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If we run with the idea that the bubbles were all from the Spiked, then this requires them to have four Bendalloy/Cadmium mistings. That takes up more than half their team (with 30 players and potential conversions, I'd hold the line on the number of Spiked at 7). For a game of this complexity, that's a strong imbalance of powers between the village and Spiked. It's not impossible - depends how much the GMs want to troll us - just unlikely, IMO. It's more probable the Spiked have one Bendalloy/Cadmium pair and the other occurred by chance, or that it was entirely chance.


Bendalloy and Cadmium are background powers, not passive. Does that mean they all had to choose to activate them?


Upvotes for you! Nobody's picked that before :)


Not only did they all have to choose to activate them, if any of them left the room, it would have failed. So they're all still in room B2 with me.


It's just the only context in which I've seen a twelfth root before. :)

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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Well, based on the fact that there hasn't been a single vote this cycle, I'm willing to bet that almost everyone spent the whole night trying out their flashy new powers and looking for cool items and so forth. Which means that the spiked, if they have some zinc and brass allomancers, can control the lynch very easily. So I propose that as a general rule, everyone should spend their 1st action sleeping to give the village control over the vote, especially in the event something like last night happens again.

No they can't.  If no one votes then no vote can be cancelled or changed. Allomantic brass and Allomantic zinc need votes to be active in order to work.


The only thing the spiked can do to ensure someone is lynched is to vote or at least encourage others to vote.  But that will expose them so I doubt that will happen.  This will most likely be a no kill round which is a win in my books.

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So topics of the cycle: the attack, the time bubbles, and the vote.

The Attack

This is probably the most important thing for me to comment on right now. I received a message from someone who claimed they were a Lurcher who protected me from an attack last night. I’m inclined to believe them right now, especially since no one else has come forward claiming to have been protected. It is odd they chose to protect me over themselves. However, I believe them when they say they thought I was a more likely target than them.

This means the spiked attacked me last night. I’ve mentioned this to a few people in PMs, but I really have no clue who decided to attack me. I’m putting it in the thread now because I think it is information everyone should have. Especially since the Spiked already know.

Time Bubbles

As far as I can tell, there were two Cadmium and two Bendalloy bubbles in the Town Square. Everyone who stayed had three actions. Everyone who left, no matter where they went, only had the one they left with. There is nothing that happened with my actions that contradicts this. I don’t really know what we should do with this information. At least we know the Cadmium and Bendalloy burners have to be in the Town Square now, I think.


Due to the Cadmium bubbles and the fact that it seems many people who stayed in the Town Square chose to forgo sleep in favor of other actions, there probably aren’t many people who can vote. In fact, a small group of people could control the vote without most players having a say. (Of course, the Spiked might have just as little ability to vote as the rest of us.)

Since there aren’t many people who can vote, and it’s so late in the cycle, and we have no real suspicions, I think it would be best to let this cycle be a no vote. I’ll view any vote now with suspicion unless there is a very good reason for it. As Alvron mentioned, we don’t need to worry about vote manipulation as long as no one votes.

However, I think we should try to have more voting in future cycles. Voting is a major part of the game. Votes help us kill Eliminators and gives us important information about them. Hopefully in the future there will not be too many votes lost to Cadmium and lack of sleep.

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The cycle is now over.  Write-up coming soon.


Edit: Actually, the cycle is over in two minutes.  It turns out that my clock is fast.  


Edit 2: Ok, now the cycle is over.  

Edited by Newan
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Night 2: Wake Up!


Dorryn, the Ballot Counter, was excited.  War on the Spiked?  It seemed like something was finally about to happen in this town.  The Twinborn were going to live up to their potential and uncover the parasites that were eating away at the town from the inside.  And by counting their votes, she was helping!  


Any minute now, the runners would bring her their votes, and she would count them, and the first Spiked would be convicted.  


Any minute.  




Just as Dorryn could see the mist starting to filter into the top of the cavern, one of the runners came to her.  This was the only runner she had seen all day.  Unfortunately, the ballot was blank except for a few smudges.  


Malrick: (0) Cylkan


Nobody was lynched!  You have until 8:00 pm PDT on Friday to turn in your actions for Night 2.

Edited by Newan
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First of all, due to the title... Wake Up! :P


If our Cadmium burners aren't Spiked, I hope they got it out of their system now. 


If you're a village Cadmium burner, please don't use your ability tonight. You effectively hurt the Village's chances by taking away actions from everyone that moved (sure, some of them could've been Spiked actions, but there are far less of them than there are of Villagers, so you likely stopped more Villager actions than Spiked). We should all be spreading out as much as possible to make it easier to determine where a Spiked attack happened. If we all spread out to different rooms, that would make it so that there are roughly 3 people per room 9 rooms by roughly 30 people). Now, obviously, this isn't going to happen, as everyone is going to move around, but by spreading out, we narrow down the focus to that room and the connected rooms. The only way this doesn't work is if the Spiked kill, move, move and we still can narrow it down to 2/3 of the map, which is better than all of it! 


Spreading out also makes it easier for us to pick up items, as there will be more chances overall to get an item. 


So let's not all rush back into the center, please, just because the room has the possibility of an awesome item! We'd just be setting ourselves up to get no information out of this night. 

My hard drive should be in tomorrow, so I should be back up sometime this weekend (got to install the OS, update everything, install key programs, etc.)! Malrick and his *Alehouse should be back by the next day turn at least


*I have an RP in mind for this, but I think the name "Alehouse" is a bit befitting, so for those of you that wanted a name, feel free to just call it "The Alehouse."

