive coming in hopefully by the end of the week, so I should be back up and running soon-ish. Just let me caught up on RL, and I'll be back!

So, to show that I'm still paying attention (I'll get back to RP when I have my computer back up), let me say this; I don't think we should just take not lynching off the table like that. We have quite a bit of information from last night, even if it doesn't look like it. 
First, we have the Spiked's missed hit. The person who protected said person should be getting in contact with their target! The chances of someone being protected in such a fashion is too slim for this to be a gambit by the Spiked. So they can be fairly certain their target last night was villager. IF this hasn't happened, then it's because this really was just too convenient and the two were already working together (aka both being Spiked and trying to set up one of their own as "innocent."). This either gives us knowledge about the Spiked's abilities or already allows us to have at least two people that can trust each other pretty decently. 

There's a third option, where the Spiked "saved" someone else to get them on their side, but I think the trade off there is a bit weak. 


We also have the bubbles. Sure, that could just be people playing around with their powers, but it could also tell us more about what the Spiked have available to them. Remember what I said before the game even began about the Spiked being able to coordinate their power uses more effectively than the rest of us early on? 

I'm not saying the use of two (or being used twice *GM ruling or bubbles being used multiple times in a night, please?) bubbles was deliberate, but we shouldn't discount the possibility either. 


Those right there is quite a bit to go off of. A lot more than we typically have at least! As such, I wouldn't just take lynching off the table. We just need to be careful about it, since there's a decent chance that a lot of us don't have our votes. In fact, those of you who don't have your vote should be throwing votes around right now (IIRC, you can still vote, it just won't be counted)! It might scare one of the Spiked out of hiding (less effective now, since I had to spell it out here). They don't know that your vote won't count, so they have to worry about votes that may or may not be actual votes. 

If not this turn, please remember this for future turns! 


...And now I've spent far longer on this than I should have. I need to get back to Physics for the test tomorrow. I'll try to be back as soon as possible guys! Promise! 

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The rules say that time bubbles are a full-night background action. They don't work on the action period system, because their function is to alter the number of action periods. So there were at least two cadmium mistings out there. (Or one cadmium misting and a Nicroburst. Or a secret mistborn with cadmium and duralumin.) given that I, who staid behind, had no action loss, I suspect the situation was one Cadmium and one Bendalloy misting in Town Square (They have to have overlapped at least once, or the GMs wouldn't have felt it necessary to explain how that works) and one in Mushroom Farms. I haven't heard from anyone who lost two actions going another direction.


I think you're right, though, in that the bubbles overlapping on the first round seems convenient to me. It would have been a clever maneuver, if they knew how it would work out (and if they were discussing it in the doc, I bet a GM just popped in to confirm the mechanics of it). They could all stay behind, and retain their actions, while the majority of players would leave, and have an action stolen. I think this is supported by the fact that the RP of the write-up seems to indicate that the attack happened in the Town Square.


If this is all correct, then the attack almost certainly came in the first action period. Any later than that, and they would have risked missing because their target had left the room.


twelfthrootoftwo, is your username a music theory reference?

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Cylkan stood in the middle of town square staring out at the cold dark streetlamps surrounding him. He had failed to protect them and now they were all gone. A burning rage welled up within him.They had gone too far this time. He could handle the lying and the spying. Even a few murders he was fine with!  He had been perfectly happy staying out of this whole fight. But now that the Spiked had began hurting his streetlamps they would have to pay. Fuelled by his rage Cylkan let out a yell that could be heard throughout the whole town.






Also for the Cadmium/Bendalloy action losses the only possibility is that two people with bendalloy stayed in the town square. We have no way of knowing what the cadmiums did since we all started in the same room so all lost actions for it no matter where we went. However if you stayed in the town square your 2 action losses was contradicted by the Bendalloy.

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Well, based on the fact that there hasn't been a single vote this cycle, I'm willing to bet that almost everyone spent the whole night trying out their flashy new powers and looking for cool items and so forth. Which means that the spiked, if they have some zinc and brass allomancers, can control the lynch very easily. So I propose that as a general rule, everyone should spend their 1st action sleeping to give the village control over the vote, especially in the event something like last night happens again.

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Well, blast. Okay, possibility two, there were two cadmium mistings and two bendalloy mistings in the Town Square. That way everyone who left lost two actions. That's even harder to coordinate, though.

If we run with the idea that the bubbles were all from the Spiked, then this requires them to have four Bendalloy/Cadmium mistings. That takes up more than half their team (with 30 players and potential conversions, I'd hold the line on the number of Spiked at 7). For a game of this complexity, that's a strong imbalance of powers between the village and Spiked. It's not impossible - depends how much the GMs want to troll us - just unlikely, IMO. It's more probable the Spiked have one Bendalloy/Cadmium pair and the other occurred by chance, or that it was entirely chance.


Bendalloy and Cadmium are background powers, not passive. Does that mean they all had to choose to activate them?


twelfthrootoftwo, is your username a music theory reference?

Upvotes for you! Nobody's picked that before :)

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