Edited by Metacognition
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LG11 Day Two: Out of Time


The air was still down in the caverns. Well, stiller than usual, anyways. Everyone and everything seemed to wait with baited breath. War had come, but death was yet to follow. And that was about to change.




A dark figure stood over a sleeping form, crude metal spike in hand. They were nervous. They really had no clue what they were doing. All they knew was that the spike went through the heart, From there... well, it wouldn't matter until the first part was done, anyways.


Readying themselves, they knelt, lining up the spike for a clean shot through the heart. One second passed. Then two. Then three. The spike plunged downwards. 


An instant before it would have struck, it was yanked to the side, arcing off into the cavern. The sleeper stirred, and the would-be hemalurgist fled into the dark.




Jode ran, breathing heavily, doing his best to avoid falling in the dark. He ran, but he didn't try to escape. The stage was set, and the boundaries were decided. Someone was about to die, and with all luck, it wouldn't be him.


Cadmium was a low burn in the pit of his stomach, not enough for someone unaccustomed to time dilation to notice, but hopefully enough for his purposes. A sudden clattering sounded off to the side, and Jode found himself falling, feet caught up by a chain. Rust.


He fell hard, the air rushing out of his lungs. Tapping pewter, he threw himself back to his feet, chain links snapping.  Turning slowly, Jode searched uselessly in the darkness for his attacker. "Come on then! I know you're out there! Kill me!"


A low laugh rose from the dark. "Now why would I do that? You don't have a lot of pewter left. I'm more than happy to bide my time until you're more... amenable." A pause, and the voice shifted positions. "Besides. I've got all night. Why shouldn't I have just a little fun?"


"I'm afraid, my friend, time might be running out just a little faster than you think." Jode focused, flaring his cadmium as fast as it would go. Time sped up, minutes turning into mere seconds. Tapping all his remaining pewter, he lunged desperately for where he thought the hemalurgist was.


Finding nothing, he landed flat on his face.


"Tsk. Not quite fast enough." A foot pressed Jode down into the dirt. "Your time, however, appears to be going, going..." The hemalurgist's knife came down, carving a white-hot line of pain into his back.






Jode was a Cadmium/Pewter Twinborn!

Someone was attacked, but survived!


Three items have been found!

The Upscale Residence now holds an Uncanny item!

The Town Square now holds a Pretty Cool item!


Day Two has begun!


(PMs will be sent out as soon an possible.)

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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This was meant to be posted during the night cycle, but (thanks to daylight savings) the rollover was earlier than I thought.


Mayor Gund's house was one of the best-lit buildings in the caverns. Steady gas lamps shone through each window, mingling with the warm radiance of the streetlights. Kirrah watched occasional passersby from where she sat, hidden in the shadows. She didn't normally meet the mayor in person, but apparently he had an important message for her tonight.


She heard a door open, followed by whistling - the signal. She ducked behind the building, avoiding the piles of 'extra storage' the Mayor couldn't bring himself to throw away. Gund himself appeared a few moments later, carrying a stepladder. He frowned at her as he rounded the corner.


"First of all" he said, setting the ladder down, "why aren't we meeting somewhere more...hidden?"


"Oh, that's simp-"




"Think about it," she continued, more softly. "If you're seen heading to some dark corner in, say, the Cemetery, what will people think? I'll tell you what: they'll think 'what is the Mayor up to?' And they'll get suspicious. This way, they'll just think you're fixing the gutters or something. Which is much -"


"Fixing gutters? We're underground. Anyway. You're here because I've been rather disappointed with your performance."


"What!? Didn't you hear me the night you declared war? I had the Spiked pinned on Millie! And the Cadmium bubbles - just you watch, I'll figure out how she masterminded the whole thing and then - "


"It doesn't matter what you say, it matters what people think! you can't even hold the line on public opinion; they just laugh you off. So, if you can't sow some genuine doubt this week, you might have to find a new roof over your head."


He picked up the stepladder and walked off before she could respond, so she fixed his back with a glare. (Much meaner than she'd given Lord Mountford and retinue.) Losing the Mayor's 'special consideration' on rent wasn't much of a blow - she wouldn't be sleeping in her bed anyway, thanks to the Spiked war - but his lack of consideration for her hard work was just rude.


Annoyed, she glanced around the piles of refuse. A basket of scrunched paper caught her eye; she walked over to it and started pulling the balled pages open. Personal correspondence, personal correspondence, finance, list of residents -


This one was mostly blotted out by ink. Curious, she walked over to better light. There were only a few words she could pick out. 'Sleepy twinb' - twinborn? 'Cadmium' was clear. '-rellis-'...Trellis? Trellist? And...


'...mind control.'


Eyes wide, she pocketed the page. What was this letter?

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The attacker whose spike attack failed, is a villager. The write up described them as being "would be hemalurgists", all other factions have spikes in one form or another, so they would be hemalurgists, rather than wannabe hemalurgists. Therefore the would-be killer must be a regular twinborn.

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the write-up only states clues to a persons power in certain circumstances.  I kind-of doubt that someone with those powers would already be getting attacked.  We can speculate, but not confirm any evidence from the write-up.

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Well, nobody is voting, so I guess I'll be the first. I'm going to vote for Sheol because I haven't seen Eol make any posts (although I might have missed some) and the lynch is a good place to get info, both from the discussion and the result, along with any emotional allomancy that happens.

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good insight honey badger. i though that was noteworthy, but nobody else had pointed it out so i thought i was being paranoid. Araris, if there are soothers/rioters, and if we have only a few votes, i doubt any will end up counting for the person being voted for.

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